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Fall 2012 Applicant Chit Chat


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The admin posts monthly stats in the 'announcements' folder :) I find the slow board a bit unsettling though... seems to match the silence of the waiting process. Then bam, February!

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Yes, I agree that's a bit unsettling, Safferz. I've got all of this nervous/excited energy and there's next to no one here to join in the neuroses with me!

But really, I'm just excited more than anything. Trying to soak in the excitement phase before the rejections start arriving... haha.

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I've been lurking around, trying to adhere to my resolution of not crazily obsessing over this place like I did last year. This month feels like it will drag on and on though, so I might have no other choice but to go crazy! Sigh.

But yeah, I'm definitely nervous/excited as well. I'm hoping that this year goes a lot better than the last.

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Quick question, has anyone done, or are you all planning any campus visits or interviews in the next couple of weeks?

I did two campus visits last semester, and met with my PAs there. I also had an informal chat with one of my PAs last week about a fellowship. Beyond that, I'm not planning to visit anyone until I get offers. I think they're probably incredibly busy right now with the new semester/admissions decisions, so it would be a bit gauche to request a campus visit post-deadline.

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You all who are still in school are the lucky ones. Right now, aside from my work duties, I have nothing to keep me really sane.

Truth. Although I'm super appreciative of the time I have to work and save money (plus spend some too!).

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I did two campus visits last semester, and met with my PAs there. I also had an informal chat with one of my PAs last week about a fellowship. Beyond that, I'm not planning to visit anyone until I get offers. I think they're probably incredibly busy right now with the new semester/admissions decisions, so it would be a bit gauche to request a campus visit post-deadline.

I am going to be in one of the cities where I applied on business anyway, so was just not sure if it would be appropriate to see if I could arrange a visit while I was in town. It seems a bit forward, I know. At this point, not sure if it would help or hurt. Maybe I'll just call and ask, nothing lost that way.

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In terms of campus visits, I contacted a PA a couple of months ago and he brought up the idea of meeting up. I think that I would wait for that kind of invitation to meet with a professor. But, I'm sure that you'd gain some perspective by going to campus and to your department. You might even have an impromptu chat with a current student. I don't think it would hurt but I wouldn't expect to drop in on a PA.

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I think campus visits are very helpful either before applying or after you have been accepted. But, I wouldn't recommend doing them during the waiting period. It might come across as if you were trying to influence the admissions decision. And, if it were purely informational, then wouldn't they wonder why you didn't visit before applying? After all, the decision to apply has already been made, so presumably you had the information you needed.

I guess if you were in town anyway and wanted to visit campus on your own without asking the department, there's nothing stopping you. But, I wouldn't contact PAs at this stage to request a visit.

Just my two cents - other people may have other and better advice.

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Having just finished my MA, I am teaching two sections of world civ while I wait it out...that helps a lot, but still the wait is TORTUOUS. There are just so many variables, from the rather icky zero admits to the wonderful world of mutliple admits. I got a wife and one-year old, so the lack of certaintly is alogether unsettling.

Still, in a sick kind of way, it is kind of a delightfully tantalizing wait. For instance, as of now, I have not been rejected anywhere, so in my spare time I can indulge in the "what if I get into both Yale and Princeton?" fantasy or the game of "where would my family be happier living: Nowheresville, Illinois or Iceburg, NY?"

The balance, and incessancy, of the optimism and the pessimism is striking...

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Still, in a sick kind of way, it is kind of a delightfully tantalizing wait. For instance, as of now, I have not been rejected anywhere, so in my spare time I can indulge in the "what if I get into both Yale and Princeton?" fantasy or the game of "where would my family be happier living: Nowheresville, Illinois or Iceburg, NY?"

The balance, and incessancy, of the optimism and the pessimism is striking...

This is me. Whenever I'm not busy convincing myself I'm not going to get in anywhere, I'm fantasizing about getting into all my top choices. It's kinda reassuring, in a way, to have it firmly in the realm of fantasy, because when I get the inevitable rejections, I won't be disappointed, but in the meantime I get to enjoy deliriously unrealistic daydreams: "Why yes, Harvard," (you must imagine this in the snootiest voice possible) "I can see that you love me only slightly less than I love myself. I WILL deign to accept your program."

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I jinxed myself... My flashdrive that had my syllabus, lectures and powerpoints on it got corrupted... It has been a rough day and tomorrow I am going to pay to see if anything can be recovered. This could be a very stressful semester again, but at least it would be a distraction.

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Ugh. This just happened to me recently. I had entered in 439 names and information on an Excel spreadsheet two months ago for my current research project and that file just gott corrupted. And there's no way for me to recover it. This feels more painful than waiting.

Isn't it fun when your hard work gets messed up like that? You're right, at least we have this to distract ourselves.

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Oh that sounds painful to recreate...

I am kicking myself right now. I really hope that the recovery works... I have all of my syllabi/lectures/exams/quizzes as hardcopies, I would just have to recreate all of my powerpoints.

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At least you can scan those to PDFs! I could with mine but there's reason why I wanted to use Excel... for data analysis. Sigh.

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I got an e-mail from Chicago last week advising me to apply for FLAS funding. I keep hoping this is because they want me but won't be able to fund me fully.... any thoughts?????

I am completely obsessing over this process. Can't they just make up their minds already?

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I got the same FLAS email. I got one from Washington too. As far as I can figure, they are trying to offset costs. These are examples of two schools with inconsistent funding practices. Washington because they are a budget-strapped state school and Chicago because I think they want some first year students to earn their funding.

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Washington because they are a budget-strapped state school...

Yes, just wanted to chime in that the profs I spoke with at Washington were really enthusiastic and accessible, but all emphasized the budgetary crisis they're facing at present.

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you guys...

the FLAS is a prestigious fellowship. only schools with title VI funding can give them out. if a school wants you to apply for the FLAS, it's because they are trying to build a competitive funding package for you (one that includes fellowships rather than simply 4-5 years of TAships). this is a good sign, not an indication of those schools' financial ruin. fellowships are ALWAYS better than TAships, so being considered for one doesn't mean that the school lacks the ability to fund you.


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You really don't think that these schools have sent these emails to each of their applicants who have indicated an interest in a field that would require considerable language traning and fieldwork? Which is to say that they aren't necessarily trying to build a competitive package for me but rather that they want their applicant equally aware of these external awards, which will ultimately help these programs off set costs.

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You really don't think that these schools have sent these emails to each of their applicants who have indicated an interest in a field that would require considerable language traning and fieldwork? Which is to say that they aren't necessarily trying to build a competitive package for me but rather that they want their applicant equally aware of these external awards, which will ultimately help these programs off set costs.

Yes, both I think are true. That said, I fail to see a problem here. I don't care HOW they fund me, just that they do.

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