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History Admissions 2009


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Crap. So it's starting to look like those who got into Chicago have been contacted. Anyone care to disagree and make my day?

I am also waiting to hear from Chicago. Have folks received official letters from Chicago? Or, have they been notified by potential advisers via email?

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I am also waiting to hear from Chicago. Have folks received official letters from Chicago? Or, have they been notified by potential advisers via email?

I called Chicago on Friday the 20th, and they told me that all decisions have been made and that letters are going out in the first week of March (realistically though, they will prob. go out this coming week). Don't worry!!! Just because three people posted in the results page that they received an e-mail from a potential advisor, does not mean that all fields and all profs are doing so.... If this were the case, then there would be at least a dozen or so posts in the results page. Chicago typically makes offers to 50-60, although this year less, more like 30-40. But with that many people getting offers, there would be way more than 3 posts in the results page. Most likely it is one prof. from one field who likes to contact early.... When I asked about the fact that there are "internet postings" of prospectives claiming to be notified via email by a prof. they seemed very shocked. They said that they really never do that, and are not really supposed to. So, don't stress about it and watch the mail starting prob. late this coming week.

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When I asked about the fact that there are "internet postings" of prospectives claiming to be notified via email by a prof. they seemed very shocked. They said that they really never do that, and are not really supposed to. So, don't stress about it and watch the mail starting prob. late this coming week.

I'm glad to read this. It's nice to think that some of the results posted by people who heard from future advisors don't necessarily mean that everyone who has been accepted has already heard.

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Hi there!

To the person admitted to Texas -- was it a formal letter, or change to the webpage, or was it an informal email from a professor.

I've been waiting on them, so i'm a little curious :)


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I'm glad to read this. It's nice to think that some of the results posted by people who heard from future advisors don't necessarily mean that everyone who has been accepted has already heard.

I don't think there's a hard-and-fast rule either way. A friend of mine at Chicago was contacted by two profs as soon as he was accepted. That said, no one at Northwestern broke it to me before decisions were posted. It's not worth fretting about either way.

Also, number's of 50-60 seem awfully high to me. I know that they are only allowed to admit 2 medievalists, for example. It's been a really rough year for Chicago.

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I don't think there's a hard-and-fast rule either way. A friend of mine at Chicago was contacted by two profs as soon as he was accepted. That said, no one at Northwestern broke it to me before decisions were posted. It's not worth fretting about either way.

Also, number's of 50-60 seem awfully high to me. I know that they are only allowed to admit 2 medievalists, for example. It's been a really rough year for Chicago.

How were you notified by Northwestern? I'm waiting to hear, but a "View Decision" link hasn't appeared yet via applyyourself, despite the fact that its clear they've made decisions.

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Hi all, I was admitted to Chicago last week. I was told by the prof there that they are making 40% fewer offers this year than last. I was told via informal phone call, congratulations from multiple people in my area (Latin American History) as well as a formal e-mail by the department (chair of admissions and the department) letting me know the fellowship amount, etc. In all communiques they said this was early notice of my admission and that the official letter from the Dean of Students is to follow over the next week.

I hope this gives people particulars as to how at least one person was admitted.

I'm waiting on Columbia - anyone know how many they usually admit to fill their class? I saw some people mention Columbia is announcing, and further specifics there?

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I know that they are only allowed to admit 2 medievalists, for example.

admissions stats and statements about how many got into what field both intrigue and irk me, because I'm a Byzantinist, so I'm in a different box at every school- Chicago and Harvard have Byzantium as its own field, at Penn and Ohio State I applied as ancient, at UIUC late antiquity, at St. Louis, Catholic and Michigan medieval, at LSU and Florida pre-modern Europe.

if I weren't so completely in love with what I do, I'd probably resent being in such an obscure field :D

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Hi all, I was admitted to Chicago last week. I was told by the prof there that they are making 40% fewer offers this year than last. I was told via informal phone call, congratulations from multiple people in my area (Latin American History) as well as a formal e-mail by the department (chair of admissions and the department) letting me know the fellowship amount, etc. In all communiques they said this was early notice of my admission and that the official letter from the Dean of Students is to follow over the next week.

