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2011 Theology Application Results!!!

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I really think that in the end no combination of stats guarantees anything. My interests are tailor-made for Notre Dame, at least as far as moral theology is concerned. Certainly my stats helped, but I think the major deciding factor is that there were people at the University whose interests aligned closely with mine and moreover that my CV/coursework attested to that interest. Hope that helps everyone!

Great stats! I also am a philosophy/religion combo, and studied in the UK as well as US.

I think you're precisely right about "fit." I think that's why I got offered the Marquand Scholar position at Yale, because even as I was writing my statement of purpose, I was thinking how my interests are in absolute perfect alignment with that program.

Notre Dame is one of my top schools I'd love to study at for PhD, too -- congrats big-time :).

Edited by Phenomenologist
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May I ask your stats? Just curious what it takes.

GRE 790 verbal, 800 math, 4.5 a.w.

GPA 3.69 from the University of Chicago. My major GPA was a bit higher, about 3.8-something, and since the undergrad religion major is teensy at U of C, most of those classes were at the Div School.

I haven't published, no significant religious employment except for an internship with an interfaith organization in college, but I was very involved with half a dozen religious organizations on campus, including Lumen Christi (I was the token non-Catholic :) ).

I had very good recs from profs at the Divinity School too -- worked very closely and eventually did an honors ECS thesis with a highly respected NT/ECS prof, who is now dean of the Div School and also happens to be Catholic. I was really active at the Div School (for not actually being a student there) -- often found myself the one undergrad in a room full of MA/MDiv/PhD students. I didn't mention this in my application, but I imagine my advisor did (I was at her ECS workshop all. the. time).

I also opted to send Notre Dame a writing sample (called Cheron Price beforehand to ask if I could).

I haven't been asked for "my stats" before, but I hope that about answers your question. Again... while I didn't realize it when I applied... my interests line up really well with the Biblical Studies program.

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Well, I see here several of the people that beat me out for the ND MTS.

Ah well, no hate. Don't worry. :P

I was really hoping I'd get in there, but I guess it just wasn't meant to be. [insert Calvinist joke].

Have yet to hear back from anywhere else yet. But I was wondering, those of you with experience here, is it worth applying to these types of programs more than once? I don't know how much I can beef up my resume in a year (though I'll try). Just curious.

Congratulations to those of you who have been accepted!

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Man Who is Thursday, can you explain your tagline? Baffling phone messages from admissions people who didn't explain why you were called?? Really?? Two of them?

Wish I could help re: your question, but I don't have much experience with it...

Ah, no worries.

I'd explain the signature if I knew what it meant, but I'm as confused as you are. Duke's Div school called me a week back and I was left with an urgent message to call back. When I did, they didn't know why they called me. As for the other, I got a call from someone at a different school (don't want to identify) that neglected to even identify herself before launching into a huge soliloquy about how if I got into their program and nowhere else I should just quit grad school. I still don't know if I got in or not, but it was not exactly uplifting.

Edited by The Man Who Is Thursday
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Who calls to put down their own program??? It sounds like a case of a disgruntled admissions officer, to be honest.

I feel like you should be able to complain to someone, but then again you wouldn't want to ruin your chances of getting in...

Ah, no worries.

I'd explain the signature if I knew what it meant, but I'm as confused as you are. Duke's Div school called me a week back and I was left with an urgent message to call back. When I did, they didn't know why they called me. As for the other, I got a call from someone at a different school (don't want to identify) that neglected to even identify herself before launching into a huge soliloquy about how if I got into their program and nowhere else I should just quit grad school. I still don't know if I got in or not, but it was not exactly uplifting.

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Who calls to put down their own program??? It sounds like a case of a disgruntled admissions officer, to be honest.

I feel like you should be able to complain to someone, but then again you wouldn't want to ruin your chances of getting in...

Yeah, I didn't want to do that.

I think I'll just remove that signature. I thought it was kind of funny, but now I don't really want to go broadcasting that that happened...

