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Has anyone else heard anything yet?

I got an email from a professor at Rice couple days ago saying I was waitlisted.

I'm still waiting to hear from Penn State, Maryland, GA Tech, UIUC, and Purdue.

Let's share some info to keep ourselves occupied while we wait anxiously for letters-

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The reason most I/O programs don't interview is for a few reasons....1. It is expensive to pay to bring every candidate out to an interview and 2. If you look at performance research, interviews...even structured interviews do not explain much more variance in performance than Cognitive Ability does...so it does not make much sense..they are hoping the letters of recommendation can throw the red flags that your test scores/gpa does not give them.


Just got a phone interview offer from GA Tech, although from the message I got a sense that it's going to be more like a Q&A session.

Just got a phone interview offer from GA Tech, although from the message I got a sense that it's going to be more like a Q&A session.

Good luck! Who do you want to work with? I was working in Ackerman's lab this past year. I don't know who you'll be speaking with, but Dr. Kanfer's very sweet. Ackerman is.... not very socially adept, but he tries, and it's kind of cute, lol. He's nice, though. They're married to each other.

When's the interview?


I haven't set up the exact time yet, but it's going to be sometime this week.

I expressed in my SOP that I would like to work with both Drs. Ackerman and Kanfer. I got the interview e-mail from Dr. Kanfer, so I'll be meeting with her. I'm not really sure what to expect though...


Assesta - when did you get your information about Rice?? Did you apply to the PhD program? I was thinking it was a bit early to know from them, since the app. deadline is Jan.1st?

I'm applying to both masters and PhD programs, just as backups. (Plus, I really didn't think I would be able to get into George Mason's PhD program)

Central Michigan University - PhD

University of Illinois - PhD

Northern Illinois University - PhD

Illinois State University - MA

Saint Louis University - PhD

Texas A&M - PhD

Rice University - PhD

George Mason - MA

I've been told that i didn't apply to very many... One of my friends going into I/O applied to about 20/30. How many schools have you applied to?


20-30 is a ton! I applied to 10 and I already have a problem with schools thinking I'm not really interested. 8 sounds like a good number to me.

is mason's i/o program well known/respectable?

I haven't heard very much about it and am curious.

Yes it has a solid reputation in the field. I didn't really look into it much, but I have heard nothing but good things about it.

Assesta - when did you get your information about Rice?? Did you apply to the PhD program? I was thinking it was a bit early to know from them, since the app. deadline is Jan.1st?

I'm applying to both masters and PhD programs, just as backups. (Plus, I really didn't think I would be able to get into George Mason's PhD program)

Central Michigan University - PhD

University of Illinois - PhD

Northern Illinois University - PhD

Illinois State University - MA

Saint Louis University - PhD

Texas A&M - PhD

Rice University - PhD

George Mason - MA

I've been told that i didn't apply to very many... One of my friends going into I/O applied to about 20/30. How many schools have you applied to?

Unless something has changed in the last couple of years you ( I applied in 2007) probably would have heard from Central Michigan...I believe I heard the first week of February. I was impressed with their program, the only other program I applied to that you did was SLU...from what I have heard at my school their are a lot of very qualified students applying this year.


Unless something has changed in the last couple of years you ( I applied in 2007) probably would have heard from Central Michigan...I believe I heard the first week of February. I was impressed with their program, the only other program I applied to that you did was SLU...from what I have heard at my school their are a lot of very qualified students applying this year.

Hi Guys-

I applied to SLU as well! However, I haven't heard anything yet and I hear that it is typically mid/end of March before you hear anything :( The waiting is killing me from all of the schools.... I applied to 9 programs but my top are SLU, Portland State, DePaul, and UNCC. Has anyone heard back from any of these programs yet?


The year I applied (2007) SLU had a day where they invited all the people they wanted, I don't remember exactly when it was, but I do not believe it was any later than mid-march. I can't say for sure about when the acceptances went out for SLU as I never got an official acceptance, I just knew one of the profs and he assured me they would find me funding if I decided to go there. But as I said for Central Michigan I received a call and a letter in early February. All of them vary.

However like I said earlier, from what I have heard there are a lot of very strong applications this year, I am very glad I applied when I did. :) This is very good for the field though as this shows more people are hearing about it.


I agree! I think that this might be one of the toughest years to get accepted based on the applicant pool/status of the economy. I am hoping that not too many programs cut funding/graduate acceptances due to what is going on financially in the country!

Anyone have any insight into PSU's program? A few people at the beginning of this thread thought responses from faculty were cold. I have not encountered the same issue, but have had a hard time getting a response.


