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Anthropology 2011

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HI again anthroman,

I wish we were not living in two time different zones. When I read this guy's post, you have no idea, how desperate I got. I told my partner that Good had taken up another student with a menial topic and I'm sure he wouldn't take up two advisees in a given year. I just felt (un)official rejections would be coming one after another and it was like the walls of the house were getting demolished with me at the center of the house. This guy's so offensive. I'm really happy you raised awareness and clarification. When I told the GSAS' secretary that such update had been posted in this forum, he asked me to stop reading this sick website and I felt really embarrassed. Not getting rejected until the last moment is better than an early indirect rejection. I don't know why Brown folks have given both of us such false hope. This scholar told me that their program would be perfect for me and I would be a great recruitment to their program. Wouldn't you naturally think you'd be at least short/wait-listed?

Guess what? my fingers are now fused as I've been keeping my fingers tightly intertwined since application deadlines,

Hi Anthroman,

is what the stevensactown has said total crap? How is it possible that Good has taken someone with such non medanthro topic? I think I'm also so awkward at getting jokes at this level of my life. I just called the department and they said they didn't even have their final committee yet. They said I should expect to hear the notifications sometime in the first and second week of March. How did this stevensactown hear about their sacceptance? It should be through Good himself if that's true, Please help me get some insight. I think I've been a good fit for Harvard, however, Yale is my first choice indeed,


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Oh Jeez . . . Stanford said that we won't hear until mid-March? What a headache. I have no idea about the programs at Yale or Harvard. I decided to apply to schools (or not) based solely on the presence (or lack thereof) of professors who are interested in Northwest Coast Natives, or at least indigenous Arctic peoples. You'd be surprised (or at least I was) to find out how very few programs have professors who are familiar with that region. Of course, schools in the Northwest (i.e. U of Oregon, Portland State, U of Washington) have specialists in these fields, but I was hoping to get into a more highly ranked school to improve my employability chances following graduation. I did apply to UBC in Vancouver, which is beautiful.

Hi Anthroman, I am surprised that you did not apply to the University of Washington. I love the UW. The antho department there has a reputable and dedicated team of NW Natives specialists. The university's ranking is, of course, very important. But I have to say a UW PhD is definitely as competitive as a Harvard PhD, especially if you want to be an anthropologist of Native American. I did not apply to the UW because I have a family here in the UK, so I think I'm heading to Oxford. Is Oxford one of your top choices?

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I'm still waiting; no interviews and no rejections, though the ones from schools in PA be sent out in March. I contacted Emory via email but I haven't received a response, and only three people have posted to the Results page.

Last year 6 people posted, but the years previous only have 3 posts, so 2010 may be an outlier, but who knows at this point.

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The other thing is that my wife doesn't want to live in Seattle for 5 or 6 years. These things play a big role when you're married; in other words, I applied to appropriate schools in locations that are appealing to her. I will go to Oxford if I happen to land a scholarship, or if some kindly philanthropist decides to give me $200,000. Hey - it could happen!!!

Hi Anthroman, I am surprised that you did not apply to the University of Washington. I love the UW. The antho department there has a reputable and dedicated team of NW Natives specialists. The university's ranking is, of course, very important. But I have to say a UW PhD is definitely as competitive as a Harvard PhD, especially if you want to be an anthropologist of Native American. I did not apply to the UW because I have a family here in the UK, so I think I'm heading to Oxford. Is Oxford one of your top choices?

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P.S. My wife also has family in London, so we both would LOVE to go to England.

The other thing is that my wife doesn't want to live in Seattle for 5 or 6 years. These things play a big role when you're married; in other words, I applied to appropriate schools in locations that are appealing to her. I will go to Oxford if I happen to land a scholarship, or if some kindly philanthropist decides to give me $200,000. Hey - it could happen!!!

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Hi Anthroman,

is what the stevensactown has said total crap? How is it possible that Good has taken someone with such non medanthro topic? I think I'm also so awkward at getting jokes at this level of my life. I just called the department and they said they didn't even have their final committee yet. They said I should expect to hear the notifications sometime in the first and second week of March. How did this stevensactown hear about their sacceptance? It should be through Good himself if that's true, Please help me get some insight. I think I've been a good fit for Harvard, however, Yale is my first choice indeed,


Hmm...first and second week of March seems a bit late for Harvard for acceptance calls. Do you think the department contact meant all notifications? I think there's an acceptance result posted for February 23 in a past year and, thinking of other departments at Harvard, that seems pretty standard. Or maybe it is just wishful thinking on my part that we'll know sooner than later.

