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NSF GRFP 2010-2011


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Because of some weird stuff that's happening with the state budget, my program doesn't know how they're going to fund me if I don't get this. (I'm a first-year student.) ARRG.

What about people whose admissions decisions are riding on this? They've got to announce it April 15 or before, right?

I talked to one NSF awardee who said that she had been rejected by a bunch of schools before she got the award. Then after being notified, she contacted them to ask them to "update her file" about getting her predoc funded, and every school except for one reversed their admission decision.

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does that mean between now and the end of next week? or does that rule out today and tomorrow haha

I wondered this from the phrasing too: does this mean "sometime next week" or "within the next week"? Two very different things for the next couple days.

Of course, I suspect knowing which the person on the phone meant wouldn't actually shed any light. I was just reading the thread from last year, from the late-Monday-night/early-Tuesday-morning when they posted awards, and someone had called NSF earlier that day and been told "should be by the end of the week". When really it was about 8 hours away.

I really don't like limbo, just TELL me already. Eesh! What am I going to use to avoid research and coursework when I don't have this forum to refresh constantly?

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Haha, I couldn't resist any longer, just called the NSF. The lady at the phone said they'll announce awards within NEXT WEEK !!

Okay, who's gonna call and ask whether they'll announce within this week, or next? We gotta keep chippin away at em!

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I just called to see what the "within the next week" meant and apparently "within a week from today." I have no idea how soon that will actually be; the operator at the GRFP office sounded really annoyed by my call and didn't give me any more information.

haha probably because they've had many people calling to ask the same thing :P I wish they'd just give a solid date so we could stop being glued to our computers temporarily

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I just called to see what the "within the next week" meant and apparently "within a week from today." I have no idea how soon that will actually be; the operator at the GRFP office sounded really annoyed by my call and didn't give me any more information.

You just may be my new hero, for making this call... mad props to you, I hope the admiration and gratitude of us all makes up for her sounding annoyed with you!

That means either tonight/tomorrow or EARLY next week, right? Right??!

In other news, we're up to 40+ readers consistently. When will we break 100, I wonder? Not until they take down Fastlane?

Edited by dendarii917
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You just may be my new hero, for making this call... mad props to you, I hope the admiration and gratitude of us all makes up for her sounding annoyed with you!

That means either tonight/tomorrow or EARLY next week, right? Right??!

Let's hope so. Isn't it said that it's always good to fire someone on a Friday instead of a Monday? :P

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Let's hope so. Isn't it said that it's always good to fire someone on a Friday instead of a Monday? :P

You have a point. A whole weekend to forget that the NSF even exists would probably be very helpful, after getting what is so likely to be a "it's not us, it's you" sad email.

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Thanks for calling! It has been driving me crazy too. I have so much to do and yet I can't stop thinking about it. This is the first time I applied and I won't be eligible next year. I wonder if that is taken into consideration when judging?

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My week has consisted of: refreshing this forum, refreshing fastlane, and having a hard attack whenever I hear my email chime. At this point, I just want to find out and get all my hopes and dreams crushed so I can move on and GET BACK TO WORK!

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I have my gmail open in another tab and, after reading all these posts about the amazing new info acquired by some of our intrepid forum members, I saw the little (1) appear after "inbox" on my gmail tab and had a little heart attack.

It just appeared again! Time to post this and check!

Edit: oh the downside of being on so many institute listserves, and for having a department that is very good at forwarding (sometimes numerous copies) of information about talks etc that may be of interest to us.

Edited by Cicero
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My week has consisted of: refreshing this forum, refreshing fastlane, and having a hard attack whenever I hear my email chime. At this point, I just want to find out and get all my hopes and dreams crushed so I can move on and GET BACK TO WORK!

amen to this!

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I am pretty confident that the emails come very late at night/early in the morning...like when normal people are sleeping ;)

My notification came to my inbox at 7:10 EST last year. I'm holding my breath for tomorrow morning...

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I am pretty confident that the emails come very late at night/early in the morning...like when normal people are sleeping ;)

last year I got a HM notification at around 1am. dunno how long it takes their system to email everyone though

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I am pretty confident that the emails come very late at night/early in the morning...like when normal people are sleeping ;)

Oh God, don't tell me this. I'm going to be tempted to start sleeping with my laptop open on my bedside table.

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last year I got a HM notification at around 1am. dunno how long it takes their system to email everyone though

Yeah, i got my HM email sent at 1:10 am 4/6 last year.

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