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I am currently in the middle of a Public Policy masters program and…don’t think I can go on. I am so bored I can barely function, with classes because I am not interested enough in the material, and an assistantship where I do absolutely nothing 99% of the time – really, nothing. I can’t go on like this. I also do not want the jobs that come with this degree. I thought I did, but I’ve done some serious soul-searching and was thinking even before I started grad school that I would be better suited, as far as what I actually do at work, for something like web/graphic design/development. I could still work for the same non-profits or other organizations, just doing that instead of policy work.

I've been feeling this way since I started the program and it hasn't gotten better, so I am seriously thinking about leaving after next semester to pursue this path. The plan is to take design courses either at a local university or community college to get some sort of credential/degree that would make me employable. I could always pursue a different graduate degree later on.

This is definitely a gut-wrenching decision to make, and I am pretty sure I have already made it, I just would like to know if I'm nuts because it's been keeping me up at night. I also haven't really told anyone(at least, anyone who has given me useful feedback).

Anyway, it feels good to have this in writing, floating around cyberspace...

Thanks for reading.

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Your consideration doesn't sound unreasonable at all. After all, it's your life and it's up to you to do the best for yourself -- that includes doing something you find rewarding and worthwhile. From what you said, it sounds like pursuing this degree is a total waste of your time. Then I'd say go after what you are passionate about! Good luck :)

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if you are already in the middle can you finish very fast? Just take all the required classes in one semester, throw a thesis together and leave. That will end the boredom too if you say : I will finish in a semester period. Even if officially you cannot do that grad advisors can be very helpful in finding shortcuts! In that way you will have something tangibe and maybe you will be able to use that degree somewhere down the line.(you do not have to work in that area)

if not then just leave, if you hate you will not be good in it and you are just wasting your time.

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I think you've already made your decision, but you're putting feelers out there to see how it'll be received by others. If you're truly unhappy, leave. As another poster said, life's too short. I did kind of the same thing. i really regret all of the student loans but, in the end, it never would have worked out. On the other hand, if you only have one semester left, just bang it out and get the degree. itll be a miserable 4 months, but it's only 4 months after all....

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  • 3 weeks later...

Like everyone has already said, don't feel bad. Grad school is rigorous enough even if you enjoy the field. I can't imagine how hard it must be to dislike what you're doing. If this isn't the thing for you, then cut it loose and find something that is more appealing to you. I've known a few grad students that changed programs after the first year and were better off for doing so. Good luck to you.

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