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PoliSci 2008-2009 Cycle


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Just to momentarily distract ourselves somewhat... I haven't done any of the FAFSA stuff. Anyone know if and when this stuff needs to be completed? Do all programs require it?

Most programs don't. If you get funding sufficient to cover your expenses, you won't need to fill out a FAFSA at all.

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been lurking for sometime now. Now that we are in the first week of February, paranoia is finally getting to me.

So here's me profile in brief.

International applicant. Large, relatively well known Indian University; Econ. Major, with Minors in math and Political Science.

We don't have GPA system, but got 2nd class in Econ. and Pol. Science. (my university is infamous throughout India for 'grade deflation' as it is known in the US). Terrible math grades. (might hurt my chances?)

GRE: 1440; Quant.: 790; Verbal: 650; AWA: 4.5

TOEFL iBT: 104. (24 in speaking section).

4 presented papers in international conferences in India.

Work experience with a regional NGO for a year, related to micro-credit, rural co-operative societies and rural women.

3 very strong LORs. 2 from Econ. professors from my university who knows me very well. 1 from a Geography professor from U. of North Texas whom i got to know well in a conference and he was the chair in the conference track i presented my paper.

The SOPs were utilitarian. Mostly, I described my research interests and previous research experience. Mentioned professors whom I would like to work with and why in the department I am applying to.

Research interests: Comparative Politics, Political Economy. (I can be more specific but I'm a lazy chump and my fingers hurt).

Applying to

(PhD): UChicago, Northwestern, Texas A&M, Johns Hopkins, Notre Dame, Claremont Graduate, Emory, WashU, Rice, Purdue.

(MA): Villanova, Marquette, UNebraska- Lincoln, San Diego State, Northeastern.

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did anyone hear when Emory results are out? I see forum member coachrjc has already got an admit at Emory. Are they trickling in or did they give out admits to everyone? Can anyone clarify this?

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been lurking for sometime now. Now that we are in the first week of February, paranoia is finally getting to me.

So here's me profile in brief.

Hey, welcome.

If your LOR's are as good as you say, you should have no problem getting accepted in one of your choices.

Good Luck!

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did anyone hear when Emory results are out? I see forum member coachrjc has already got an admit at Emory. Are they trickling in or did they give out admits to everyone? Can anyone clarify this?

Emory sent out a first wave of admits. I think the consensus is that they are most likely not done. I believe Emory interviews people for the next wave of admits, and I have not heard about anyone being offered interviews yet.

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I've heard that Emory has several admission waves and that they continue to send them out until March or so. I'm in the same boat as you but take the advice that someone gave me and don't lose hope with Emory. They still might get back to us. Right? :?

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Jeez, I don't understand why some people enjoy posting fake results just to freak out people who are nervous about their future.

Yeah, that one had me excited until I read it. Then I was pretty annoyed. Oh well, some people have maturity level of children.

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Emory sent out a first wave of admits. I think the consensus is that they are most likely not done. I believe Emory interviews people for the next wave of admits, and I have not heard about anyone being offered interviews yet.

Thanks man. With the recession and all, how many are they taking in this year? I see there's already been 3 admits at Emory posted at grad cafe. So there's probably 5 admits already if not more.

I'm an international student in a South Asian country. Will they call me or do they call only domestic US applicants?

Man, I'm so waiting for Emory. The rejection will be hard. :cry:

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Man, I'd have to think so. Maybe we've all wowed them so much that they just can't bear to pick among us.

Or, maybe we all suck and they're contemplating the idea of not admitting anybody.

I am getting super impatient with Ohio State! Does anyone with more balls than me wanna call them and ask what their status is?

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I have a horribly bad typo on my SOP, so I don't think I have a very good chance, but OSU is still my top choice. I'm starting to hate that app status website. What the hell is the difference between academic review and evaluation, anyway?

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I have a horribly bad typo on my SOP, so I don't think I have a very good chance, but OSU is still my top choice. I'm starting to hate that app status website. What the hell is the difference between academic review and evaluation, anyway?

Me too. I had a typo at my SOP to the most schools I sent my application. The worst thing is, the typo was a glaring word repetition (2 words at that) in the very 2nd line of the SOP. Bummer! I'm still at a loss how the repetition escaped my eyes and MS Word.

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