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Most annoying questions or comments


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So, this is essentially a rant disguised in a discussion question. Who has been confronted with other people who ask annoying questions or make asinine comments? I have several, hence the post. First, when people ask where I apply, there are generally two responses: Wow, those are all great programs (to which I want to respond, DUH! Do you think I am going to apply to Podunk U?) The second response is generally, "What's your first choice?" to which I want to say, I like all of the schools; it is so competitive that being accepted anywhere is an honor. And, it's not like I have a say anyway, so what a pointless question! Another irritant has been the lecturing I have gotten from professors who only barely know me about the competitiveness of the market for humanities. I have done my research; I am well aware. Today I was caught in a 20 minute one-sided conversation about this with an economics professor.

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I'm applying to psychology programs focused on cognitive development, and I am normally a very patient, mellow person, but i swear if anyone else makes a "oh, so you can read my mind" joke.....


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For me, it'd be when decision time came (I applied last year):

"So have you decided yet?"

"Oh, why don't you like School A? It's such a good school."

"This is the best for you because so-and-so reasons" when they clearly have no idea what they are talking about.

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I'm applying to psychology programs focused on cognitive development, and I am normally a very patient, mellow person, but i swear if anyone else makes a "oh, so you can read my mind" joke.....


Oh dear. People do tend to think they are very clever.

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"A lot of the schools you are applying to are very competitive. Have you considered (insert lower tiered school here)?"


And, a few months later, I get an interview with UCLA.

What was it you were saying about competitiveness?


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I was at a conference this past week, and the #1 question was "where are you applying??"

It's a legit question. There's nothing wrong with that.

But at a conference, when you're asked this like 50 times a day, and you list a million schools each time.... it certainly gets tiring! Especially when they can't guess who you want to work for. (Fortunately, most of them could name the professors for me! laugh.gif)

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How about this one:

Them: So how long will it take you to get your PhD? about a year?

Me: Actually its like 4 to 5 years.

Them: It takes 4 years??

Me: Yes,

Them: Why in the world do you want to go to school for four more years??

Me: shoot me now, please.

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My life last December, January and February:

Everyone: I'm sure you'll get in somewhere.

Me: Actually, admissions suck. Please tell me that even if I don't get in, it doesn't make me a bad person and it doesn't mean I'm stupid.

Everyone: I'm sure you'll get in!

Me: No! Listen! What I need to hear is, even if I don't get in, that doesn't mean I'm stupid and a complete failure at life! Please! I'm begging you! That's all I need to hear!

Everyone: But surely you'll get in.

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My life last December, January and February:

Everyone: I'm sure you'll get in somewhere.

Me: Actually, admissions suck. Please tell me that even if I don't get in, it doesn't make me a bad person and it doesn't mean I'm stupid.

Everyone: I'm sure you'll get in!

Me: No! Listen! What I need to hear is, even if I don't get in, that doesn't mean I'm stupid and a complete failure at life! Please! I'm begging you! That's all I need to hear!

Everyone: But surely you'll get in.

Ha. This!

I think by now most people I know have settled down or can take my grumpiness for a hint. When I was first entering undergrad., though, and contemplating majoring in English, I had a gal laugh, turn to me and say, "Repeat after me: Do you want fries with that?"

I think that was the rudest comment I ever got re. my future prospects.

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I've gone through all the same questions as well!

I hate when people say, "i'm sure you'll get in somewhere." but what else are they going to say? Most people wouldn't say well, since its so competitive, you might want to start looking to backup options.

One comment that really bugged me from my parents:

"Why are you applying to so many schools? Are you sure you're not just randomly picking schools?"

Ah, I know they don't know much about this process but that was probably the most annoying for me.

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My life last December, January and February:

Everyone: I'm sure you'll get in somewhere.

Me: Actually, admissions suck. Please tell me that even if I don't get in, it doesn't make me a bad person and it doesn't mean I'm stupid.

Everyone: I'm sure you'll get in!

Me: No! Listen! What I need to hear is, even if I don't get in, that doesn't mean I'm stupid and a complete failure at life! Please! I'm begging you! That's all I need to hear!

Everyone: But surely you'll get in.

Well you got in after all!! Hope we are all as lucky.

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