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I'm still waiting; no interviews and no rejections, though the ones from schools in PA be sent out in March. I contacted Emory via email but I haven't received a response, and only three people have posted to the Results page.

Last year 6 people posted, but the years previous only have 3 posts, so 2010 may be an outlier, but who knows at this point.

I had the interview with Rutgers on Monday. It sounded like they were getting all the interviews done in the past couple of days. But that doesn't mean much, as ever in this arcane ritual we call PhD applications.

Wish you good luck!

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Just like those who got unofficially rejected from Yale by getting no interviews, I've been rejected by HASTS too. Ref: the other forum under HASTS/MIT which has been initiated by myself! Two rejections so far: Brown and HASTS, I wish all the positive energies of the universe would converge to my Yale's admission. If I end up with a rejection from Yale or even a wait-list, I'd be ......................................!

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Hi fellow anthros,

anyone applied to Princeton? I'm wondering why nobody seems to be concerned about Princeton! Plz post your updates,


Just like those who got unofficially rejected from Yale by getting no interviews, I've been rejected by HASTS too. Ref: the other forum under HASTS/MIT which has been initiated by myself! Two rejections so far: Brown and HASTS, I wish all the positive energies of the universe would converge to my Yale's admission. If I end up with a rejection from Yale or even a wait-list, I'd be ......................................!

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Hi everyone,

I just wanted to add what I knew about the schools I'm applying to in the hopes that maybe someone else will find the information useful.

I'm applying to three grad schools for archaeology. My background is in compositional analysis (XRF) in South America and I have given a poster at the SAAs on the topic and am preparing a paper for the upcoming ones this year also dealing with XRF. This is my second go round at applications, last time I got rejections from (in this order): Yale, Stanford, UNC, UVA, Vanderbilt (the last two were in like, early April).

This year I've applied to three programs: Stanford, Purdue and the University of New Mexico. I have visited all three places before the application decisions began and met with all three professors I wanted to work with along with other faculty.

Stanford will send out decisions by Feb. 28 (according to their website). I emailed UNM and they've been closed due to weather, so they're just starting the admissions process now, instead of earlier in the month. I have emailed Purdue, but no word back yet. From looking at past years, it seems like all three places will send notifications around the 20th of February.

Good luck to everyone.

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My advisor also told me to stop reading this website too. haha. But I'm still panicking. Absolutely nothing so far. I'd feel better if I got a rejection at least. I'll ideally get into GWU, where I go now, to just get my MA in Anthro, and then reapply to other places after I finish that. My profs keep telling me I'll get in, but who knows, this is such a crap shoot process.

HI again anthroman,

I wish we were not living in two time different zones. When I read this guy's post, you have no idea, how desperate I got. I told my partner that Good had taken up another student with a menial topic and I'm sure he wouldn't take up two advisees in a given year. I just felt (un)official rejections would be coming one after another and it was like the walls of the house were getting demolished with me at the center of the house. This guy's so offensive. I'm really happy you raised awareness and clarification. When I told the GSAS' secretary that such update had been posted in this forum, he asked me to stop reading this sick website and I felt really embarrassed. Not getting rejected until the last moment is better than an early indirect rejection. I don't know why Brown folks have given both of us such false hope. This scholar told me that their program would be perfect for me and I would be a great recruitment to their program. Wouldn't you naturally think you'd be at least short/wait-listed?

Guess what? my fingers are now fused as I've been keeping my fingers tightly intertwined since application deadlines,

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Hi there,

Did you hear from GWU regarding the MA program in sociocultural anthropology or you're already in the second year or what? I've also applied to their MA program with the same mentality as yours. I haven't heard anything from them yet,

My advisor also told me to stop reading this website too. haha. But I'm still panicking. Absolutely nothing so far. I'd feel better if I got a rejection at least. I'll ideally get into GWU, where I go now, to just get my MA in Anthro, and then reapply to other places after I finish that. My profs keep telling me I'll get in, but who knows, this is such a crap shoot process.

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I applied to Princeton last year and got rejected the first week in March (2nd or 4th, one was Princeton and the other UPenn).