George Mason is supposed to be one of the up and coming best I/O departments, some places ranked it right up there with U of I. Check out their website - its awesome!

That really stinks with Central Michigan; do they usually send a letter telling you that you have been denied admission? I got this strange letter from them in December telling me that they didn't have any assistantship openings, but the letter told me nothing else.

But jeez! As if I wasn't worried before, I only have a mediocre GPA/GRE, so I must be in the bottom tier of applicants this year...

haha, I knew I should have skipped the 3rd grade...

George Mason is supposed to be one of the up and coming best I/O departments, some places ranked it right up there with U of I. Check out their website - its awesome!

That really stinks with Central Michigan; do they usually send a letter telling you that you have been denied admission? I got this strange letter from them in December telling me that they didn't have any assistantship openings, but the letter told me nothing else.

But jeez! As if I wasn't worried before, I only have a mediocre GPA/GRE, so I must be in the bottom tier of applicants this year...

haha, I knew I should have skipped the 3rd grade...

the funny thing about this process is....that if you are not at the top or the bottom you won't hear much. If you don't hear anything in the next couple of weeks you are most likely on the unofficial waiting list. I didn't here from Clemson or UMSL until after April 16th. Most schools will send a denial of admission letter if you are a bottom applicant, I believe I got one from Depaul around this time, so you are most likely still in the hunt at a lot of schools.

Thanks for the info!

*worries just a little bit more* :(

no problem...yeah it is stressful, I feel obligated to help people out as I know I would have liked help when I was in the exact same seat as you. So any more questions fire away....by the way I am a 2nd year I/O PhD student.


Anyone have any insight into PSU's program? A few people at the beginning of this thread thought responses from faculty were cold. I have not encountered the same issue, but have had a hard time getting a response.

The only responses I've had from faculty were concerning the application itself, i.e. writing sample, length of SOP, etc. Questions concerning their work and likelihood of accepting students were ignored. The grad students I emailed were helpful, though.

Assesta - when did you get your information about Rice?? Did you apply to the PhD program? I was thinking it was a bit early to know from them, since the app. deadline is Jan.1st?

I'm applying to both masters and PhD programs, just as backups. (Plus, I really didn't think I would be able to get into George Mason's PhD program)

Central Michigan University - PhD

University of Illinois - PhD

Northern Illinois University - PhD

Illinois State University - MA

Saint Louis University - PhD

Texas A&M - PhD

Rice University - PhD

George Mason - MA

I've been told that i didn't apply to very many... One of my friends going into I/O applied to about 20/30. How many schools have you applied to?

Yes, I was surprised as well. I believe their deadline was Jan 15th, and I think I sent in my application right around the first week of January.

Anyway, I heard from Rice about a week ago and yes, I applied to their Ph.D. program.

I think I got a quick response because I had strong letters of recommendation for this program.

I applied to six programs: Rice, GA Tech, UIUC, Maryland, Penn State, Purdue.

I'm not really counting on UIUC or Penn State though.

20 - 30 schools sounds like alot. I think especially in I/O psychology, people only send about 10 applications at most because most schools offer it as HRIR or OB in their business schools. Plus, that's where the money is :P


All this talk about how good the applicant pool is this year and whatnot makes me glad that I was accepted into a program I wanted to attend early on.

For those of you talking about Central Michigan, it's a good school but I thought they were more of a safety school. Just look on the SIOP website. They get like 50 applicants on average, but they make about 25 offers. Meaning most everyone chooses to go elsewhere. It probably has more to do with the location then the quality of the school, but still.

It looks like someone was one of three people to get into the Purdue I/O program. I wasn't called so I was probably not one of the three. Just as well. The guy I wanted to work with was not tenured and could leave me high and dry.


Waiting game.

Hi Everyone. I don't really have much to say other than I'm still waiting it out like the rest of you. It's still early so I hope no one is having a panic attack. Most replies seem to be Mid Feb-Early March.

I'm wondering if I'm going to get a call, email, or just an old fashion letter.

I probably won't post again until I hear anything. This website just creates anxiety.

Good Luck!



So with 2 rejections in the bag (1 confirmed, 1 assumed), I'm starting to feel rather despondant. Does anyone know of a decent, current ranking for Masters programs in I/O, rather than PhD? Choices are limited at this late date, but it'd be better than nothing, right??


well im not sure about masters programs..but i did just want to say that I have yet to be accepted as well and I can relate that its hard to hang in there but I just wanted to say..dont give up yet dherres!

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