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NSF GRFP 2010-2011


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I am going to be cliche, having just been stalking this forum obsessively and only posting now. This is my last year to apply; I chose Animal Behavior although Evolutionary Biology may also have been appropriate (and now I am panicking that I made the wrong decision!) I got HM two years in a row, but I don't have much hope for this year.

Really, the reason I signed up is because I need to share my obsessing! My prelim exams are coming up in the next week and I should be cramming, but instead I am spending my time refreshing this forum and fretting.

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So just to double check,

If you get an email tonight you either got it or didn't get it. If you don't get one it's because you'll either get one later when they know they will have more money, or because you're an HM?

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It depends on the budget. If everything with the budget is sorted out, you will receive an e-mail tonight telling you if you either got the award, got an HM, or were rejected. The year the budget was not sorted out, people received e-mails telling them if they were rejected, won, or received an HM; however, there were a number of people who didn't get any e-mails. Those were the top-tier HMs who were in the running to get an award if the budget allowed for it. Hopefully this year there will be nobody in limbo.

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It depends on the budget. If everything with the budget is sorted out, you will receive an e-mail tonight telling you if you either got the award, got an HM, or were rejected. The year the budget was not sorted out, people received e-mails telling them if they were rejected, won, or received an HM; however, there were a number of people who didn't get any e-mails. Those were the top-tier HMs who were in the running to get an award if the budget allowed for it. Hopefully this year there will be nobody in limbo.

Oh ok so if I don't get an email today I'm a top tier HM that might get it...hopefully today is the last day of waiting for everyone but I'd rather find out in 2 weeks I got it or an HM than finding out today I didnt get it lol

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OMG. I just checked this during my lunch and now I can't think about anything else. I guess I know what I'll be doing all night long (refreshing fastlane/email).

Good luck to everyone! I wish we could all get great news!

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Oh ok so if I don't get an email today I'm a top tier HM that might get it...hopefully today is the last day of waiting for everyone but I'd rather find out in 2 weeks I got it or an HM than finding out today I didnt get it lol

With the qualifier that if you don't get the email and the list still isn't up, you are not necessarily guaranteed a win. All of the above speculating was under the assumption that the down-time is because they are posting the list :)

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Is it true the email will come tonight? Last year it was morning of April 6th.

Something tells me we're going to be answering this question all day. Previous pages of the thread will answer it too, but...

1.) Twice in 2009 (when there were 2 waves of awards), and in 2010, the announcements were made at 1:00 AM ET after FastLane went down for a pre-advertised "server maintenance" period at 11:00 PM ET the day before (a couple of hours before emails started going out and the spreadsheet went up on Fastlane).

2.) The second wave in 2009 and the 2010 awards were both on Tuesdays at 1:00 AM (i.e., late Monday night). [Yes, that was April 6 last year, but it was a Tuesday early-morning.]

3.) There is now a "server maintenance at 11:00PM ET tonight" message on FastLane.

So yes, we are speculating with high confidence that it will be tonight.

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Okay, but the big question: Wait for the e-mail, or immediately check the list of winners? (Both are technically up at the same time, but in the past the list has gone up about ten or twenty minutes before I've received an official e-mail).

For myself, in the past I've checked the list first for my name. This year, I'm thinking of waiting on the e-mail to find out. What about you, fellow obsessors?

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Okay, but the big question: Wait for the e-mail, or immediately check the list of winners? (Both are technically up at the same time, but in the past the list has gone up about ten or twenty minutes before I've received an official e-mail).

For myself, in the past I've checked the list first for my name. This year, I'm thinking of waiting on the e-mail to find out. What about you, fellow obsessors?

I'll probably be asleep, so I'll end up finding out through email in the morning, regardless, but for me, I'd have to think about which would be more depressing: searching and not finding my name on the list or being rejected in an email? It's a tough decision!

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93 users are reading this topic... did we ever hit 100?

And its a little sad isn't it? here I've been spending more time on Grad Cafe in the last few days than I care to admit, and tomorrow, it will be over. For many of you, I assume I will meet again next year, same time, same place? And for the rest of you, congratulations!

Yes, we have have not only reached 100 but exceeded it. It is 1:28 EST and there are now 108 people reading this thread!

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Wow are we really thinking it's coming tonight then??

I was determined not to think about this award at all after submitting the application - I don't think I have a shot (first time applying) and I was frankly more worried about just getting in somewhere! But now that I'm into a great school, I can start worrying about something new!

I applied in Social Sciences - Physical Anthropology.

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Wait so...if the server is down for six hours (11pm-5am ET), does that mean the list won't be posted until it comes back online? And e-mails will come out even later? Can anyone explain this to me?

Thanks, and good luck everyone!


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We're at 99 viewers... I bet we have every state covered. Do we have a person from Alaska in here?! TX representin'

The list of awardees and HM's is on the NSF Fastlane site; it's the big link in the middle of the screen.


If you check it every minute you'll probably get your results faster than the rest of us and before the emails are sent out.

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