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Fulbright 2012-2013


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On the shortlist for a creative arts full research grant in Austria - second time in this position, first time with the support of an austrian university. got the rejection letter around march 11th 2 years ago, so we might hear as soon as thursday

good luck all!

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Im still waiting on a decision from ETA in Indonesia.

I think someone else had mentioned a situation where their current Fulbright status is keeping them from other opportunities. I am in that boat. I'm a pre-med student, and currently in the job interview process for something that would be a great stepping stone for med school. They will probably want a decision soon on the job, but I need to know about Fulbright before making a decision! If I decline the job, I might not get the Fulbright and end up with nothing. If I take the job and end up receiving the ETA, I would be upsetting a few people (potential med school faculty) if I leave them after a few months.

Any insight?

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I've been calling my parents constantly about the mail...just want my notification to come! Ideally it'll come in about a week and a half, while I'm home on spring break, because if I'm not selected I really don't want to find that out over the phone with my parents...

I totally understand how you feel, Ikjl. I can't wait to get my decision, but I'm dreading that phone call with my folks!

I know, I have been considering emailing my area coordinator to see if I can change my address to my real one (I'm on the east coast and my parents are in the midwest) just so I can be the one to make the call instead of having to hear from my parents. Not really sure if I want my roommates to see the big or small envelope either though...

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Im still waiting on a decision from ETA in Indonesia.

I think someone else had mentioned a situation where their current Fulbright status is keeping them from other opportunities. I am in that boat. I'm a pre-med student, and currently in the job interview process for something that would be a great stepping stone for med school. They will probably want a decision soon on the job, but I need to know about Fulbright before making a decision! If I decline the job, I might not get the Fulbright and end up with nothing. If I take the job and end up receiving the ETA, I would be upsetting a few people (potential med school faculty) if I leave them after a few months.

Any insight?

Do you have an offer? I think that you don't need to worry unless you receive a job offer before the Fulbright decision is made. If you do, they usually give you a few days or so to make a decision and you can ask for an extension to make the decision if need be.

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I was recommended for a Chile full grant and I am waiting to hear the final decision...does anyone have any idea about when I can expect to hear? This is so hard!

Hey just breathe, I don't know anything about the Chile fulbright but I am Chilean so I'm sort of wondering what your project is about.

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After only a few minutes of lurking...

Recommended ETA to Spain. I saw some France and Germany, any other Spain people? The waiting is agony. I'm really over the anxiety. Or rather, I'M NOT! Much thanks to those who reminded people to send in their transcripts, I actually had completely overlooked that, which would have been catastrophic : /

Also recommended for Spain. The waiting is awful but hopefully it'll pay off when we find out in (I hope) early-mid April. Best of luck to you.

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Cheerios, I never received a confirmation or anything after sending in my transcript and supplemental materials for the Germany ETA. My FPA said that (going off of past experience) we'll likely hear back between the third week of March and the first week of April.

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Hi all, just got an email from my adviser who was sent an email from Fulbright that says, "This year we will be informing principal candidates, alternate candidates and not selected candidates of their status by email. We will no longer inform candidates by regular mail. Fulbright Advisers will be Cc’d on the individual principal, alternate and non-select emails sent to students...Although the method of informing students and advisers will change; the process will not. Emails will be sent as country selections are complete and Board of Foreign Scholarship decisions are received." Not sure if this means that the no more regular mail applies to all countries, but just letting you know!

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Hi all, just got an email from my adviser who was sent an email from Fulbright that says, "This year we will be informing principal candidates, alternate candidates and not selected candidates of their status by email."

That is awesome news! Although now we're all going to wear out the refresh button on our email. At least with regular mail, I know I wasn't going to go down and check the mailbox 9282903478 times a day and have my neighbors think I'm a crazy person. My iPhone is a different story.

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Yup, been playing around with various scenarios involving the time difference. If the e-mail comes from a Fulbright commission abroad and the time difference is, say, six hours, then presumably if I haven't received an e-mail by say NOON, then it won't come until tomorrow? OTOH, if they sent them out at 8 AM, then it makes sense to continue to check e-mail in the middle of night, like say after 2 AM? Or am I reading WAAAAAY too much into this . .

