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Fall 2012 Applicant Chit Chat


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Congrats runner. Penn is awesome, as you know. I was just there this summer and I'm mighty jealous but mostly wishing you well.

AFB: good luck with everything. I'm sorry to hear about your final rejection, but I'm glad you aren't admitting defeat. I hope that in a few years you'll come back strong and pull a Safferz.

Edited by Simple Twist of Fate
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Dammit. I've been anxious about the mail all day. I had a feeling. When it wasn't there at lunch, I remained anxious. Normally it comes around 11, but it JUST now arrived -- at 6pm. Lo and behold, there IS a letter for me from a grad school... one I've already been admitted too. Standard "hooray for the acceptance" letter and nothing like "oh yeah, here's all the money we want to give you." There is a sticker for my car though. A tad presumptious, I'd say ;).

Edited by Kelkel
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Looking at the results board, I noticed that someone yesterday posted that they had applied for the M.A. program at Northeastern University but had their application shifted into the Ph.D. track and were accepted. Does anyone know if this is something that normally occurs, or if a graduate program does this, is it indicative of a lack of quality applications received for the Ph.D. program? I'm curious because I too was a Northeastern applicant (for the Ph.D. program) but haven't heard anything. In fact, I'm pretty close to going 0-14 in this application cycle.

Midnightfox, sorry for not seeing this sooner. I'm the Northeastern admit. I don't really know how common it is for applications to be transferred MA to PhD, sorry. I do have good news though: the sense I got from my POI is that the committee is close to making decisions but notifications have not been sent out. I was only contacted because they needed my permission to change my application over from MA to PhD and, of course, that's not a decision I could have made without a guarantee of acceptance.

Good luck! I know from previous experience how dispiriting a full cycle of rejections can be. Here's hoping you hear something positive and soon!

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Hi everyone!

Thanks so much for the really, really useful advice about titles / first names this morning! I have just been going through it now, and I can't believe what a mine of useful info it is. I didn't know my question would spark such an interesting conversation.

You guys totally rock! I feel like I need to bring all of my life's problems to this thread and have all of you weigh in because you are all so smart and insightful! :)

My POI and I are chatting on the phone later this week. So, I guess I may find out what he prefers to be addressed as.

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I was also told once to not include 'Dr.' in front of the names of my professors in my personal statement, because the context makes it clear that they obviously have attained a PhD (ie, it becomes redundant). Bad advice?

Actually, it is not bad advice. But I have a different reason for suggesting why it should not be done. "Dr." sounds detatched in a personal statement. You are looking to work with these individuals. You have not matriculated so you cannot begin to see them as potential colleagues. But you can see them as your potential professor. So it is just better to say, for example, "I am delighted to see that Professor X and Y holds a joint appointment in the Department of History at yada yada yada as her research on yada yada yada has influenced my interest in studying yada yada yada" than it is to say the very same thing while referring to the person as Dr. X and Y. Using "Dr," in this context, just seems to place distance between you and the very person you are looking to work with in the program.

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Hi all!

I also got into Penn today!!! I was interviewed on Feb 13 and received an email from the grad coordinator today. I am over the moon--it's my top choice and I was wait listed there last year. Like CPeterson's experience (congrats on Harvard!), reapplying to schools that wait listed you can pay off! I am do incredibly lucky to have this much support from family and advisers. I can't believe what a difference a year makes--last year I only had a wait list, and this year I have 2 offers!

To AFB and the rest of you still hoping for news--DO NOT GIVE UP. Whether this year or the next, passion and devotion wins out. TMP, CPeterson, and a lot of others prove this.

I so hope the rest of you waiting hear good news...and soon!

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Actually, it is not bad advice. But I have a different reason for suggesting why it should not be done. "Dr." sounds detatched in a personal statement. You are looking to work with these individuals. You have not matriculated so you cannot begin to see them as potential colleagues. But you can see them as your potential professor. So it is just better to say, for example, "I am delighted to see that Professor X and Y holds a joint appointment in the Department of History at yada yada yada as her research on yada yada yada has influenced my interest in studying yada yada yada" than it is to say the very same thing while referring to the person as Dr. X and Y. Using "Dr," in this context, just seems to place distance between you and the very person you are looking to work with in the program.

Thanks! I guess I should have been clearer-- it was in reference to work I've already completed, not POIs. Ie, "As a student of Jane Smith I did x y and z..." as opposed to "A student of Dr. Jane Smith..." I haven't had need (yet!) to include a POI's name in a personal statement, so I hadn't even thought about that! I totally agree with you about the added formality seeming proper in that context.

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Another Penn admit reporting! Early American. Email from the chair of the history grad group, definitely a form letter with all the basic form letter goodness. I spoke with a POI there last Friday and he implied that they were making all the final decisions this week. I know they interviewed all the Americanists first but I don't know about other fields. Congrats to everyone and good luck! This is a truly hellish process.

As regards the Dr/Professor/Nickname/Lastname debate, I don't think it matters as long as you come across as respectful and mature. What that means varies from person to person and context, but as long as you have the tone right I don't think you need to loose sleep over it. That said, I'd personally never call a professor by their first name until we had a very well established relationship. It took me forever to be ok with calling professors by their first name where I am right now. At my undergrad institution it was very much about Dr. So-and-so and I didn't realize that was considered highly formal until I heard one of my profs complaining about it, haha.

Ps hi! long time lurker, first time poster.

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Another Penn admit reporting! Early American. Email from the chair of the history grad group, definitely a form letter with all the basic form letter goodness. I spoke with a POI there last Friday and he implied that they were making all the final decisions this week. I know they interviewed all the Americanists first but I don't know about other fields. Congrats to everyone and good luck! This is a truly hellish process.

As regards the Dr/Professor/Nickname/Lastname debate, I don't think it matters as long as you come across as respectful and mature. What that means varies from person to person and context, but as long as you have the tone right I don't think you need to loose sleep over it. That said, I'd personally never call a professor by their first name until we had a very well established relationship. It took me forever to be ok with calling professors by their first name where I am right now. At my undergrad institution it was very much about Dr. So-and-so and I didn't realize that was considered highly formal until I heard one of my profs complaining about it, haha.

Ps hi! long time lurker, first time poster.

Welcome and congrats!

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Good morning! What are the predictions for today? I wish that some of these schools would just send out the rejections so I can cross them off of my list. Any more info on the University of Maryland? I am anxious to hear back from that school...

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Good morning! What are the predictions for today? I wish that some of these schools would just send out the rejections so I can cross them off of my list. Any more info on the University of Maryland? I am anxious to hear back from that school...

Something! Anything!! Most of my programs have only just begun to trickle out decisions, and some haven't even done that. The silence has left me numb - aaaaaaaaaagggghhhhhhhh

PS: If that W&M admit wants to remain incognito he/she can PM me......probably wouldn't have much to tell me anyway.

Edited by crazedandinfused
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Something! Anything!! Most of my programs have only just begun to trickle out decisions, and some haven't even done that. The silence has left me numb - aaaaaaaaaagggghhhhhhhh

I know! If they have made their decisions they should just cut us loose! I am expecting to have 3-5 rejections letters in my mail box one of these days. I need to make plans dammit!

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Good morning! What are the predictions for today? I wish that some of these schools would just send out the rejections so I can cross them off of my list. Any more info on the University of Maryland? I am anxious to hear back from that school...

I'd guess Maryland will be hard copy (or a phone call for acceptance maybe) either next week or the week after looking at previous years' stats. And since I live in the area there hasn't been any snow to delay meetings at least...

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