Also, I had exactly the same experience as the other posters in regards to Brown - I met two professors, exchanged emails with a third, and thought that after getting rejected last year and improving my application significantly that I was a shoe-in for this year. Apparently not so! It was my first choice, too.

I'm crossing my fingers for Princeton or Penn because they both seem like really good fits for my research... but the competition is really stiff.

Good luck, everyone!

Hi fellow anthros,

anyone applied to Princeton? I'm wondering why nobody seems to be concerned about Princeton! Plz post your updates,


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I'm currently a student at GWU, final semester of my BA. Applied for the MA program for next year. In two years they are actually starting a PhD program here.

Since I know all of the professors and what not, who are you interested in working with at GWU, Persiandoc?

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Have you heard of any notifications from your PhD programs or GWU? Any idea when GWU would release their notifications? Any interviews yet?

I'm currently a student at GWU, final semester of my BA. Applied for the MA program for next year. In two years they are actually starting a PhD program here.

Since I know all of the professors and what not, who are you interested in working with at GWU, Persiandoc?

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The other thing is that my wife doesn't want to live in Seattle for 5 or 6 years. These things play a big role when you're married; in other words, I applied to appropriate schools in locations that are appealing to her. I will go to Oxford if I happen to land a scholarship, or if some kindly philanthropist decides to give me $200,000. Hey - it could happen!!!

Hey just curious, and feel free to ignore, but what are the objections to Seattle? The other poster is right, it's an amazing department, and the city rocks. Great night life, lots of really lovely restaurants, and plenty to do year around, skiing, hiking swimming ect. I'll let you into a really big secret- it doesn't really rain that much in Seattle. NY, San Fran and Miami all get more that they do. Good luck!

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Hey Anthro Brothers and Siters,

just had an interview with Duke, they'll take their decisions on the 21st. May the ghosts of anthropologists of the past, present and future be with us.



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Oh Dear,

Fingers crossed you'd get the first acceptance from Duke which stands as one of your top choices. I think we should cling to the ghosts of all the poeple (informants) of the past, present and future if we want to get in some program during the horrible recession.

Hey Anthro Brothers and Siters,

just had an interview with Duke, they'll take their decisions on the 21st. May the ghosts of anthropologists of the past, present and future be with us.



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Just wanted to give an update on the email I sent to purdue:

I heard back from them today, and they said decisions had been made and were sent to the Graduate School Dean, notifications should go out within the week.

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Hi dear anthros,

I hope it wouldn't get jinxed but I'm going to tell you about the interview I got from NYU. My POI contacted me and we set up an interview for the coming Tuesday. They said they wouldn't be able to make offers to all the candidates who'd be interviewed. I am so tense and clumsy these days, however, my first two choices have come along with two interviews, which is still good news at this stage. Has anyone else got interview from NYU? How is their interview? Thank God at least I'm going to be interviewed once unlike Yale that was an acid test!

Please send me your positive energy collectively!

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Hi dear anthros,

I hope it wouldn't get jinxed but I'm going to tell you about the interview I got from NYU. My POI contacted me and we set up an interview for the coming Tuesday. They said they wouldn't be able to make offers to all the candidates who'd be interviewed. I am so tense and clumsy these days, however, my first two choices have come along with two interviews, which is still good news at this stage. Has anyone else got interview from NYU? How is their interview? Thank God at least I'm going to be interviewed once unlike Yale that was an acid test!

Please send me your positive energy collectively!

Mabrouk brother! That's great news! Haven't heard anything from them yet, but the interview with Duke went well and I just got an offer from Rutgers. I am sure you'll succeed. Who was your POI?



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Salaam Bro,

nothing is worthy of tabrik at this stage. one may get a lot of interviews but end up with rejections from all. I am really happy that you got two official offers already. I bet you'd get better ones in near future. I gather you're a very competitive applicant. I'm sure you'll get an official offer from Duke too. To be honest with you, I envy why I didn't apply to Duke and UNC, Chapel Hill. I wish we both get in NYU,

Allah Yahfazak!

Mabrouk brother! That's great news! Haven't heard anything from them yet, but the interview with Duke went well and I just got an offer from Rutgers. I am sure you'll succeed. Who was your POI?



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Just wanted to give an update on the email I sent to purdue:

I heard back from them today, and they said decisions had been made and were sent to the Graduate School Dean, notifications should go out within the week.

Thanks for the update! You haven't heard if they did interviews, have you?

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