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What are you doing for Valentine's Day?


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My boyfriend and I both work on Valentine's Day...at opposite times. So instead, we are going to dinner Sunday night.

He's waiting on the result of a job interview in Philadelphia, and I'm waiting on grad schools so we both are a little overly-stressed...just doing something together will be nice. :)

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Running a subject in my research lab, turning in my first British Novel paper, studying for my adolescent development test, making my pediatric aural rehabilitation PowerPoint, going to two dance practices, and (hopefully) making time for dinner with the boyfriend. Neither one of us is very keen on the holiday though.

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I'm in a performance of the Vagina Monologues at my school, and since my significant other is a photographer, he and his business partner are coming down to the show to take professional photos for us.

So technically, we aren't doing anything, but we'll be together.

...although we live together so that's really nothing new.

natsteel: CONGRATULATIONS!! You asking your girlfriend to marry you makes me feel happier that you got into Yale. If getting in there makes such a thing easier for you, logistically, then I wish you all the best!

And she'll totally say yes!!!

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I will be having surgery on my broken wrist on V-day which will culminate with a drug-induced stupor where I pray no schools will call me for fear of saying something stupid or wildly inappropriate. It might be a good day to just turn my phone off. Being single, I'm not a huge fan of Valentine's Day anyway.

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Rat surgeries...

Winner for most surprising answer!

I will be having surgery on my broken wrist on V-day which will culminate with a drug-induced stupor where I pray no schools will call me for fear of saying something stupid or wildly inappropriate. It might be a good day to just turn my phone off. Being single, I'm not a huge fan of Valentine's Day anyway.

I wish I could be in a drug induced stupor on V-day...really, I will probably buy myself some really good cheese and watch Bridget Jones' Diary. I know, I am one sad little specimen but I am really looking forward to it! Bring on Colin Firth!

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Winner for most surprising answer!

I wish I could be in a drug induced stupor on V-day...really, I will probably buy myself some really good cheese and watch Bridget Jones' Diary. I know, I am one sad little specimen but I am really looking forward to it! Bring on Colin Firth!

Tequila may be your answer. :D

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I've decided to not to do anything big with my girlfriend on Valentine's Day itself. But I have a campus visit on the 28th and instead of going and shacking up for the night with a current grad student, I decided to splurge and get a hotel room so she could go with me and so I could finally propose to her. We've been together almost six years and have two kids together, so we're effectively married. She's been waiting for the real thing (read: ring) for too long, and now acceptance to my top choice means I now have future prospects worthy of marriage.

Congrats natsteel!

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I've decided to not to do anything big with my girlfriend on Valentine's Day itself. But I have a campus visit on the 28th and instead of going and shacking up for the night with a current grad student, I decided to splurge and get a hotel room so she could go with me and so I could finally propose to her. We've been together almost six years and have two kids together, so we're effectively married. She's been waiting for the real thing (read: ring) for too long, and now acceptance to my top choice means I now have future prospects worthy of marriage.

That's so exciting! Congrats! :)

As for me, my fiance and I have sworn not to celebrate Valentine's Day, because we object to society telling us 1) that we must celebrate our relationship that day and 2) that we must do it by buying stuff. Doing something special with your SO is nice, but doing it because society tells you to seems kind of lame. Not to knock those of you who enjoy V-Day...I just don't get it, I guess.

I'll probably spend the day trying not to freak out, because I'm flying out to interview with my top choice program three days later!

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Thanks ticklemepink, Erica, and newms... I only just got the ring about 2 weeks ago. The hardest part now is waiting to do it until the end of the month. And the best part (for me, anyway) is that with every day that goes by she'll expect it less.

Edited by natsteel
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I think we should all get acceptances on Valentine's Day that say, "We love you -- won't you be ours?" Delivered with chocolate would be good.

E-X-ACT-LY my thought. I want a big chocolate heart with sugar flowers with white frosting saying "ACCEPTED."

Then that would probably be my only chocolate piece that I will never eat in my life because it'll be too damned special!

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