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Typical response after accepting an offer?


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So I sent the program I finally ended up choosing to attend an email yesterday morning confirming that I decided to go there, but I never received a reply. I was thinking I would get some kind of a welcome or congratulations or next steps or at the very least an "ok we won't give away your spot" email. Is this at all normal? Should I send a follow up? It just seems off to me, but I don't want them to think I'm crying for attention.

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So I sent the program I finally ended up choosing to attend an email yesterday morning confirming that I decided to go there, but I never received a reply. I was thinking I would get some kind of a welcome or congratulations or next steps or at the very least an "ok we won't give away your spot" email. Is this at all normal? Should I send a follow up? It just seems off to me, but I don't want them to think I'm crying for attention.

1. Congrattttttts! You got accepted at all the schools you applied for! This is unusual = you must be outstanding!

2. It is a Friday, dear, so perhaps they got SO many e-mails and decided to reply next week.

3. you might want to send another e-mail if you do not get any response by Monday or Tuesday!

4. Celebrate your success and be happy!


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I agree with HopeHope. Wait a few days and, if they don't answer, send them another e-mail.

Last year, when I sent an e-mail accepting the offer I didn't get any reply from my DGS. I also sent a hard copy of it, to make it more official. A week passed and I hadn't heard from him (although I hard heard from other profs I had contacted to tell them I had accepted). I then decided to send the DGS another e-mail and he answered back apologizing and saying that he was convinced he had replied but for some reason hadn't and that I shouldn't worry because the spot was mine.

In other words, maybe they're busy and don't have time to reply just yet, maybe they're busy and forgot to reply, or something else. You never know. Give them a few days and if you still don't have an answer, send them another e-mail.

Good luck! And congrats on your great success with your applications.

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Yeah, I'm experiencing the same thing. :-\ I accepted an offer last Saturday via the website and, besides the little "You accepted the offer!" sentence in their online system, I haven't heard anything from them. Despite the fact that their system pretty clearly says that I accepted, I'm kind of having irrational fears that maybe they didn't notice I accepted and are going to give my offer to someone else...I just wish they'd e-mail me something! (I sent an e-mail to the professor I want to work with on Thursday to just let him know that I accepted and was still interested in working with him, so hoping he'll reply soon)

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I accepted an offer yesterday and haven't heard anything, but I don't think it's cause for worry. The online system updated to show I accepted their offer of admission, and that's good enough for me. I think many students wait until the 15th before accepting/decline offers, and as a result departments become inundated with information throughout the course of the day. It likely takes some time for them to sort through it all and get their information together to send to the incoming cohort. That, and the fact that yesterday was a Friday, likely means it will be a few days before you hear anything back.

If you applied to a program where you're assigned an adviser right off the bat, it might be worth it to email your new POI and tell him or her about your decision to accept their offer. You're more likely to hear back from that individual, and then you'll be reassured that at least one person in the department knows you're coming!

And, congratulations! Getting accepted to every program to which you applied is quite a feat. :)

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I got an email response literally three minutes after sending my confirmation email to the program director (at 10:30 at night, no less!) where she mentioned she was thrilled with my decision, blah blah, and I would be receiving information about registration soon.

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I got an email response literally three minutes after sending my confirmation email to the program director (at 10:30 at night, no less!) where she mentioned she was thrilled with my decision, blah blah, and I would be receiving information about registration soon.

Wow!!! That was fast!blink.gif

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I also accepted in the evening (about 9 PM the school's time) and heard back within minutes from the DGS, but we'd been communicating pretty regularly (and this was WELL before the April 15 deadline), so I don't think I'd worry if I were the OP. Also, in addition to the other possible reasons listed for the delay, might it be possible that the cohort will be quite large? I don't know how many people are usually in a Master's level program for your field, but in my field, the MA cohort can be large (whereas there were less than 10 accepted to the program I was corresponding with), so maybe they're just trying to get through responses to a lot more people than in my situation (and perhaps that of the previous poster as well)? Anyway, congrats and good luck!

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I'd say wait a few days to a week. This time of year they are probably swamped. I'm sure your response is in the queue somewhere. No need to worry. But if you don't hear from them within a week (or two max) then you should definitely contact them.

I'm in the same situation. I sent my acceptance email on Thursday so I'm not expecting to hear back from them until sometime next week. I'm going to wait a week. I just want to know what my acceptance deposit is. Ughh...time to pay the big bucks.

I got an email response literally three minutes after sending my confirmation email to the program director (at 10:30 at night, no less!) where she mentioned she was thrilled with my decision, blah blah, and I would be receiving information about registration soon.

That was super fast!

Congrats and good luck everyone! :D

Edited by cherylsafina
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