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1 minute ago, Alicia17 said:

What uni are you from?

Laval University, in Quebec City 

Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, liddibee said:

Hi everyone. I received an email from my University's Awards office this morning congratulating me on receiving an NSERC Doctoral award! I haven't received anything from NSERCs end but looks like at least administrative results are being sent out in some cases. It also doesn't specify between CGSD/PGSD, but might also be a result of the new set-up with budget 2024. 

Good luck everybody!!

To anybody reading this and freaking out because they didn’t get an email from their institution and are worried they didn’t get the award, it’s rare that instituons do this and definitely not the norm, relax and breathe, you’ll get your email from NSERC soon 

Edited by fridgezipper
17 hours ago, hyperboa said:

Has anyone else seen the profiles of past NSERC PGS-D winners and realized just how screwed you are? No? Just me? Cool! 

I've always been curious where you see this? i would like to take a look

1 minute ago, hyperboa said:

Dumb question, but does the time you receive your NSERC email (ie today or tomorrow) indicate if you got an award or not?

No. The emails come out over several hours and there is absolutely no pattern to how they come out, not by awarded/rejected, not by committee number, not by PGS-D/CGS-D, not alphabetical order, it’s totally random. People on this forum every year always desperately try and find a pattern but there isn’t one, it’s just seemingly random, you just have to wait until you get yours 

6 hours ago, liddibee said:

Hi everyone. I received an email from my University's Awards office this morning congratulating me on receiving an NSERC Doctoral award! I haven't received anything from NSERCs end but looks like at least administrative results are being sent out in some cases. It also doesn't specify between CGSD/PGSD, but might also be a result of the new set-up with budget 2024. 

Good luck everybody!!

Congrats! Care to share your stats/profile? 


Has anyone who’s applied in the past checked the extranet? It seems they’re may be some alphabetical order to result notification 

17 minutes ago, sharingxnn said:

I've always been curious where you see this? i would like to take a look

There's this spreadsheet that has NSERC applications from the previous years, linked here. Really wished I found this a few months ago...

13 minutes ago, hyperboa said:

Congrats! Care to share your stats/profile? 

Thank you! 

Here is a link to my Outline of Proposed Research and Contributions: https://unbcloud-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/lwhite3_unb_ca/EukrLvD2wUNHgfGNzC30jmIBPB0kn3-0FNjxMt9a2QOM5Q?e=aj0D7W

I am in my 2nd year of my PhD, I had applied a couple years ago before officially starting it and didn't make it past internal rounds. At the point of submitting this application, I didn't have any "official" publications, but had one in review. But I definitely have a lot of experience in the "other" categories. As hard as I find it to write about myself, I put a lot of work into my statements to really boast those as much as possible. 

I was genuinely shocked when I got the email, based on my lack of publications I felt it was really 50/50 as to whether I'd get one. So there is definitely hope if your CV isn't publication heavy!!! 

Hope this is helpful, and I am happy to answer any other questions. :) 

10 minutes ago, hyperboa said:

Major update: I got an email from NSERC saying results will be out soon.  It's happening!

Did you ask NSERC  in email? regarding results

2 minutes ago, Sportboi said:

Has anyone not received an email from NSERC notifying them that results will be released soon? I have yet to myself. 

Me neither.

9 minutes ago, Sportboi said:

Has anyone not received an email from NSERC notifying them that results will be released soon? I have yet to myself. 

I have...

7 minutes ago, RickyZ said:

Me neither.

Weird. Not sure if that means anything, or if NSERC sends them out randomly. Based on previous replies, seems the latter may be true?


Update: As per NSERC

“The email notifications are being sent today and tomorrow; therefore, you can expect to receive it by the end of the day tomorrow.”


37 minutes ago, Sportboi said:

Has anyone not received an email from NSERC notifying them that results will be released soon? I have yet to myself. 

I also have not ... I don't understand how their system works at all. 

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