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Yup, been playing around with various scenarios involving the time difference. If the e-mail comes from a Fulbright commission abroad and the time difference is, say, six hours, then presumably if I haven't received an e-mail by say NOON, then it won't come until tomorrow? OTOH, if they sent them out at 8 AM, then it makes sense to continue to check e-mail in the middle of night, like say after 2 AM? Or am I reading WAAAAAY too much into this . .

Well, I am in Rome right now so I'm awake when you're asleep and vice-versa...between the two of us, we've got it covered virtually 24 hours a day! It would make more sense for you to check very late night/very early morning rather than afternoon/evening...just to give the refresh button on your email a break :)

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Wow! I was without internet for the last 3 days and to read the last few pages of this thread was awesome - It is good to read things all at once (definitely better than refreshing every 15min, lol). Major congratulations T Pain!! I figured someone might hear back by now. I am so happy for you!!

Specifically, I was in the mountains (I'm from NYC, but work abroad) and I realized that I couldn't let the final decision consume my thoughts especially when I have important work to focus on. Moreover, it is much better for me to enjoy and be extremely happy about the fact that I am a finalist in the first place; I applied last year and was not recommended, so I try to celebrate my first-round success 24/7! This is one way I decrease my anxiety :-)

Edited by redArcher
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Hi all, just got an email from my adviser who was sent an email from Fulbright that says, "This year we will be informing principal candidates, alternate candidates and not selected candidates of their status by email."

Wait, but didn't some candidates already receive snail mail?

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Hi all, just got an email from my adviser who was sent an email from Fulbright that says, "This year we will be informing principal candidates, alternate candidates and not selected candidates of their status by email. We will no longer inform candidates by regular mail. Fulbright Advisers will be Cc’d on the individual principal, alternate and non-select emails sent to students...Although the method of informing students and advisers will change; the process will not. Emails will be sent as country selections are complete and Board of Foreign Scholarship decisions are received." Not sure if this means that the no more regular mail applies to all countries, but just letting you know!

Have to say, while I heartily congratulate T-Pain, if this email really applies to all countries, then I'm kind of skeptical that he was accepted via postal mail...especially since it's super early and no one else has heard.

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Okay, so forget about my previous decrease in anxiety! My heart started pounding after I got an email from my FPA. Part of the exchange is below:

Subject: Re: Fulbright 2012 Results

On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 7:13 PM, wrote:

Dear Recommended Applicants,

We were informed only today that instead of receiving the results in the mail, notices will be sent via email with a copy to this office.

Fingers crossed! Like you, X, Y, and I are also looking forward to receiving the results.

Please accept our very best wishes.

Me: Ahhhhhhhh!! All countries? Even ETA applicants??!

On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 7:16 PM, wrote:


Me: So, then what about Belgium? This applicant got a small white envelope on Monday... Or did they they just decide to switch over to this. I apologize for all of the questions!

On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 7:26 PM, wrote:

I don’t know. Maybe after that they decided to notify via email!! Who knows?

Take some deep breaths. I’m signing off as I should have left office already!




What the heeeeeeel??! Oh well, now I don't have to worry about asking my mum repeatedly for my mail, lol.

I'm fine now. Again, more important things to worry about at the moment. Good luck to all! :-)

Edited by redArcher
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for those of you as slow as I, i just figured out a cool way to get the google doc to notify you if the cells are changed for any of the people in your country group. some directions:

1. Open the google doc

2. Click on Tools

3. Click Notification Rules

4. Click the box for "Any of these cells are changed"

5. Enter the cell range, or click the little cell box and highlight the cells that pertain to your country group.

Should cure some of the refresh blues.

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Ahh!!! I have a thesis to write!

I wouldn't put it past countries to do whatever they wanted in addition to the generic email from Fulbright.T Pain said his letter came from Brussels, while the emails are supposed to come from the main Fulbright office, right? Calm down folks. Why are we casting shadows? I don't think this is the first time things haven't run exactly according to plan... Nope, not. Plus last year I believe someone got notice in Feb (22?).

Counting to 10 and then going back to SAS and way too many variables to comprehend.

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Have to say, while I heartily congratulate T-Pain, if this email really applies to all countries, then I'm kind of skeptical that he was accepted via postal mail...especially since it's super early and no one else has heard.

Be skeptical all you want. I'll be in Belgium next year, and I have received a physical letter, much to my surprise, and no email. Only a complete douche bag would get on a thread like this to create a hoax, lol.

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