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Anthropology 2011

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My dear friend, Irishscientist,

I wouldn't say you're rejected since they made a couple of acceptances in two consecutive days. Please stay tuned and I'm sure you'd get in either Berkeley or MIT and it goes without saying you'd stand a great chance at Harvard too as far as you told me about your proposed project. you're a good fit for these three. Even if you're rejected from Chicago, heaven forbid, it'd be apparently due to the compatibility issues, etc.

I just did my NYU's interview and it was so cool. I could say it was more of a connaisance conversation rather than clarification of projects, background, etc. I hope I would hear back from either Yale or NYU with good news instead of rejection/waitlist.

Just letting you all know they'd make the final decisions by the end of THIS WEEK.


So glad to hear your NYU interview went well. I do hope you get one of your top choices soon. If they didn't quiz you too much then they probably like you. Fingers crossed for you.

Me, I just got waitlisted by UChicago. I am not so disapointed as they wrote a really nice email explainng the lack of funds, and as you say, my fit is not as good there as other programs.

Do you know how many people they admit at Chicago and how many they waitlist by any chance? I think my chances there are still slim.

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So glad to hear your NYU interview went well. I do hope you get one of your top choices soon. If they didn't quiz you too much then they probably like you. Fingers crossed for you.

Me, I just got waitlisted by UChicago. I am not so disapointed as they wrote a really nice email explainng the lack of funds, and as you say, my fit is not as good there as other programs.

Do you know how many people they admit at Chicago and how many they waitlist by any chance? I think my chances there are still slim.

They accepted 19, the waitlist is 10. They are planning on an entering class of 15 or so. So, good job on making on the waitlist! There is still hope (and hey, I'll see how many people I can talk out of accepting at the prospie weekend!) ;-)

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They accepted 19, the waitlist is 10. They are planning on an entering class of 15 or so. So, good job on making on the waitlist! There is still hope (and hey, I'll see how many people I can talk out of accepting at the prospie weekend!) ;-)

Congrats Kateow! You must be very happy with your applications!

And thank you for this information. This is very helpful. I hope I am somewhere high up on the waitlist!!!

Is Chicago your 1st choice?

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Hey Irishscientist,

Congrats on the waitlist. Don't lose heart, you still have a good chance of admission according to what kateow said. Did they inform you where you stood in the wait-list? I bet even few days ago that you'd definitely get in either UCB or MIT. You don't believe in me, OK!, wait and see.

Congrats Kateow on your acceptance to Chicago! I bet you're a super candidate that you got acceptance from most of the schools so far! What is your first choice? Are you a socio, bio or what?

They accepted 19, the waitlist is 10. They are planning on an entering class of 15 or so. So, good job on making on the waitlist! There is still hope (and hey, I'll see how many people I can talk out of accepting at the prospie weekend!) ;-)

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Thanks, IrishScientist--I am pretty thrilled. Persiandoc, I'm an archaeologist.

It is my first choice, but a lot depends on whether my POI is there. There's a chance he won't be. I'm waiting for news on that end before I start torturing myself with decision-making. I love Chicago a lot, and I know I would be very happy there. My partner is also a PhD student there, so it would make his life easier for us to be back there... It's going to be either a really easy decision (if the prof. stays there), or a really difficult one (if he leaves). IrishScientist, now that I know you're on the waitlist, I'll keep you informed of my decision, for sure!

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Thanks, IrishScientist--I am pretty thrilled. Persiandoc, I'm an archaeologist.

It is my first choice, but a lot depends on whether my POI is there. There's a chance he won't be. I'm waiting for news on that end before I start torturing myself with decision-making. I love Chicago a lot, and I know I would be very happy there. My partner is also a PhD student there, so it would make his life easier for us to be back there... It's going to be either a really easy decision (if the prof. stays there), or a really difficult one (if he leaves). IrishScientist, now that I know you're on the waitlist, I'll keep you informed of my decision, for sure!

Awesome. I like Chicago too. Beautiful city.

I do hope it works out for you!!!

By the way, does anybody know if the berkeley med anthro admissions is separate from the cultural anthro admission. I see that the cultural anthro admissions have been sent out already and I havent heard anything back yet from my med anthro app...... Should I be worried?

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I know they are separate from UCB's sociocultural anthro so nothing to worry about! the medanthro program is an independent program by itself

Awesome. I like Chicago too. Beautiful city.

I do hope it works out for you!!!

