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History Admissions 2009


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Congrats on the acceptance to Princeton! I'm waiting to hear back as well, but I won't be too surprised if they don't take me.

slawkenbergius--have you received a definate yes/no from JHU yet? I was just curious because you have it listed on your rejected/probably rejected column. I know they notified some candidates a few weeks ago. I haven't heard anything, either good news or bad. Does that mean it's probably a rejection?

No, I haven't heard anything yet. I'm assuming it's a rejection, though. I really hate schools that wait for two months to notify you!

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Has anyone heard anything from UCSB recently?

When I e-mailed them to ask if they had all my materials, they mentioned that they were going to have most decisions by the end of last week or start of this week. Yet the decision available button still remains gray and unclickable on my status page. (I assume that is where a button to see the decision appears once they make one?)

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Has anyone heard anything from UCSB recently?

When I e-mailed them to ask if they had all my materials, they mentioned that they were going to have most decisions by the end of last week or start of this week. Yet the decision available button still remains gray and unclickable on my status page. (I assume that is where a button to see the decision appears once they make one?)

I can tell you that I still don't have a "decision available" on my status page, though I received an acceptance from the department and email from my potential advisor last week. UCSB is one of the schools where the Graduate School is the agency that formally accepts you, and when that happens the status website changes, from what I understand. Good luck!

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Northwestern has started posting admissions decisions on the website - let the compulsive checking begin! :wink:

No joke. When I saw two "accepted via websites," I got really excited and hoped they had put all the decisions up.

Now I'm going to be checking all day... :x

...And congrats to the NW and Princeton folks.

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not to be a downer (and huge congrats to those who have heard good news already!), and i realize there's still quite a bit of decision-making left to happen, but has anyone considered what they will do if they don't get an offer from any of the programs they applied to? consider reapplying next year? just curious where other people fall on this as the possibilities start to dwindle and i start thinking about my options...

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not to be a downer (and huge congrats to those who have heard good news already!), and i realize there's still quite a bit of decision-making left to happen, but has anyone considered what they will do if they don't get an offer from any of the programs they applied to? consider reapplying next year? just curious where other people fall on this as the possibilities start to dwindle and i start thinking about my options...

I am going to Europe to reconsider my life, because that is what White People Like.

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not to be a downer (and huge congrats to those who have heard good news already!), and i realize there's still quite a bit of decision-making left to happen, but has anyone considered what they will do if they don't get an offer from any of the programs they applied to? consider reapplying next year? just curious where other people fall on this as the possibilities start to dwindle and i start thinking about my options...

This is my first year applying, so I think if I were in that position, I would definitely try again next year; when I first found these forums and was reading about how people felt their application was much stronger the second time around, my initial thought was "what could I really do differently?" but I do feel I've learned a lot from other people's experiences and could definitely improve my applications. This would be complicated by the fact that I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that my current job holds out through summer and am not optimistic at all that it would last until next year, so I have no idea what I would do for a living if I had to wait another year. But that's more of a personal consideration.

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not to be a downer (and huge congrats to those who have heard good news already!), and i realize there's still quite a bit of decision-making left to happen, but has anyone considered what they will do if they don't get an offer from any of the programs they applied to? consider reapplying next year? just curious where other people fall on this as the possibilities start to dwindle and i start thinking about my options...

I've certainly been thinking about it as a very real possibility. In the short term, I'd do my best to keep my current job. Then I'd think hard about whether I should try to apply again. And I'd think hard about whether I should go to law school instead, where a good LSAT can all but guarantee that you get in a few places. But, I still have quite a few places left to hear from.

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It depends on where you are in your life, I think.

I got into a place already, but I had been working on the very high possibility that I wouldn't get into anything. I graduated undergrad in 2008, and obviously there aren't a lot of "career opportunities" for bookish 22 year olds right now.

I guess my vague backup plan is to move somewhere other than New York, and do something "new" for work, maybe apply next year or the year after that, and in the meantime think about alternate paths.

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I've certainly been thinking about it as a very real possibility. In the short term, I'd do my best to keep my current job. Then I'd think hard about whether I should try to apply again. And I'd think hard about whether I should go to law school instead, where a good LSAT can all but guarantee that you get in a few places. But, I still have quite a few places left to hear from.

I'm already in law school (graduating in June), so I think that option may be out for me. :) It sounds like I'm perhaps in a slightly different position than a lot of folks on the board in that I don't actually have a job at present, so I don't have the immediate option to keep doing what I'm doing for a while.

Does anyone happen to be on their second application cycle?

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And I'd think hard about whether I should go to law school instead, where a good LSAT can all but guarantee that you get in a few places.

As a soon-to-be refugee from the law, I'll just point out what is probably obvious - the values prevailing among law students and throughout law school in general are often quite different from what you would find in a history doctoral program. And the format of classes and level of intellectual rigour are different as well. It's much more vocational than intellectual - most law students dream of six figure salaries doing rote legal work, as opposed to being legal scholars. I was disappointed by the experience.

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I'm on my second application cycle, and so far, no word from any of the 10 schools I applied to (though other people have heard from five of them). I definitely think my application is stronger this time around. I graduated in 08 and my senior grades improved my overall GPA considerably, I entered a competitive 1-year MA program and am doing well, and I was able to submit a much, much better writing sample than the junior-seminar paper available to me in Nov. 2007. My graduate school professors were incredibly helpful in the entire process, much more so than my wonderful but slightly out-of-touch undergrad adviser. I applied to schools that were a better fit than the first-round schools, and I was very happy with my application instead of the prior year's "oh well, better send this thing off and hope for the best" attitude.

The flip side of the coin is, I don't think I could make my application any stronger. So a third round of applications doesn't make sense for me. Hence the constant panic!

Here's hoping we all get good news soon so we don't have to flirt with our options in "the real world".

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Just got into UCLA, but without any communication from ANYBODY. I just logged into the website and there was an acceptance letter that mentioned nothing about funding and was clearly a generic form letter. Come on, you can do better than that.

Congrats again; when do you start turning people down? :)

Nothing on the website for me yet, although it is highly unlikely I would go to UCLA even if I was accepted. After several years in the real world, I've basically accumulated way too much stuff to continue living in L.A. on a stipend in a place large enough to house it all. My current rent alone is twice as much per month as I would be likely to receive from a stipend. :o

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not to be a downer (and huge congrats to those who have heard good news already!), and i realize there's still quite a bit of decision-making left to happen, but has anyone considered what they will do if they don't get an offer from any of the programs they applied to? consider reapplying next year? just curious where other people fall on this as the possibilities start to dwindle and i start thinking about my options...

Well, I'm gonna try to get a decent job for a year and then reapply to the same programs next year, in addition to a slew of other programs. During the down time, I'll try to boost my GRE scores and everything else I still have influence over at this stage of the process.

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Congrats again; when do you start turning people down? :)

Nothing on the website for me yet, although it is highly unlikely I would go to UCLA even if I was accepted. After several years in the real world, I've basically accumulated way too much stuff to continue living in L.A. on a stipend in a place large enough to house it all. My current rent alone is twice as much per month as I would be likely to receive from a stipend. :o

Thanks! (I feel like kind of a dick announcing my acceptances here.) I have a pathological fear of saying "no" to people, so I'm putting off the moment when I say no as long as I can. I will definitely do it before mid-March, though, so the spots on the waitlist can fill up.

I lived in LA about six years ago, and I couldn't imagine going back there. Especially since I can't drive. (I guess it was poor thinking to apply to this program, then....)

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