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Fall 2012 Applicant Chit Chat


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I haven't received the Harvard rejection yet - I'm guessing it would take longer for mail to arrive at non-US addresses, so maybe it'll come in later this week. But, surprisingly, I'm totally okay with it. Didn't think I would be.

What region of the world are you located if I maybe so nosy as to ask?

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Ok, so I just got offered an MA at UMass........ I doubt I'll take it if there isn't any funding and I get a funded offer elsewhere, but it's nice to know that I will have that option if I go down in flames everywhere else. Still, no concrete offer for a fully funded phd has materialized. Sigh........

Congratulations on the MA offer from UMass Crazedandinfused (is it possible to morph it into a Ph.D. later down the line?) I'm still waiting to hear, could I ask if you found out via email from the department or by phone?

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Haha, not to worry! I suspect by now it is in the hands of Canada Post, and they are not exactly speedy either.

I smell an international conspiracy afoot! Postal workers of the world have united! The revolution is coming!

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I understand from my significant other who is Canadian that Canada Post is even worse than USPS.

Ugh. Do not get me started. First off, they don't even deliver on Saturdays, unlike the USPS. And, if I had a dollar for every time they lost my mail, I'd be very rich.

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Thank you Sandy! The thing is that the potential for the funded MA changes everything. Now I'm thinking that if I get rejected from all my top schools I might consider doing the MA and repeating this glorious escapade in a year or two...... It's just that it would suck to go that route and then be rejected again from my top choices, and this process is wacky enough to do that to me.

I've decided to just hold off on all weighing-of-contingencies until I have at least a few more decisions. Until then, I'm just gonna play lots of Bananagrams. I highly recommend it for getting to April the Fifteenth.

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I understand from my significant other who is Canadian that Canada Post is even worse than USPS.

This both amuses me and saddens me all at once ... the thought a lazy Canadian blows my stereotype of the happy go-lucky Canadian ... and yet it I can clearly picture them kicking back w/a Molson (death to Labbatt) and watching a local curling game ... this is my sad reality as I await a funded offer SOMEWHERE ... and now back off the ledge

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Thank you Sandy! The thing is that the potential for the funded MA changes everything. Now I'm thinking that if I get rejected from all my top schools I might consider doing the MA and repeating this glorious escapade in a year or two...... It's just that it would suck to go that route and then be rejected again from my top choices, and this process is wacky enough to do that to me.

I've decided to just hold off on all weighing-of-contingencies until I have at least a few more decisions. Until then, I'm just gonna play lots of Bananagrams. I highly recommend it for getting to April the Fifteenth.

Well unless something drastically changes in the next 4 weeks I'll be here w/you buddy! :-)

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Thank you Sandy! The thing is that the potential for the funded MA changes everything. Now I'm thinking that if I get rejected from all my top schools I might consider doing the MA and repeating this glorious escapade in a year or two...... It's just that it would suck to go that route and then be rejected again from my top choices, and this process is wacky enough to do that to me.

I've decided to just hold off on all weighing-of-contingencies until I have at least a few more decisions. Until then, I'm just gonna play lots of Bananagrams. I highly recommend it for getting to April the Fifteenth.

It's amazing how one funded offer changes your whole outlook! I highly recommend getting the MA (if your other options don't pan). Everything will work out at the end. Right now I'm driving myself crazy because I haven't heard from UMD and offers are going out. Miami, UMD and NYU are my three top choices. I know I'm lucky to get into one of these schools, but having other potential schools still out there is maddening...

And congrats to SapperDaddy!

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Yo, stop hating on Canada Post. My dad is a postie! :)

A ha! The plot thickens! Saff got ALL her acceptance letters AND emails. This postal cabal is truly powerful. I am in awe of you O postal workers.

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It's amazing how one funded offer changes your whole outlook! I highly recommend getting the MA (if your other options don't pan). Everything will work out at the end. Right now I'm driving myself crazy because I haven't heard from UMD and offers are going out. Miami, UMD and NYU are my three top choices. I know I'm lucky to get into one of these schools, but having other potential schools still out there is maddening...

And congrats to SapperDaddy!

Well, it's potentially funded..... And I know that I can undergo this process again, no matter how much the notion makes me sick at the moment. I very well may do it.

I have a protocol question: In the email from the DGS she said that they were very impressed/enthusiastic about my app but because I only had 3[sic] History courses they wanted to admit me for the MA. The error is that I have 5 history courses, 2 of which are grad seminars. I'm scared that they were only looking at my undergrad transcript and that they didn't see my 2 grad seminars. She even said that (paraphrase) they didn't have evidence that I could do History at the grad level (my writing sample! I may cry).

Should I risk emailing back and trying to correct her if she is in fact mistaken?

I'm currently very much against the idea but if anyone thinks otherwise I'd love to hear it.


Did you get invited to the NYU soiree?

Edited by crazedandinfused
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I probably wouldn't email her back with the correction. It is very possible that she mistyped 3 instead of 5 and that the directive from the department had the correct number. The graduate studies director won't go back to the department with the new info.

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