I hope this gives people particulars as to how at least one person was admitted.

I'm waiting on Columbia - anyone know how many they usually admit to fill their class? I saw some people mention Columbia is announcing, and further specifics there?

congratulations on getting into chicago! i don't know how many students columbia usually admits, but a friend of mine applied there and received a lot of positive feedback from her potential adviser, and she hasn't heard anything yet, so i wouldn't worry too much.

may i ask what your focus in latin american history is? i myself plan to study the spanish caribbean, and when i hear that others have applied to schools that are excellent but weren't even on my radar (such as columbia or chicago), i get a little panicky. :)

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admissions stats and statements about how many got into what field both intrigue and irk me, because I'm a Byzantinist, so I'm in a different box at every school- Chicago and Harvard have Byzantium as its own field, at Penn and Ohio State I applied as ancient, at UIUC late antiquity, at St. Louis, Catholic and Michigan medieval, at LSU and Florida pre-modern Europe.

You're right, they don't make a whole lot of sense for us, but they make somewhat more sense for the faculty and graduate school. At Chicago, for example, our medieval faculty was told they could only admit 2 students this year so the 3-4 of them have to decide who gets a student... Of course, medieval is a somewhat larger field than Byz, so I understand your frustration... :wink:

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StrangeLight -

I study early 20th Century Mexico and so a lot of the departments and I limited my search to departments with top Mexicanists that studied around my time and with my particular bent (intellectual/political history). Columbia and Chicago fit that bill exactly. I did my ugrad study at Columbia, and I liked working with the Mexicanists on staff there - I think it is a rising department as well - and I have a lot of ties in the city which make it a compelling opportunity. Columbia has a few strong caribbeanists in the comp-lit or Spanish Language Department that I have heard people bringing them in to be part of their dissertation group if not their official sponsor. Chicago has a very strong Latin American group, but no one really pops for Spanish Caribbean studies.

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Also, number's of 50-60 seem awfully high to me. I know that they are only allowed to admit 2 medievalists, for example. It's been a really rough year for Chicago.

According to the official U-Chicago website, under graduate program, then under Admissions FAQ, is this:


11. How difficult is it to get in?

The Department of History is highly selective. Every year, we decline more qualified applicants each year than we have the resources to accept. We typically receive 300-350 applications. We admit 50-60 students, all of whom receive some kind of financial aid.


If they are making 40% fewer offers, then, the number for 2009 admissions should be: 30-36. Still not so bad, but who knows... We'll find out for sure within a week or two. Good luck to all!!

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veilside, I saw that statistic the other day. But if you look around their site a little more, it says somewhere that they admitted about 17 or so (I can't remember) students in 2007. I know the history department pretty well and that sounds about right. I'd expect this year's class to be 10-15. Perhaps the 50-60 students refers to the PhD and MAPSS program? That said, no matter what the stats are, good luck!

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Wow, looks like UCSB sent out a round of rejections and they didn't include me. I thought it was totally coming since synthla got in what seems like forever ago (but which is probably 2 weeks). I wonder if I'm wait-listed or something...

Your sense of time has been warped even worse than you think - it's only been about 12 days actually. :) But the website status still hasn't changed...

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sorry. that is all.

Where's my postal lady? She's usually here by now. She listens to a Chinese talk radio station on this little scratchy portable radio SUPER LOUD, so I know as soon as she gets here. I think I will forever associate Chinese talk radio with this unending distraction of a purgatory.

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Does anyone have any information on the University of Virginia or Emory? I've seen a couple of acceptances for UVA, and I saw that a few people were invited to some sort of accepted students weekend at Emory, but I've received no communication from either school.

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Only one notification has been posted, and it was from a faculty member. I'd say they probably haven't finished sending out acceptances yet.

Hello All~

I applied to grad schools last year, so know your pain VERY well. Hang in there, it'll all be over soon.

I am at Michigan now and its our spring break. Last year they called all admitted applicants on the same day, Sun Feb. 17. They keep current students pretty well informed here, and to the best of my knowledge phone calls have not gone out. I hope this helps.

Like I said, I know its REALLY difficult. I wish you success.

Once you get in, visit ALL the programs, choose well and choose wisely!

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