And this is off topic for the thread anyway. Back to theology!

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I have pretty similar stats, but from a smaller Jesuit school. I even double majored in theo/phil, but didn't seem to help. Rejected a second time. I really don't know what they want.

It's funny because I have met many people who attend HDS, and am taking a class there through the BTI this semester, and many of them didn't seem to have stellar stats, or attend stellar UG institutions. I guess "fit" might be a solution???

Also, a couple of the people I know from HDS don't really care too much about theo/religious studies, know what they want to do, ect...they are just kind of "going with the flow," getting the degree for something to do, ect....Oh well, eh?

Yeah, it's pretty mysterious, not to say incomprehensible. When he visited and talked to current students about his background and situation, the most common question he got was "why didn't you get in, and why did I??" We've always heard that the MTS was not terribly hard to get into in the first place--although he's certainly been hearing that it got significantly more competitive last year when they started requiring the GRE at the same time that the economy tanked.

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I must admit, I'm bugging out a little bit. I held it together pretty well until Friday. My rejection from HDS was disheartening (although, it seems as though they like to take people who do not already have a Masters in something, which is their prerogative).

If I get rejected from YDS, then I will have to stay where I currently am (I don't want to give details. Let's just say my situation right now is less-than-awesome for my mental health). Contingency would probably break my spirit beyond easy repair.

The clincher? I'm visiting my friends at YDS next week. I leave here on Wednesday, and I am considering not opening my decision letter until I am with them (for support, no matter what the decision is). Is this madness?

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I got a call from someone at a different school (don't want to identify) that neglected to even identify herself before launching into a huge soliloquy about how if I got into their program and nowhere else I should just quit grad school. I still don't know if I got in or not, but it was not exactly uplifting.

That. is. insane.

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GRE 790 verbal, 800 math, 4.5 a.w.

GPA 3.69 from the University of Chicago. My major GPA was a bit higher, about 3.8-something, and since the undergrad religion major is teensy at U of C, most of those classes were at the Div School.

I haven't published, no significant religious employment except for an internship with an interfaith organization in college, but I was very involved with half a dozen religious organizations on campus, including Lumen Christi (I was the token non-Catholic :) ).

I had very good recs from profs at the Divinity School too -- worked very closely and eventually did an honors ECS thesis with a highly respected NT/ECS prof, who is now dean of the Div School and also happens to be Catholic. I was really active at the Div School (for not actually being a student there) -- often found myself the one undergrad in a room full of MA/MDiv/PhD students. I didn't mention this in my application, but I imagine my advisor did (I was at her ECS workshop all. the. time).

I also opted to send Notre Dame a writing sample (called Cheron Price beforehand to ask if I could).

I haven't been asked for "my stats" before, but I hope that about answers your question. Again... while I didn't realize it when I applied... my interests line up really well with the Biblical Studies program.

This is actually quite uplifting. It is nice to be beaten by someone who clearly deserves it. I sort of fell into biblical studies originally, and my unimpressive undergrad with mediocre GPA is like an anchor dragging me down.

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This is actually quite uplifting. It is nice to be beaten by someone who clearly deserves it.

Yeah, same. maudlin's resume is better than mine as well. Although I still feel like I could've gotten in...

I'm just going to blame it on the recession. That has a nicer ring to it than, "I ain't good enough." :P

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This is actually quite uplifting. It is nice to be beaten by someone who clearly deserves it.

Aww, I'm flattered! Thanks!

I, for one, am very glad I am not on an admissions committee... as people share their interests/backgrounds, the distinction between admitted/rejected seems increasingly slim.

Edited by vega maudlin
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I can't be the only one who didn't sleep all night! I choose to channel that into writing 11 pages of my senior thesis which I should have written last week but oh well at least I was productive!

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I can't be the only one who didn't sleep all night! I choose to channel that into writing 11 pages of my senior thesis which I should have written last week but oh well at least I was productive!

