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Waiting is making me -very- unproductive


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I'm trying to finish up my M.S. thesis right now, and waiting around for admission results is not helping at all! Today, for example, I decided it was prudent for me to go home 4 hours earlier than usual so I could check my mail. Plus, I'm always refreshing the results page on the website instead of actually doing something productive.

Anyone else dealing with this?

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I am too. It really is hard to focus on anything else at this time. I saw someone suggesting a system where they wouldn't check their email until they graded 2 papers. I'm *trying* to do something like that, but it's hard.

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same here. worse, my project is halted because a manufacturer hasn't shipped out the materials yet. so i am helping my advisor by doing other research works for which he has received grants. other than that, i am not making any progress. many schools i applied to took my application money and went into hibernation, feels like. coming home early, going to groceries, checking websites for status updates, etc are the only things that i have accustomed to lately.

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I'm experiencing exactly the same thing, although I haven't received an offer from one of the schools I applied, but not my top choice. All other schools are just silent, silent, silent, like dead dead dead. I really need to finish my master's thesis...but i can't concentrate. I managed to find one thing that can distract me from checking the result page and my emails. That is read novels...But apparently that dose not help my thesis at all...I need help...

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I'm experiencing exactly the same thing, although I haven't received an offer from one of the schools I applied, but not my top choice. All other schools are just silent, silent, silent, like dead dead dead. I really need to finish my master's thesis...but i can't concentrate. I managed to find one thing that can distract me from checking the result page and my emails. That is read novels...But apparently that dose not help my thesis at all...I need help...

I've found that reading novels and skiing have been the only things I can do to get my mind off of the applications. If I get just 1 admit from a school that isn't a safety, I feel like I'll be back to normal again. I hope.

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That's me.

POI told me she would email me my prospects last week... no word so far.

As a result, I am beyond anxious, glued to my computer, refreshing my email and the gradcafe's results every minute.

Being a week now of me in full useless mode.


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I was just thinking today how productive I've actually been during this wait--not with many important tasks, mind, because my focus is totally shot. Nonetheless, I feel better by saying that, since I've finished my apps, I have:

1) traveled halfway across the country and back

2) graded 63 comp. essays

3) re-read all the Harry Potter books in English, and the first 2 in French ("Poudlard," anyone?)

4) re-read all the Georgia books by Louise Rennison (YA junk--but hilarious and distracting)

5) submitted an article for publication (no word back on that yet)

6) taught my dog to dance for his food

7) lost 7 soccer games

8) read 4 issues of Cosmo, 4 issues of Glamour, 4 issues of National Geographic, and 1 issues of Popular Science (my husband's suggesstion--pass)

9) written 3 letters to my 8-year-old pen-pal

10) watched 3 Corgi tetherball games (YouTube, trust me)

11) baked chocolate chip cookies, peanut butter cookies, gingerbread cookies, and doggie cookies

12) drank 2 bottles of whiskey, 7 bottles of wine, and countless beers (with help!)

13) re-watched every episode of Blackadder, Gilmore Girls, and Bones

14) painted my toenails red, then purple, then green

Very few of those things were actually on my to-do list, but I'm counting every second not spent with my head under the covers as a triumph.

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Get it all in now because even at that 'safety' school you won't be doing much of those or anything else that makes life interesting, for that matter.

Eh, I'm a grad student now and I have plenty of time to enjoy myself. It's all about time management.

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I've started watching a Real Analysis and an Econometrics course online. I'm enrolled in intermediate macroeconomics and public choice at the moment, so my schedule is not very busy.

Since applying on Jan. 15th

1) Done over 1,000 pushups

2) Done around 500 squats

3) Done about 30 hours of cardio

4) Worked 1/2 way through a book on mathematical economics

5) Posted in the keep a word drop a word thread like 75 times.

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Speaking of being unproductive and compulsively checking emails and the results section of this website.... I just saw that someone had posted to the results section regarding Berkeley's Environmental Science, Policy and Management program (is that you surprisecake?) and died a little bit inside, until I saw that they were just asking if anyone had heard anything. OH MAN.

