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SIPA (Columbia) Thread

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And THANK YOU Columbia for including my PIN in the e-mail so I didn't have to go through 6 months of e-mail to find it!

SERIOUSLY! I was so thankful for that. and then when i opened the letter i closed my eyes waiting for the worst but i got IN!


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You folks should consider posting 2012 info in the "SIPA page" thread as to not incorporate new info w an existing 18 page thread. Feel free to do as you like, just thought that would make sense >.<

Mine says submitted at the top while on the bottom it says "not submitted." If you do not easily see the decision link somewhere in the bottom lines (or haven't received an email this morning), you probably don't yet have a decision.

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exactly that for me

e: I can only assume it means we've been accepted with full funding

Haha, I wish!

Edit: Should I assume that if I haven't heard today, it will be coming another day? In other words, they've released all the decisions that they're going to on the 14th, and will release another batch on another day? I'd prefer to stop checking my email every 10 minutes today, got a busy afternoon ahead of me at work.

Edited by HDPFDan
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Why is there a speculation that having the application status as NOT submitted is an indication that the application's been accepted full funding?

It's a joke man. Jeez, everyone's at their wits end waiting for their SIPA result...

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wwsapp, it seems that a lot of updates were made to the results survey before 10:00 EST, but there have been almost none since then. That leads me to believe the results are not "rolling" but being released in batches, with all results in a batch going out simultaneously or in quick succession. I am totally overthinking things, but it's good to know I'm probably not the only one.

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hey huwda.. are you also waiting for SIPA? got the news already?

Yes, SIPA is my first choice school. After being waitlisted at SAIS, I really hope SIPA comes through. Fingers crossed!

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from the blog:

"We don’t publish all our decisions in a single day, so if yours doesn’t happen to be one of the first to be finalized, hang in there. Waiting isn’t easy but sometimes “it’s” worth the wait."

Waiting.... Yea and what the hell were we doing before? staring into space? lol

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Although most respondents on the results survey don't include GPA and GRE information (I have no idea why; if you don't include that information, your post is absolutely useless) those who did share their results thus far show something interesting. The GPA numbers for most of the accepted applicants are in the low 3's, and several rejected applicants are in the high 3's. It can only point to SIPA favoring extensive work experience over undergraduate performance. This gives me a measure of comfort having an objectively bad GPA but lots of experience with a foreign government while living abroad. I hope some of my fellow nailbiters feel the same way.

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