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What do you do to help yourself relax?


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So for me, finals are over, GRE is over, everything is over, and I SHOULD be relaxing.


I have yet to get two of my final grades because they will officially be posted early next week, and I am still applying to grad programs. My statement of purpose is done, transcripts are sent, and all I need to do is submit my applications, but not all of my LORs are submitted, and I have not received my score report from ETS, so I just have to wait, maybe like another week or so.

Waiting is so hard for me, especially since I'm anxious about my final grades.

So I'm just curious as to how people cope with this very stressful period?

I made appointments for mani/pedi and a massage since my neck is killing me. I am also making an appointment to get a facial done and hopefully this feeling of anxiety will go away after my self-indulgence period is over.

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Gradstudent84, go with the mani/pedi! Perhaps consider doing something with your hair too-- highlights, hair cut, etc.

I wish I had time to relax; I will be done with classes on Monday, but before then, I have to finish a final and a paper. I also have 2.5 applications to complete. I'm ready to watch some television and do some major working out! This has been too sedentary of a semester, which the fit (or lack thereof) of my clothing supports. . . .dry.gif And then there is the Christmas shopping that still must be done; I still have some decorating to do to! Still stressing.

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Things I do:

- I catch up on reading I've been meaning to do. (meaning.... articles related to my research. tongue.gif)

- Drawing, painting, or doing anything creative really helps me relax.

- I like to spend time on netflix rating movings and building a sick queue. It makes me feel accomplished, too!

- Smoke hookah with friends, but I don't recommend this because it's not healthy. I don't do it often, personally.

- Skype with my mom's dog, who is all the way across the country. Yes, you read the correctly. I skype with a dog.

- Play video games. That's also my nerd outlet.

- Post on TGCF.

Yeah, so these are more fun/relaxing, not like, mani-pedi-massage relaxing, but they're still ways I cope with my anxiety.

Edited by katerific
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Two Words:

Judge Judy.

Seriously. I live vicariously through the way she channels her angst.

best answer ever.

I'm so ready for the day when some defendant, in response to her saying, "I'm smarter than you," to bust out with her academic track record in comparison his/hers. Oh, I will relish the day!

As for me, I'm starting Mad Men all over again and smoking. These things go hand in hand.

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