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I am at work and honestly can't concentrate, have a couple of projects to complete and just stare at my computer

Last night I woke up at 4AM and just went over answers to possible questions I may be asked on the interview next week

So I'm tired, unfocused, checking my BB every 30 seconds, projects delayed

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you want to know how unproductive this process has made me?? It's ruined my normal unproductive routine. I couldn't even nap today. Usually I'll get home, nap, netflix, and think about possibly getting some work done (though thinking is about as far as I usually get). But today after classes, I attempted to nap, but instead I got up and browsed thegradcafe :/ .. whats happened to me?

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I'm super unfocused at work and worried someone will notice that for the past 2 weeks I have been clicking refresh on my email inbox and browsing Grad Cafe.


There is just ONE school that I'm waiting to hear from. Just that one is all I need..

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I thought I was being unproductive...until I broke my wrist a few days ago. Now I have absolutely nothing to distract me from the physical pain from my wrist and the emotional agony of waiting. Bring on the painkillers!

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Ugh. Today I came home early, watched tv, then just laid in my bed for over an hour.

I don't know how much longer I can wait. Not having a plan for next year is making me anxious. I got accepted to one of my top schools last week, though, so at least I know I have a good option now.

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Yes. I am sitting at work and want to slam my head against the wall.

Aaaaawwww. Don't worry, MoJingly. I've felt the same way for the past 2 months, and I work in a research lab at a big university. So it's constant pressure with people asking me about "so how's grad school apps going?" It makes me want to scream bloody hell at everyone.

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Seriously. If I at least knew something about my plan for next year, I feel that I'd get into gear and re-motivate. But as it stands, I spend waaaay too much time online (hello?), drinking wine, laying around, eschewing my actual Homework That I Have to Get Done and (this above all) pointlessly speculating on any and all kinds of case-scenarios (acceptance to top program, award-winning dissertation and TT job? Career waitress? Who can say?!).

It's this feeling of endless, sluggish stasis. Purgatory. February is the cruelest month!

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(is that you surprisecake?)

No, haha... I managed to convince myself not to expect any results until march 15th.

But...i've stopped socialising, exercising and all kinds of non-internet based recreation so that I can sit here and compulsively refresh my inbox and the results section. Why can't I leave?!

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I feel like I'm stuck in limbo...I graduated in December, and the place I used to intern as an undergrad promised me a job. But they haven't found a position for me yet despite the fact that I regularly follow up with them, and I don't want to go looking for another job because I really do want to keep myself available to work there. Plus, sitting around waiting for admissions results has got me totally unmotivated; if I get in somewhere, it doesn't really matter what I do for the next 7 months, and if I don't get in anywhere, then I'm probably going to have to move somewhere to get a research assistant job and then reapply. Either way, I'm only living here temporarily, so it doesn't feel worth it to get invested in a job search when I'll only be able to work there for a few months. So I feel like I can't make any plans of any kind until I hear back, and in the meantime I have no school and no job to keep me occupied. To make things worse, I was told I'd hear back about the results from my interview within a week of January 31st, and it's been a week and a half. I keep expecting them to contact me any minute, which just makes the days crawl by. I can't wait until this is over!

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you want to know how unproductive this process has made me?? It's ruined my normal unproductive routine. I couldn't even nap today. Usually I'll get home, nap, netflix, and think about possibly getting some work done (though thinking is about as far as I usually get). But today after classes, I attempted to nap, but instead I got up and browsed thegradcafe :/ .. whats happened to me?

YES! Netflix had been my method of dealing with the anxiety until this week. But lately, I haven't been able to do anything but check the results and forums! I didn't have to be at work today until 1, but my boyfriend's alarm woke me up at 8. Did I go back to sleep? No! I immediately checked my email, then checked the results page and forum, and repeated that process until 11:30! AGGHHH!

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