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Fulbright 2012-2013


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I got this too and e-mailed them back right away. They checked my physical file and it was there. Maybe have them do that?

I may be thinking too much into this....but I'd say if they are asking about your transcripts, there's a very good chance you're going to get offered the grant. If they checked that EVERYONE who was recommended had their transcripts in, don't you think they would have done it closer to the March 1st deadline? It would make sense that they would be checking on the transcripts of those that they would be sending the offers to (like a last check that is necessary for the US comission to give their 'official stamp of approval').

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Anyone hear anything/know anyone who applied for Finland? I'd love to know when I can expect to hear, if only so I can rest easy at night :unsure:

Congrats to all who've been accepted! It's a fantastic achievement :)

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Have any Germany ETAs heard anything?

I think we still have a bit to go before we should expect anything. Most people hearing back did not have a second stage as late as we did. Think about it, if the date for sending out all of the applications was 02/27, that means that the last ones did not arrive till a few days ago. That leaves only a few days to decide between 280 applicants...

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Never say never. I've been long distance for the last year (different countries) and while it's challenging, it definitely works. The relationship is totally dependent on honesty, trust, and really good communication. But if you're willing to put in the work, I think you could find you'll actually grow closer to your boyfriend.

Being a returned peace corps volunteer (any others on this board?) I will say that it is true: when you go abroad for work or research, you are by definition not at home. Things happen that you aren't there for. Little things, big things, just general changes in the feel of life that everyone else adjusts to without even noticing, but for you may become hard to adjust to upon return. I missed weddings, births, some amazing cultural events, and even the funeral of an old friend who died unexpectedly. But this doesn't mean you are gone forever, or that you won't have your own wonderful, life-changing experiences. Compared to peace corps, fulbright isn't that long. IMHO, if your relationship can't stand 9 months apart, then you might want to think of whether it is worth sticking around for. The world is a small place, though. when I was in Romania a few summers ago, I was able to shop for apartments back in the states via skype in the evenings (which worked out wonderfuly, as that is mid-day in these parts), stay in close contact with my parents, close friends, and roommates.

I don't say these things to dissuade you, but only to take these things into consideration when making your decision (assuming you are accepted, which I hope everyone here is!). Personally, I think that especially if this would be your first time living overseas, you have more to gain than to lose. It is an incredibly rewarding (and difficult) experience. But these are calculations we each have to make, with the reality of the situation in mind.

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I got this too and e-mailed them back right away. They checked my physical file and it was there. Maybe have them do that?

Thanks, but they checked - they just don't have them. Fortunately my undergraduate institution was nice enough to reissue the documents for free. I'm not sure whether or not this is a sign, however. When I got the email I freaked out and called IIE and did some prying about my application. Apparently they haven't heard back from the country yet... That obviously means one of two things (1) that they really haven't heard back or (2) they have heard back and just said that they hadn't to avoid further pestering.

Either way, I plan to break the "Please don't contact us about the receipt of your transcripts" rule in about a week.

Another. whole. week.

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I was a Fulbright - UK hopeful. Just got my letter. I, too, am an alternate. Really, really disappointed. Was applying to University of Leicester. What schools were the other UKers applying to?

Don't despair just yet! I had a friend (2009-2010) who was an alternate to Cambodia and was later on accepted!

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Is there anyone on this forum who has dependents that would be joining them to their prospective host country?

The worst part of the wait for me is knowing that the final decision will be affecting two people. I'm trying to figure out how to balance doing some initial planning for my spouse to have some work opportunities, but also feel a little silly doing all this work considering there is a very good chance I won't necessarily receive the Fulbright (but also don't want to feel completely unprepared if I do get it).

Anyone else in this situation?

Yep. We've been making plans and alternate plans and my spouse is just as anxious to find out what will happen as I am! We both think the Fullbright is the optimal plan but still have to prepare not to go just in case. Which sucks.

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accepted to Germany, if anyone wants to update the excel spreadsheet, full grant.

to those who were left unhappy: out of the worst circumstances, often great fortune arises. Keep going.

Edited by lurker__
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He received a full grant for masters in environmental engineering in Germany. But he may accept the DAAD instead because he wants to extend it an additional year so that he can finish his masters and his advisor said that DAAD offers more 2nd year extensions than Fulbright.

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Congrats to all those who have been accepted! Congrats also to the alternates, as that too should be celebrated and it's definitely possible to still receive the grant -- many applicants from my alma mater were alternates, only to be informed later that they had been accepted!

Looks like Germany and the UK are the only ones currently sending out notifications? Stomach is now flip-flopping constantly...ay! :)

Edited by strgrl522
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Eric Bee--where were you in the PC?? I'm in the middle of applying for PC myself, and would love to hear your experience.

So I served in the Republic of Moldova. If you want to talk more about it, feel free to send me a private email (erictb@umich.edu), as I have lot to say, and don't want to take up the space here.

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geee! accepted to germany!! so excited!

info for the spreadsheet:

full grant

no interview

notified 13 march

via email


german linguistics

don't know where i'll be, as they haven't announced the placement? is it fairly automatic that you get your first or second choice, or how does that work? anybody know?

also got a daad grant for the same project, so trying to decide which to accept. anybody have any thoughts?

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geee! accepted to germany!! so excited!

info for the spreadsheet:

full grant

no interview

notified 13 march

via email


german linguistics

don't know where i'll be, as they haven't announced the placement? is it fairly automatic that you get your first or second choice, or how does that work? anybody know?

also got a daad grant for the same project, so trying to decide which to accept. anybody have any thoughts?

is there a waiting list for the daad? You might want to take that if all else is equal, b/c an alternate could take your fulbright

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