Same boat, only I was less productive. I also should have written my senior thesis last week, but have been far too distracted with admissions...

Best of luck today (or, I guess maybe tomorrow) with YDS!

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Accepted to Durham (UK) MA in Biblical Studies. Geographically, a tempting offer. Working with John Barclay, Lutz Doering, and John Hayward in one of the top theology programs in the world is also a huge draw. Only feasible if funding comes through (not likely for an international applicant)...

Now bring on the Yale and Chicago decisions so I can finally wrap this up and get some closure!

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I just wanted to let all those waiting on Duke MTS decision to know that I received a call on Friday from the Dean of Admissions. I missed the call, but spoke to someone at the Divinity school today. I was admitted for the fall with a full tuition scholarship. That was all that I could get out of them. Not sure when other decisions will be posted or when others will be notified.

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I just wanted to let all those waiting on Duke MTS decision to know that I received a call on Friday from the Dean of Admissions. I missed the call, but spoke to someone at the Divinity school today. I was admitted for the fall with a full tuition scholarship. That was all that I could get out of them. Not sure when other decisions will be posted or when others will be notified.

Congrats!! What a great offer!

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I just wanted to let all those waiting on Duke MTS decision to know that I received a call on Friday from the Dean of Admissions. I was admitted for the fall with a full tuition scholarship.

Congratulations!!! Very competitive program, only 4 full-rides available among 50 admitted students!!

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I just wanted to let all those waiting on Duke MTS decision to know that I received a call on Friday from the Dean of Admissions. I missed the call, but spoke to someone at the Divinity school today. I was admitted for the fall with a full tuition scholarship. That was all that I could get out of them. Not sure when other decisions will be posted or when others will be notified.

Thank you for posting this. I think you've helped me make my decision.

Found out the other day that I received Claremont's University Scholars Award. (tuition, housing, and 750$ monthly stipend) -- My heart is torn because I'd love to work with Amy Laura Hall in Durham but there's no way Duke will come close to matching that offer. Claremont will be great though. Philip Clayton is an amazing scholar.

Wish that I could say that I didn't care about the YDS admission -- but I'm still so curious!

Haha, just got a phone call from Duke in the middle of writing this. I'm in! (No word on funding.)

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Thank you for posting this. I think you've helped me make my decision.

Found out the other day that I received Claremont's University Scholars Award. (tuition, housing, and 750$ monthly stipend) -- My heart is torn because I'd love to work with Amy Laura Hall in Durham but there's no way Duke will come close to matching that offer. Claremont will be great though. Philip Clayton is an amazing scholar.

Wish that I could say that I didn't care about the YDS admission -- but I'm still so curious!

Haha, just got a phone call from Duke in the middle of writing this. I'm in! (No word on funding.)

Clayton was the AAR keynote speaker at the uppermidwestern regional AAR/SBL at my school last year. He's great.

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Yup! Well, time to start beating the bushes for more money! I've already written HDS Financial aid asking them to look more closely at my situation. :-)

Just so everyone knows, I don't think you'll have much luck petitioning HDS for larger grants. It's their policy not to adjust grants at all, even if some admitted students turn down their offers. I suppose it's worth a try, but even though my potential advisor wrote to the admissions office, it didn't make any difference.

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Also, has anyone heard from Chicago yet? I know there was someone who called to get their results early, but what about others? I called the admissions office last week, and they told me that they would be sending personal emails to each applicant and hoped to finish by the end of last week. I haven't heard anything yet, though.

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Also, has anyone heard from Chicago yet? I know there was someone who called to get their results early, but what about others? I called the admissions office last week, and they told me that they would be sending personal emails to each applicant and hoped to finish by the end of last week. I haven't heard anything yet, though.

I still haven't heard anything yet. I do have a friend who heard back this morning in an email, but it was an informal personal response to an email he had sent last week prodding for more information. I still haven't heard of anyone receiving the formal offer. I guess it pays to prod...

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