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Fall 2012 Applicant Chit Chat


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You really don't think that these schools have sent these emails to each of their applicants who have indicated an interest in a field that would require considerable language traning and fieldwork? Which is to say that they aren't necessarily trying to build a competitive package for me but rather that they want their applicant equally aware of these external awards, which will ultimately help these programs off set costs.

I actually do think that these schools just send the FLAS fellowship information to every applicant who might possibly require language training. I received an email from one of my schools addressed "dear applicant," and urging me to apply for a FLAS if I am eligible - but the email then said the school had the ability to fund language preparation only in a set list of languages none of which would be even remotely applicable to my work.

In my case it kind of indicated to me that it wasn't a personally directed email, just an email generally directed to the applicant pool.


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I think Yale might be starting to look at applications, but this could just be a misreading. Anyone else get the auto-generated email from grad admissions? Pasted below:

Dear Goldielocks,

Thank you for applying to the Yale University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

The purpose of this e-mail is to let you know that your application has been made available to your program for review (whether marked as Complete or Incomplete).

We wish to remind you that you have access to a feature of the online application that allows you to monitor the receipt of your standardized test scores and letters of recommendation. Simply log back into your application (Click Here) and you will have access to the status of the receipt of those items.

If your application is marked "Incomplete" please check to see if it is because of missing letters of recommendation or for Standardized Test Scores. If it is a recommendation that has not been received, you can send a reminder to that recommender. If you are missing test scores that you know you have sent to us and there could be a first or last name issue, please contact us by following the instructions in the Frequently Asked Questions section for Questions Not Answered (do not respond to this e-mail).

Your application cannot be incomplete because you uploaded your transcripts and they are recorded as being Received (Not Official). That is the status used for all transcripts uploaded to the application. Do not mail (or have mailed) Official Transcripts as they are not needed at this time and are discarded if recieved.

Also, remember that if you need to change your mailing address, phone number or e-mail address, you may do so by logging into your online application and returning to the "Contact Information" section. Except for the optional Fall Term Grade Report, Contact Information is the only section of your application you can update information at this point in time.

When a decision has been made on your application you will receive a Decision Notification e-mail and your decision will be posted in your on-line application. Decisions are generally posted during the month of February and March. All admission decisions are communicated by the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, not by individual departments or programs. Only decisions from the Graduate School may be considered official notifications of admission and financial aid.


The Office of Graduate Admissions

Yale University

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Yeah, I got that email as well. I've pretty much given up on my chances at Yale (I loathe the book review I submitted) but one never knows. Do I gather from the other thread that if by some divinely ordained stroke of luck I'm considered, then I will get to do a phone interview? I think that'd be great. At the very least I could apologize for the abominable book review and expand on some of what I had to cut from my SOP.

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Yep, I got the email too. Panicked for a second because I thought my application was incomplete, but thankfully not.

In terms of timeline, I am curious where they might fit the interview process, if that is something they are now doing (looking at the other thread...). Though, I have myself convinced that I won't be invited to an interview, so probably don't need to worry about it! :unsure:

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Also got the email.

I'd say the interview would come relatively late in the process - they really don't have the time to interview everyone who applies to Yale.

That said, Yale's prety quick about this process, the first time I applied (when I ended up entering my MA program), I got the rejection on Valentine's Day.

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My data was recovered! I am so relieved!

FWIW, a trick I've learned over the years is that when I'm "too busy" to back up my files :rolleyes: , I use a couple of gmail accounts to email myself my most important files.

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Well, between yesterday and today, my Columbia application has made it to the department. If the past is any indicator, they'll send out waitlist and acceptance announcements in the middle of February.

Same here. Only it says that they want me to resend my transcript because it's unclear, so I'll have to call them tomorrow morning and deal with that.

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FWIW, a trick I've learned over the years is that when I'm "too busy" to back up my files :rolleyes: , I use a couple of gmail accounts to email myself my most important files.

I just use an external hard drive with Time Machine on my Mac. That way I don't have to worry about doing anything manually. I do have another external hard drive that I use to back up all of my files manually, too, periodically... but I'm sure to store it in a separate place from my other one. Just in case anything ever happens.

Edited by goldielocks
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Well, between yesterday and today, my Columbia application has made it to the department. If the past is any indicator, they'll send out waitlist and acceptance announcements in the middle of February.

Did they email you to tell you this, or did you just find out from the status check? I hadn't looked at the status check until now, and just spent 15 minutes panicking because I didn't see where it said "at department" on the status check and hadn't gotten an email from them...


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Well, between yesterday and today, my Columbia application has made it to the department. If the past is any indicator, they'll send out waitlist and acceptance announcements in the middle of February.

Did they email you to tell you this, or did you just find out from the status check? I hadn't looked at the status check until now, and just spent 15 minutes panicking because I didn't see where it said "at department" on the status check and hadn't gotten an email from them...

My Columbia application also just says "submitted" with no "at department" anywhere - but I got an email over a week ago from my POI there who said he was reading my application - so I know the department has had it for a while.

It might be different for different subfields - my POI mentioned that at Columbia they first divide the apps into subfield and hand them to the professors in that individual field to review - perhaps they each go on a slightly different schedule?

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I saw a 8x11-sized white envelope in my mail box today when I came home at lunch. I had a mini-freak despite knowing it is far too early to hear anything, especially by mail.

It was just something about life insurance :( Jeez, last year I went crazy with checking the mail. I don't want it to start already!

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My Columbia status still says "Submitted".

You have to go to the actual application, and under 'downloadable forms,' there's an 'application status form' that they update when they've received your materials. I submitted my application back in November, and they only updated my form today.

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I'm sure they do! But how often do you get envelopes like that. I quickly imagined the packet of information welcoming somewhere that wanted me.

It's probably because work was rough today! I want any good news so I can imagine putting in my two weeks.

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