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Fulbright 2012-2013


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Yea, but part of that money goes to health care, so it evens out; and the Austria program doesn't pay back your flight ticket.

AFTER health care and taxes, Austria is still paying approx €1050 or so. Yeah, they don't pay back for your flight, but Germany only pays €800 a month, so if you get a decent ticket you still end up earning more. You have more flexibility with ticket price since you're not limited to a US-flag carrier

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Okay, I thought it was 1050 and then health care and taxes...

I find it strange that a program that is smaller and less funded pays more, but from what I know Austria is expensive (more so than Germany) so it makes sense.

Edited by TheodPliske8711
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Does anyone know what the timeline is for CLEA notification? I got a full grant (to Jordan) but there was no mention of the CLEA...

I'm also full to Jordan and included the CLEA in my application. The e-mail I received (which I assume is the same as yours) didn't say anything about this either. Let me know if you find out about this and I'll do the same.

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Long time lurker here. Just wanted to say congrats to everyone who has been awarded a grant by the Fulbright Commission, you have much to be proud about.

I was just notified that I am an alternate for the full research grant to Azerbaijan. Does anyone know the chances of alternates being promoted to principals?

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And... Italy: alternate. Maybe (given that this was my second year as a finalist and I was rejected last year) if I applied next year I would be accepted at this point? Still keeping my fingers crossed.

Good luck to everyone else!

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And... Italy: alternate. Maybe (given that this was my second year as a finalist and I was rejected last year) if I applied next year I would be accepted at this point? Still keeping my fingers crossed.

Good luck to everyone else!

I just got my notice as well.

Italy, Casten Family Foundation Grant, Alternate, via e-email.

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Awarded an ETA to Azerbaijan! [my old forum name was clairea12 for the spreadsheet]

Thecommandor: Good luck on your status! No idea about the chances, but I hope that someone declines and you are able to take their spot! What kind of research did your propose?

Congratulations to everyone for making it so far!

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I was awarded the USTA Austria and received the email at 7:20 AM EST. They placed me in a tiny town called Pinkafeld. I am going to turn them down for Fulbright Germany so that's good news for any USTA alternates :)

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Rejected by Whitaker and alternate for Netherlands. Here's hoping, worst case I continue and hopefully finish this PhD. Congratulations to everyone else!

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Maybe I'm a little late on this (and I apologize if it's already been discussed on the forum), but can anybody else explain how you are able to apply for BOTH Germany & Austria? Thought we were only allowed to select ONE country - or are these entirely different programs both run through Fulbright?

Also... for the other Spain ETAs waiting, have you heard anything else? Or should we brace ourselves for another 1 to 2 weeks? I'm not anticipating we'd hear anything back this week anyway due to Semana Santa...

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Maybe I'm a little late on this (and I apologize if it's already been discussed on the forum), but can anybody else explain how you are able to apply for BOTH Germany & Austria? Thought we were only allowed to select ONE country - or are these entirely different programs both run through Fulbright?

Also... for the other Spain ETAs waiting, have you heard anything else? Or should we brace ourselves for another 1 to 2 weeks? I'm not anticipating we'd hear anything back this week anyway due to Semana Santa...

The USTA Austria program is not actually a Fulbright, it's administered or something by Fulbright but is run by the Austrian commission. If you take the teaching assistant position with USTA, you're not actually a Fulbright Grantee.

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The USTA Austria program is not actually a Fulbright, it's administered or something by Fulbright but is run by the Austrian commission. If you take the teaching assistant position with USTA, you're not actually a Fulbright Grantee.

GOT IT. Thanks for the explanation! Makes a TON of sense. I know for example that the Spanish embassy has an English teaching program for native speakers of English as well - so it's similar to Fulbright, less of a stipend and without the prestige of a Fulbright but STILL a great opportunity if you're looking to live and teach abroad...

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GOT IT. Thanks for the explanation! Makes a TON of sense. I know for example that the Spanish embassy has an English teaching program for native speakers of English as well - so it's similar to Fulbright, less of a stipend and without the prestige of a Fulbright but STILL a great opportunity if you're looking to live and teach abroad...

It's actually more of a stipend, which is weird hahha but yes I agree it's a great opportunity!

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It's actually more of a stipend, which is weird hahha but yes I agree it's a great opportunity!

Sup Ann Arbor, Michigan German Fulbrighter! I'll be doing a research grant in Stuttgart. Do you know where you'll be yet?

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I just got my notice as well.

Italy, Casten Family Foundation Grant, Alternate, via e-email.

Nice to know we're still in the running - but it would also be nice to know what's going on next year! How are you dealing with it? I'm sure I could look it up but I'm actually in Italy right now, it's late and I'm tired... what is the Casten Family grant? Did you apply specifically for it?

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Awarded an ETA to Azerbaijan! [my old forum name was clairea12 for the spreadsheet]

Ohhhhh my god. That has to mean Armenia is close to making a decision, right?!?! Did you just hear? When were you expecting to find out? (Congrats!!!!!)

(I realize there's probably no chance the Caucasus all send out stuff at the same time...but they're neighbors...come on Hayastan!!!)

Edited by lg702
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Nice to know we're still in the running - but it would also be nice to know what's going on next year! How are you dealing with it? I'm sure I could look it up but I'm actually in Italy right now, it's late and I'm tired... what is the Casten Family grant? Did you apply specifically for it?

Well, about ten minutes after I got that e-mail I sent my official acceptance to Boston University haha, I can't deal with anymore what ifs. The Casten Family grant was a specific (1 award) to complete a Masters of Food Communication (essentially advertising the Slow Food Movement) at the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Bra, Italy. I'm happy that I was an alternate and congrats to you as well. It is reassuring to think of the amount of applications for Italy each year and to know we made it this far is pretty special. I'd be a little upset if two months from now I find out the other person turned it down but.. va be va be.

What do you want to research again, I think you told us but I can't remember?

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Maybe I'm a little late on this (and I apologize if it's already been discussed on the forum), but can anybody else explain how you are able to apply for BOTH Germany & Austria? Thought we were only allowed to select ONE country - or are these entirely different programs both run through Fulbright?

Also... for the other Spain ETAs waiting, have you heard anything else? Or should we brace ourselves for another 1 to 2 weeks? I'm not anticipating we'd hear anything back this week anyway due to Semana Santa...

You could always place a call to or email the Spain Fulbright Commission. So far I've made a pair of calls to Rachel's office, so I'm hoping someone else will step up and find out something for all of us.

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Hi folks, quick question: does the physical have to be completed four weeks from the original letter, or from the letter that specifies the terms of the award? I'm trying to arrange it so that I have a physical next week, but it's been a little difficult. I haven't seen anyone else mention it, so perhaps it's not as urgent as I am thinking it is...

Oh and: my Fulbright is to Germany, if it matters.

Edited by vordhosbntwin
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Rejected for a Whitaker to Spain...Fulbright, don't let me down! :(

Sorry to hear that! I wish they would have told us why, or some suggestions for improvement! Good luck and I hope you get the Fulbright.

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