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Fall 2012 Applicant Chit Chat


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Hi everyone! I am breaking my cardinal rule of never accessing grad cafe at work, but i couldn't resist it!

As it turns out, I have been wait-listed at Princeton as well. This is unfamiliar territory, so any advice or thoughts on the situation would be much apprec


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Best thing, IMHO, is to say thank you to the DGS and, if Princeton is truly your top choice, say so. Ask how the waitlist will work. Indiana's was ranked so there was no way for me to beg for admission if I said top choice (which I did anyway). If the DGS doesn't suggest any kind of ranking, then you need to do what you can- say it's your top choice and contact your POIs. And then wait again.

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On a side note, I'm on edge about UNC. I keep thinking that they will pop up any day now.

They were the last to let me know last year.

If I haven't heard back from Columbia yet, should I assume that's a no? That seems to be the general consensus.

I'm wondering the same thing.

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I too, am on a wait list for one of my top picks. But we have to figure that Safferz, and other people like her who are given multiple offers to top programs, have to reject some of their amazing offers (and you still have more schools to hear from Safferz, so incredible!). So I think there's still some hope for us wait listed folks.

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CONGRATS TO THE STANFORD ADMIT! Stanford may or may not be my alma mater. I may or not be so madly in love with the school that I will talk to anyone admitted and convince them to go there over all other offers. Seriously, best place in the entire world. I know almost all of the Americanists well, so feel free to ask questions.

PMs welcome :). Rejecting a Stanford offer is NOT welcome :).

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Wow Stanford... congrats whoever got it! It really is a beautiful campus and I've heard wonderful things about the History program. One of my favorite history professors in undergrad was from Stanford so I got a little bit of "Stanford" education. :D Just be aware that Palo Alto is NOT cheap.

* frantically checks e-mail and re-reads the SOP to see if it was good as Wisconsin's*

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Hello everyone....I've been reading all of the posts o far and have finally decided to post myself! Congrats to all who have been accepted somewhere and good luck to the rest who, like me, are still waiting!!!! I was wondering if anyone knows when Harvard will start letting people know?!?!?! I have such a good fit there and I am hoping this will be the break I get...Thx in advance!!!

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Anybody get one of these: "Mellon Foundation Fellowship in Interdisciplinary Studies" from Northwestern? They revised my partner's admit letter and told her she gets this in addition to the regular fellowship. Are these hard to get or in any way known by people in the history world? I have never heard of this.

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But Oakland is.

Haha, yes Oakland is. Yes, Stanford is in a REALLY expensive part of the country. They offer grad student housing. There are also plenty of suburbs nearby or on the East Bay that are affordable (well, relatively affordable. Nothing in the Bay Area is affordable).

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Does anyone know if Yale stipends come with guaranteed summer funding in addition to whatever the base amount is, or what the deal is?

Anybody get one of these: "Mellon Foundation Fellowship in Interdisciplinary Studies" from Northwestern? They revised my partner's admit letter and told her she gets this in addition to the regular fellowship. Are these hard to get or in any way known by people in the history world? I have never heard of this.

I don't know the answer to either one of these, but if they are specific questions for particular schools I would wait until they provide some type of larger packet with regard to funding specifics or email/call the various departmental contacts to ask. Not saying that people might not know (such as NatSteel at Yale if I remember the name correctly who might know), just that those official sources will know the answer for sure and probably faster too.

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Haha, yes Oakland is. Yes, Stanford is in a REALLY expensive part of the country. They offer grad student housing. There are also plenty of suburbs nearby or on the East Bay that are affordable (well, relatively affordable. Nothing in the Bay Area is affordable).

Haha, yes Oakland is. Yes, Stanford is in a REALLY expensive part of the country. They offer grad student housing. There are also plenty of suburbs nearby or on the East Bay that are affordable (well, relatively affordable. Nothing in the Bay Area is affordable).

Probably don’t want to live in the East Bay and have to commute to the Farm…driving on freeways during most hours is near impossible and alternatievely you’d be looking at a two hour BART/Caltrain commute each way. EV is awesome.

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Probably don’t want to live in the East Bay and have to commute to the Farm…driving on freeways during most hours is near impossible and alternatievely you’d be looking at a two hour BART/Caltrain commute each way. EV is awesome.

EV being Escondido Village, where grad students live. Thanks for the input, Schlesinger1 :). Since it's such a biking school, living on-campus is pretty cool.

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Just had playtime with my 13-month old...pretty effective therapy for the grad-school rejection blues...

...as is thinking (...dreaming...) of the potential acceptances to come...

thanks for the funding update at UW-M TMP, if I can just secure a decent package I can easily 'resign' myself to attending a top 20 program in what everyone describes as a delightful camelot to raise a family...

...hah, wonder how long this renegade moment of serenity and perspective will last for...

continued best wishes to all, I've come to regard you all as my friends (and my wife's stink eye at my incessant board watching has turned into an insatiable need on her part for real-time reporting of all your updates...)

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I'm on the Princeton waitlist. So much for my, until now, perfect record! The email reads, "Over the next several weeks we expect to make a small number of additional offers of admission," which is odd, because that doesn't exactly make it sound like the waitlist depends on other students declining. New England Nat, do you have any insight?

So I can only make a few educated guesses... but I suspect that they are trying very hard to hit the yield they want this year. Last year they hover yielded, and the year before they under yielded by a lot in both directions. Princeton isn't a money thing as the department is pretty wealthy even by princeton standards, but there is a question of how managable the cohort is. How big does History 500 get as a course, how big is the disertation perspect group going to be... there are administrative things that mean that a over large cohort is not a trivia problem even beyond money.

Answered other details in PM.

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Anybody get one of these: "Mellon Foundation Fellowship in Interdisciplinary Studies" from Northwestern? They revised my partner's admit letter and told her she gets this in addition to the regular fellowship. Are these hard to get or in any way known by people in the history world? I have never heard of this.

No way! Congrats to her. I've never heard of it, but it sounds pretty awesome and extra money is always nice. The University Fellowship awarded was already good enough I thought, I can't imagine how thrilled she must be now.

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No way! Congrats to her. I've never heard of it, but it sounds pretty awesome and extra money is always nice. The University Fellowship awarded was already good enough I thought, I can't imagine how thrilled she must be now.

How DOES "extra money" work? Would we basically have the freedom to get whatever external funding we can get our hands on? Or are there certain fellowships tht we can't have in conjunction with a university fellowship/TAship? Is this too difficult/vague of a question to answer?

Lotsa question marks; I wanted one sentence to end with a period.

Edited by crazedandinfused
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