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Fall 2012 Applicant Chit Chat


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And an extra ethics qustion for everybody outh there, what do you think about rescinding your acceptance after the 15th? Both schools I've been accepted to have either explicitly said or implied that I won't hear about funding until after the deadline, and I can't feasibly afford to attend either school without some help. I'd love to hear some advice...

I'm assuming these were verbal commits and not signed commits?

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Hogs -- congrats! I'm still waiting on funding from both programs and I really can't make a decision before I know that, unfortunately. Hopefully UMass can fork some cash onto both of proverbial plates to make this easier!

And an extra ethics qustion for everybody outh there, what do you think about rescinding your acceptance after the 15th? Both schools I've been accepted to have either explicitly said or implied that I won't hear about funding until after the deadline, and I can't feasibly afford to attend either school without some help. I'd love to hear some advice...

I would probably tell each school that you need to be able to make a decision based on funding and ask them to allow you to accept/decline AFTER that date.

Personally, I think that expecting someone to make a decision before giving funding information is unfair. What if you accept one and then they don't offer funding?

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CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! Though the pre-decision me would've been VERY jealous, I am perfectly happy for you!

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I'm so glad to be on the "waiting to hear about funding" stage of Grad School admissions.

UMass has a pretty easy requirement to get all Fees + Tuition + Health Insurance for free, but it does require at a minimum a small amount of funding. (About 8k per year will get all those other things waived).

God I hope I get the 8k marker. It will really make all the difference in the world.

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Thanks tmp and llama. At this point, I think whatever happens will work out well for me, so there isn't too much pressure. No wrong decisions, etc.

Is it too late to get you to do a Charlie Sheen-esque "winning!" post?

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Sorry for my long absence, I have been ill again and in grading hell. Miami was amazing and I love my advisor and the faculty I'll be working with. We almost have all of my fields nailed down and they are really excited about my research. The program is in transition but in a good way. I turned in my paperwork when I was there so I am moving to the beach and trading tornados for hurricanes! I am getting back to grading, I won't be sad in the fall when I only have to grade 30-35 papers at a time!

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It's been a blast, people! Thanks again for everything. Getting into a good PhD program meant a lot to me, professionally and personally, so I can't thank everyone enough for all of their help.

Just so that we aren't too fixated on ourselves: today is not only the end of App Season 2012, it's also the sesquicentennial of Emancipation in DC and here is a thought provoking article to mark the occasion. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/therootdc/post/emancipation-day-2012-more-meaningful-than-ever/2012/04/13/gIQA7XB7ET_blog.html

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Yes, finally, the end. It's so tranquil.

The more I talk to my new friends at OSU, the more excited I am! I truly look forward to continuing these friendships and knowing that there is a real support system for me waiting. On the other hand, part of me is still kicking around the old can over Wisconsin, how bad I feel about turning the offer down and watching my POI's face over Skype and realizing that I'm truly the first who has ever said no to this particular fellowship.

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For some reason, I pictured April 15 to be the craziest day on this board. But it's ending not with a bang... etc.

Well it is what they say, this is the way the world ends, not with a bang but a whimper. At this point, I have to imagine most people made their decisions. I made my final one this week and had to turn down an amazing offer with more money for the school with a better fit on various levels in my view. I'd just hope that my new school lets me know who is in the program so I can start meeting people and finding viable roommates.

Almost everyone I know that is in this cycle had it more or less rolled up in the past several weeks.

EDIT: I'm still amused that one school I'm not interested in attending hasn't informed me yet. I want them to tell me because I went through their application cycle and have received no info whatsoever from them.

Edited by MidEastApp
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At this point, I have to imagine most people made their decisions. I made my final one this week and had to turn down an amazing offer with more money for the school with a better fit on various levels in my view. I'd just hope that my new school lets me know who is in the program so I can start meeting people and finding viable roommates.

Almost everyone I know that is in this cycle had it more or less rolled up in the past several weeks.

That's too bad about having to turn down that offer. Sorry to hear that.

I was thinking of wait list people, but I suppose that there aren't actually haven't been very many people sweating wait lists around here lately. Which is great.

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Well I'm an American studying in the UK and am in my final year of an Ancient History degree at the University of St. Andrews and I've applied to a Masters in Oxford for Modern Chinese Studies and Cambridge in Political Thought and Intellectual History. Unfortunately, both programmes rejected me, and so the Dual Masters in International and World History is the last application that I am waiting on. I am thinking of applying to other schools (that aren't due yet) in the event that falls through too, but this week and next I'm going to be extremely busy writing off my last essays.

What programmes did you apply for?

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