By the way, does anybody know if the berkeley med anthro admissions is separate from the cultural anthro admission. I see that the cultural anthro admissions have been sent out already and I havent heard anything back yet from my med anthro app...... Should I be worried?

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I know, isn't it strange how hard it is to focus on other things with all this uncertainty lurking around? Personally, I've received 1 official rejection (Emory), 1 unofficial rejection (Berkeley), and have 4 applications waiting out in limbo. It's hard to know whether to put Plan B into action (ok let's be honest.. haven't actually created a Plan B yet).

Any news on Michigan Ann Arbor, Stanford or UNC Chapel Hill greatly appreciated!

Unrelated, but I lived in Ann Arbor for a while and loved it.

Best of luck on everything but rest easy that you have some information to work with. I'm still waiting (no calls, email, etc).

I'm taking the GRE the second time on March 6 in hopes for better numbers next year (if needed). If I don't break 1350 or 1400 I may just let it go and focus on other endeavors of rep building.

Volunteering, trying to find publishing or presenting opportunities, and doing more in general are all in the works as prep work.

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I know they are separate from UCB's sociocultural anthro so nothing to worry about! the medanthro program is an independent program by itself

Cool. Yeah, judging from previous years' posts the med anthros didn't get interviews but got informed this week if they were accepted. So I guess I'll hear soon if I get lucky.

Does anyone know how the financial packages vary from Chicago, UCB, Harvard (or others) etc....?

Looking from previous posts, it seems that Berkeley offers less, but teh bay area is very expensive for living...

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what do you mean by Princeton was earlier than Yale, CUNY or Cornell? Do you mean their application deadlines? I got no notification from Princeton either. Any ideas about CUNY or Johns Hopkins?

Hi all,

Any ideas on Princeton anthropology? It was earlier than Yale, Cuny or Cornell but they are still silent as far as I know...

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I don't know about the funding package of Chicago but normally West Coast schools have tighter funding packages comparing with the Ivy ones!

Cool. Yeah, judging from previous years' posts the med anthros didn't get interviews but got informed this week if they were accepted. So I guess I'll hear soon if I get lucky.

Does anyone know how the financial packages vary from Chicago, UCB, Harvard (or others) etc....?

Looking from previous posts, it seems that Berkeley offers less, but teh bay area is very expensive for living...

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what do you mean by Princeton was earlier than Yale, CUNY or Cornell? Do you mean their application deadlines? I got no notification from Princeton either. Any ideas about CUNY or Johns Hopkins?

Yes, I meant the deadline, it was earlier.

Cuny rejected me. No word from Johns Hopkins...

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Did you know that University of York (in England) offers a Master's in Nautical Archaeology? I've heard that the total cost is around 40K for the program (including room and board) and they have rolling admissions deadlines - so it's not to late to apply.

Anyone else apply to Texas A&M? I emailed the advisor an updated CV last week and he said they were meeting "relatively soon." I've applied to the MA in Nautical Archaeology.

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I applied to the MRes, which leads to the DPhil. Hope to hear soon. The CAMSIS system is temporarily down; maybe they're updating our accounts??? Hahaha . . . can't stop this guessing game.

I am awaiting a decision from Cambridge. I know that the PhD admissions committee have already reviewed applications but I have no result yet.

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Did you know that University of York (in England) offers a Master's in Nautical Archaeology? I've heard that the total cost is around 40K for the program and they have rolling admissions deadlines - so it's not to late to apply.

I knew of the program at Southampton, but not at York. I was accepted at Southampton, but declined the offer since I had no external sources of funding and didn't get anything from the university. I'll have to keep York in mind if I have to try again next year. Thanks!

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Any word on Princeton or Penn? I know they came out the first week in March last year, but I'm nervous and needing to make a lot of major life decisions right about now - job, grad school, wedding, transatlantic move - I need to know!!

Just send the rejections already so I can move on with my life.

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Cool. Yeah, judging from previous years' posts the med anthros didn't get interviews but got informed this week if they were accepted. So I guess I'll hear soon if I get lucky.

Does anyone know how the financial packages vary from Chicago, UCB, Harvard (or others) etc....?

Looking from previous posts, it seems that Berkeley offers less, but teh bay area is very expensive for living...

I don't know how to compare them, but UCB is probably offering less because the UC system is in a major funding crisis. I'm surprised they're able to offer any funding.

At Chicago the packages, as far as I understand, are 2 years of tuition + 3 years of tuition and stipend OR 5 years of tuition and stipend. I think the stipend this year is $21,000.

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