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Fall 2012 Applicant Chit Chat


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Hey guys. I didn't hear a peep last week from anyone. Is it for sure that I will hear SOMETHING (rejections, too) this week? Is this a "big week" for admissions? Or should I learn my lesson from last and be relaxed about checking emails? This weekend has been such a nice breather from the worrying and waiting, and it kills me that last week I stressed so much and then heard not a single word.

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Hey guys. I didn't hear a peep last week from anyone. Is it for sure that I will hear SOMETHING (rejections, too) this week? Is this a "big week" for admissions? Or should I learn my lesson from last and be relaxed about checking emails? This weekend has been such a nice breather from the worrying and waiting, and it kills me that last week I stressed so much and then heard not a single word.

Well everyone is different, but if you want some idea, I would check that cool graph that was made!

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I GOT INTO THE UNIVERISTY OF MIAMI!!! Five year renewable TAship! I am so happy! I am sending out good vibes for those of you still waiting to hear, and I hope that it is a sign that this is going to be a good week for all of us!


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I GOT INTO THE UNIVERISTY OF MIAMI!!! Five year renewable TAship! I am so happy! I am sending out good vibes for those of you still waiting to hear, and I hope that it is a sign that this is going to be a good week for all of us!

Well as a proud Seminole I have to blow a big raspberry towards the "U" but I have to say good job! Even if you're now affiliated with a felonious school ;)

PS., for anyone wondering I'm talking about college sports rivalry

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I knew it!!!!!! Class of '95.

Congrats Sandy!! The U is a great school- esp. for Atlantic studies...

LOL c/o 05 .... now let us secretly stick up our collective noses at all those people who would associate w/the "U" ... and yes I'm doing the war chant and the tomahawk chop as I write this ... very hard to type with one hand whilst the other is violently waving around ... but somehow I'm doing it! Go Noles!

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Congrats, Sandy! Cherish your acceptance!

Well, today being the President's Day, I'm thinking, 4 days of decision-making, not 5 days of waiting. So let's all smile and be productive relax today!

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Well, today being the President's Day, I'm thinking, 4 days of decision-making, not 5 days of waiting. So let's all smile and be productive relax today!

This is why I was shocked to get an email from any schools today. I thought for sure that no schools would send out notifications today.

Thanks again everyone! I feel so badly about being such a wreck the last few weeks...

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Well, today being the President's Day, I'm thinking, 4 days of decision-making, not 5 days of waiting. So let's all smile and be productive relax today!

Silly billy we are historians ... we are productive every day because history is happening EVERY day mwhahaha! (That is how I spell my evil laughter and I don't care if everyone else spells it muhahaha, I only feel comfortable w/an accented mwh sound as opposed to the anglophonic muh)

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