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Thanks! That's so sweet of you to be so happy for me when we don't even really know each other!

Although we don't know each other and we've never met each other, we are all here in the same boat together. We understand each other's pain and rejoice for each other's success and support each other. I believe this is what this place is all about :)

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Im still in the waiting boat....unlike many of you who know that you will receive your decision via email, mine will come the old fashioned way! :( I actually think snail mail is worse.........so nervous! But after reading the good news posts around here, I still have hope......

I have yet to get home and check the mail today :/

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If I weren't a worrier, and I had something else to be doing, I'd actually prefer snail mail. That way, I could only freak out around 4pm when the mail comes, and then be disappointed, frustrated and relieved at the same time when all that's in the box is a gas bill. Since I am a worrier, and have nothing else to be doing, I'd check the mail, be frustrated, disappointed and relieved to find only a gas bill, then spend the next 24 hours worrying.

I suppose stalking the mailman is less damaging to my computer than aggressively jabbing at the F5 key, though...

(And in case you haven't guessed, I still haven't heard anything. Come on! Tell me something!)

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If I weren't a worrier, and I had something else to be doing, I'd actually prefer snail mail. That way, I could only freak out around 4pm when the mail comes, and then be disappointed, frustrated and relieved at the same time when all that's in the box is a gas bill. Since I am a worrier, and have nothing else to be doing, I'd check the mail, be frustrated, disappointed and relieved to find only a gas bill, then spend the next 24 hours worrying.

I suppose stalking the mailman is less damaging to my computer than aggressively jabbing at the F5 key, though...

(And in case you haven't guessed, I still haven't heard anything. Come on! Tell me something!)

haha thats a good point!

never thought about the temporary stress of the afternoons. because you are right. once i see there is nothing in the mail today, its business as usual until the next day around mail time. :)

but either way, i wanna know already!

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Phew...I'm officially done waiting. Today I received both a reject and acceptance in the mail. I knew I got into George Mason, but it just didn't feel real until just now when I got that letter. I opened the small reject letter first, shredded it and said "I didn't really want to go there anyway," which isn't really true, but felt good to say and then relished in my acceptance letter. I actually tore the letter when opening the envelope, but the Congratulations was in tact and my dad promptly repaired it. There's a very slim chance I could get an offer off the waiting list at George Washington University, but I won't know about until mid-May, that's just too far away and my hope for that is just as slim as my chances...so it's in the back of my mind, but I'm running with George Mason right now, the school that actually wants me. What a relief to not have to wake up tomorrow wondering, waiting, and obsessing. It'll happen for all of you too, I didn't think it would ever happen for me. Phew.

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Yay, Mal83!

It can't be too long, as it seems like results have come in from a bunch of other pharmacology programs...Hopefully some acceptances to those means good news for me. :)

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i JUST got off the wait list!!!

i had been waiting since January! the official paperwork will STILL be sent via snail mail, but the director emailed me after they made the decision this afternoon. OH MY GAAWDD. i am just OVER THE MOOON about this. :D

i will be the first in my family to get a PhD. <3

so, for those of you still waiting, REALLY hope favorable decisions come your way. getting off that wait list is such an amazing feeling.


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i JUST got off the wait list!!!

i had been waiting since January! the official paperwork will STILL be sent via snail mail, but the director emailed me after they made the decision this afternoon. OH MY GAAWDD. i am just OVER THE MOOON about this. :D

i will be the first in my family to get a PhD. <3

so, for those of you still waiting, REALLY hope favorable decisions come your way. getting off that wait list is such an amazing feeling.


This post gives me the warm fuzzies. I'm on the waitlist at my top two programs. Congrats! I'm vicariously happy for a cyber-stranger! Thanks for spreading the love!

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i JUST got off the wait list!!!

i had been waiting since January! the official paperwork will STILL be sent via snail mail, but the director emailed me after they made the decision this afternoon. OH MY GAAWDD. i am just OVER THE MOOON about this. :D

i will be the first in my family to get a PhD. <3

so, for those of you still waiting, REALLY hope favorable decisions come your way. getting off that wait list is such an amazing feeling.


CONGRATULATIONS!! That's so exciting. I know that over the moon feeling and we deserve it after this long arduous process, I think I'll probably shout it from the rooftops if I actually get into my top choice, which I'm currently waitlisted at...but for now I'm still all fuzzy wuzzy over my acceptance. You go get that PhD!

Fingers crossed for Owlie!

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I didn't really care about the waiting, having had my two rejections pretty early on in the process. One of my recommenders even reminded me, "Rejections come early, be patient." But then my wife got her two acceptances yesterday, one of which is to the same school I'm waiting on (different program), so now the waiting has been scaled up to torture!

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