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NSF GRFP 2010-2011


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I think I will go to bed tonight at 1am regardless of whether the results have been posted. It would be so upsetting to stay up really late and then have them not post it until 4am or something. What about you guys? Anyone planning on staying up until it's posted? This is the one time I envy you West coasters.

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So, a fellow NSF-waitee and I are currently in my room having a Wait Party. He just proposed a variation on the Results Waiting Drinking Game that replaces "every time you get an email" with "every time you refresh the page"...

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So, a fellow NSF-waitee and I are currently in my room having a Wait Party. He just proposed a variation on the Results Waiting Drinking Game that replaces "every time you get an email" with "every time you refresh the page"...

Oh, heavens. I'd be dead by now. ;-)

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Last year awardee dropping by.

I was about to go on the fastlane website to submit my annual report. Then I found out this year announcement is coming out soon.

Last year, I actually didn't know it will be posted after the maintenance and slept peacefully the night before. I am still not sure why, but I checked email using my iphone in the morning while I was still in bed. I was really surprised by the email and honestly thought I was dreaming. Still can remember that moment...

Anyway! Good luck to everyone!

Edited by pospsy
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Well I'd like to think we're all having a wait party together.

Hooray, I'm at two parties simultaneously... which is probably more than my entire life combined.

One local "chat" party for our department, and the national GradCafe party.

We are playing The Waiting [Drinking - email version] Game over at the department party.

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I have a delicious craft beer with me.... We'll see if it ends up being for sorrow or celebration.

Yeah, if you play the drinking game it's a win win situation. By the time the NSF email comes through it wont matter either way because you will be drunk and therefore happy. I'm going to have some more Red Stripe Light and Shiner Bock. Bring it on NSF, I'll be ready!

EDIT: 357 users on this page!!!!

Edited by kmh0277
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I really wish I would have considered this earlier and bought a new six-pack of beer. I'm drinking my one and only right now :\

Maybe I will enjoy some pastis after this, hmm...

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You know, the proportion of us who will win it is probably significantly higher than the proportion at large.

Yes, I think this is definitely true, and is backed up by reading previous years' threads, where a higher-than-10% of regular posters seemed to win awards.

Kinda sucks for those of us who don't, actually, because it's that little bit harder to remember just how hard it is to do. GradCafe can make it feel "normal" to win.

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You know, the proportion of us who will win it is probably significantly higher than the proportion at large.

Makes sense. I have to wonder if there is a sizable amount of people who half-assedly (let's pretend this is a word, okay?) apply, and then several months later get the notice from NSF, say "meh," and move on.

Meanwhile, we've all been clued in that at around 1am we will know, so we abuse the F5 button...

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Fuck. I totally had forgotten about my NSF until I came across this discussion thread. I hate you all. I'm now (also) obsessed, and I have a thesis to write!

Originally from Connecticut, am a senior at a university in Philadelphia, and starting graduate school at Yale this fall.

Best of luck to you all!

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I really don't understand how uploading a list can possibly take this long. Why are they doing this to us? I would like to see my rejection and move on with my life. We all have work to do!

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