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Fall 2012 Applicant Chit Chat


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I created a separate account for grad school stuff... my future MIL sends me emails almost daily (usually nagging about wedding stuff.. I love her but ugh). Problem is... the separate account gets NO action.

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First time for me to post in awhile, but saw the UNC medieval history admit and wanted to say congrats since I know there are very few of us around here. I didn't apply myself, but just curious what you work on. Feel free to shoot me a PM if you want as well and congrats again!

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Ok, I just went to get the mail and in it there was this manila envelope from Illinois:U-C. So my heart skips a beat...I open it...it is about a summer research lab. That's great, really, but did they have to send it to me *this week*?? *dies* :blink:

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I'm not sure what kind of proof you want that something is a bad idea. There is no way anyone could produce such a thing. The thing about graduate school is that it is a process of professionalization. You spend the six months (or longer) networking and making the contacts that will allow you to get into grad school. You spend two or three or god forbid four months waiting for an answer, it's horrible. The worst time of your life outside of death or pain in your family. Your fate in someone elses hands, someone you may never have met.

But if you are good enough or lucky enough (or more likely both) and you do get in the situation reverses. You get an amazing month or two where people you have admired start to court you. They want you to come to them, and it's amazing. But that is also short. Once you arrive you have to start dealing with the professionalization process which means being a good colleague. Doors close silently in grad school. When you start to show that you are a flake, or are needy or are difficult or you can't make your deadlines... people will stop going out of their way for you. Your professors will do the minimum they are required.

There is nothing good that will come of calling a PoI or a grad department now. Nothing. At best you will get a cagey response because no one who knows what is going on for certain can tell you the answers you want to know until their respective universities make up the contractual paperwork is ready.

I would even be careful about these emails from PoI that say you've been admitted that "official paperwork" will come in a few weeks--that is not to say the ones that include PDF files of the offer letters, but the unofficial emails. I did not want to say this before, but this comes from deep and painful experiance. I finished undergrad in 2009, and while I knew I was going to a masters program I watched a number of friends from a R1 flagship state university get admitted to grad school in such a manner and as the financial crisis collapsed the world they never did get that official paperwork. Now this is not 2009, and it's a crushing and horrible thing that happened, but my point in relaying that story is that until you have a piece of paper or a PDF with your name on it and the funding terms spelled out in detail... it can go away.

Once you have that piece of paper they are stuck with you ;)

Edited by New England Nat
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So, according to New England Nat's earlier post, Princeton will have made the decisions already, right? (if they were planning on finishing before the Feb 6 term start). It's kind of scary to think that decisions are already made...Anyone have any news?

And, any post-interview news from Yale?

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Congrats to everyone who's already received good news and good luck to those who are still waiting (like me)! For those of you applying to Ohio State I figured I'd put this out there. It's a link to a huge PDF that describes their fellowship criteria, GRE and GPA requirements, number of nominations allowed, etc. On page 33 of the document there is a nomination calender with dates!


Also, I've lurked here a lot and occasionally chimed in, but I've never properly introduced myself. So hello! Btw, my field is medieval Central Asian History so I'm applying to some Middle East/Islamic programs and some World History programs as well.

Thanks Tigalily! This was really useful!

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Thanks New England Nat; everything you describe does make sense when you stop and think about it. I decided against calling about it. Waiting is better, though it is not easy.

I nominate NE Nat for the 1st annual StrangeLight Memorial Award for Excellence

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Hi Everyone! I've been lurking for a while, and the waiting is driving me absolutely bonkers, so I figured I would introduce myself. I've applied to History and American Studies Ph.D. programs...so far it looks like only one poster here has applied to UMass for History also. :)

Hey Meg,

I am your fellow UMass applicant..... Yes, the wait is driving many of us bonkers if you hadn't noticed. As Nate pointed out, there is no sure thing until you have that piece of paper in your hand, so this is very harrowing. Good luck, and welcome to the loony bin.

Oh, and do PM me if you want to discuss UMass POIs or gripe about that website.........

Edited by crazedandinfused
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oseirus is funny. all i'm doing is giving the advice i wish someone had given me (or that i had asked for) when i was applying. oh, and procrastinating on my comps work.

but NE Nat is right. just wait before grabbing the phone. you guys, it's february 2. yes, lots of people are getting news already (and congratulations to those with good news!), but there's 1-2 months left of this. try to resist picking up the phone, otherwise you'll be that person that texts someone 20 times after a date and never hears back.

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oseirus is funny. all i'm doing is giving the advice i wish someone had given me (or that i had asked for) when i was applying. oh, and procrastinating on my comps work. but NE Nat is right. just wait before grabbing the phone. you guys, it's february 2. yes, lots of people are getting news already (and congratulations to those with good news!), but there's 1-2 months left of this. try to resist picking up the phone, otherwise you'll be that person that texts someone 20 times after a date and never hears back.

Haha thanks for keeping us in line

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Wow, I haven't really checked in for the last two days and I feel like I've missed so much! Congrats to everyone who has received good news so early into the month. I'm really interested to see how things unfold next week... I suspect I'll hear from many of my schools on or around the 10th.

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First time for me to post in awhile, but saw the UNC medieval history admit and wanted to say congrats since I know there are very few of us around here. I didn't apply myself, but just curious what you work on. Feel free to shoot me a PM if you want as well and congrats again!

I'll claim the UNC admit - I just discovered this website yesterday, have been trolling furiously, and decided to actually make myself an account so I don't feel quite so creepy. :) I'm glad to see there are a few other medievalists here too and I'd be happy to PM with you about research interests/applications! Good luck to you and thanks for the congrats!

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I'll claim the UNC admit - I just discovered this website yesterday, have been trolling furiously, and decided to actually make myself an account so I don't feel quite so creepy. :) I'm glad to see there are a few other medievalists here too and I'd be happy to PM with you about research interests/applications! Good luck to you and thanks for the congrats!

Hello, welcome and congrats on the UNC admit. (I assume you meant "lurking" rather than trolling by the way :) ).

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I did have a good day at my interview. Top school, great funding. It turns out that out of 50+ applicants, they are considering only two. I was the only one to be interviewed, which is a *big* step, since PI is considering me.

Don't know if it's a yes or no. Am in wait purgatory, right before release. PI and committee said it might take up to a week to decide, since they will either take me or none at all.

Advise? Thoughts?

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Well good morning fellow applicants (or supplicants I guess?), today is another day full of hope & wonder. Let your thoughts be positive and your outlook cheerful. Let us start another exciting episode of Is Today The Day?

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