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Fall 2012 Applicant Chit Chat


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Princeton is a crazy place with crazy amouts of resources. I've never ridden in the golf carts but they regularly try to run me over if that counts? Don't assume my description of the visiting weekend there is like other places, even other Ivys. You have to remember that even though Harvard has a larger endowment Princeton doesn't have a B School, a Med School, or a Law School. All those things take up a lot of money (Med School and Law School faculty saleries are twice that of a regular humanities professor so as to keep them from abandoning academia for the private sector). Princeton's endowment per student (undergrad and grad student) is the largest in the country.

Now they're too cheap to heat the buildings but I always figured that was a kind of estetic choice to remind us that we're supposed to be serious scholars.

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I just declined my fellowship at SUNY Buffalo. I wanted to be as courteous as I could and let them know as soon as I decided the offer was out of the running. I hope this means someone can be bumped off of the waitlist! :)

Good on you, Goldie! Some student out there is going to be very happy and you are the reason why. :) Cheers!

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I just declined my fellowship at SUNY Buffalo. I wanted to be as courteous as I could and let them know as soon as I decided the offer was out of the running. I hope this means someone can be bumped off of the waitlist! :)

I'm still hanging on to my SUNY offer for dear life! So happy to have it, so at least I know I'm going somewhere in the Fall (the funding package they put together was really quite amazing too!).

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On 2/17/2012 at 12:30 PM, wikichic said:

I'm still hanging on to my SUNY offer for dear life! So happy to have it, so at least I know I'm going somewhere in the Fall (the funding package they put together was really quite amazing too!).

I'm doing the same for WashU!

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Thanks wikichic, I am naturally a worrier and a planner. This uncertainty is killing me. I know that if this year doesn't work out I'll be fine and I'll reapply. I just need to know what is going on so I can move on and make plans.

Hey Sandyvanb....keep your chin up. *hugs*

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Unless they actually are sending out emails today, I wondered if it might have been someone who emailed them asking about the status of their app.

Perhaps, but I'd prefer not to tell myself that emailing POIs can bring results faster. That is a dangerous path I'd rather not tread.

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I just am not sure if Rutgers is done or not- if so, then I know where I stand for now. If not, I really hope they decide to inform the rest of their admits before 5pm today! But as Goldie and one other person got a notification from her POI, it seems like all official offers aren't out yet. But all those admitted were (or were supposed to be) informed on the 15th. Ugh.....!

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Well, there's another Washington post on the board, so maybe results are coming for you guys.

Seems like they're sending out rejections. In that case, I don't want an e-mail!!! :)

Can the person(s) who received news from UW, please fill us in on the process? Was it a personalized e-mail from the DGS or POI or was it a generic e-mail leading you to the website?

Edited by Toulouse1
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This may be a silly question with an obvious answer, but...does Washington notify those who applied for an MA after the PhD students? Or is it around the same time?

They usually inform you at the same time - particularly those who got funding. But if you didn't get funding, but was accepted, usually they inform you later.

But they do seem to be changing the way they notify - previously, they sent out rejection letters via post (as opposed to e-mail).

Edited by limeinthecoconut
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