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PoliSci 2008-2009 Cycle


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In at Washington University in St. Louis (WashU), tuition fees waived, 19,000 annual stipend, no TA/RAship for 1st and 5th year. International, subfield: Political Theory.  I never thought I'd get into a single university, let alone two, but I've already started taking everything for granted....

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long time lurker here, oscillating between Comparative and IR (security)...I am quite anxious about Stanford, but it should be imminent...Any ideas about when we can hear from Harvard??

Hi i called Harvard yesterday and they said we should hear on or before March 1st.. However checking last year results page most people heard on Feb 23

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Hi everyone,

I was too lazy to set up an account for awhile so I've been lurking, but I figured I'd finally take the time.

I'm a philosophy major looking to become a political theorist. So far I've gotten into UVA and Berkeley. Curiously, however, my Berkeley funding offer (20k per year, 3.5k for first two summers) seems to be lower than all the other offers I've seen on grad cafe. Is there anyone else who received this offer, or am I getting shortchanged?

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So still nothing from Stanford... Do I take it that's an extremely bad sign at this point?

Yeah I'd say it's pretty bad. But hey, it's not official until Monday, right? (See IRHopeful's post above). Maybe they still have a few more to notify...

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Cornell is saying they're not done notifying admissions, but will be done by the end of next week.

I don't imagine we'd hear from Harvard til week after next. Their committee is meeting next week.

Harvard is meeting next week? wow crossing my fingers.. yale's rejection has me very rattled.

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Nothing from Duke here -- assuming that's not good news, but who knows? Best of luck.

I'm also waiting for them, and I don't think we should make any assumptions at this point. At least we were not in the first batch to be thrown out.

Edit: Oh, and did you notice your Google? Darwin was born today 200 years ago.

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Hi everyone,

I was too lazy to set up an account for awhile so I've been lurking, but I figured I'd finally take the time.

I'm a philosophy major looking to become a political theorist. So far I've gotten into UVA and Berkeley. Curiously, however, my Berkeley funding offer (20k per year, 3.5k for first two summers) seems to be lower than all the other offers I've seen on grad cafe. Is there anyone else who received this offer, or am I getting shortchanged?

That's crazy. Are you an international student? Grad schools may not be able to do this anymore now that the interweb provides us with transparency.

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That's crazy. Are you an international student? Grad schools may not be able to do this anymore now that the interweb provides us with transparency.

Nope, I'm all-American. I'm not sure what to do exactly. 20k doesn't go all that far in Berkeley...

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I'm not sure what to do exactly. 20k doesn't go all that far in Berkeley...

I agree that getting five thousand less than what it looks like other folks are getting is a crock. But getting paid to go to Berkeley is still pretty cool at any level, no? Anyway, there's still time if you haven't heard from some of your other schools. Maybe a more compelling offer will come along.

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I agree that getting five thousand less than what it looks like other folks are getting is a crock. But getting paid to go to Berkeley is still pretty cool at any level, no? Anyway, there's still time if you haven't heard from some of your other schools. Maybe a more compelling offer will come along.

Oh yes, I'm definitely still ecstatic about the offer, and I have a ton of schools to hear from still. When I was wondering "what to do", I actually was pondering whether I should say something to the department like "why did everyone else get more money" or "you might lose me to another school with a better offer".

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When I was wondering "what to do", I actually was pondering whether I should say something to the department like "why did everyone else get more money" or "you might lose me to another school with a better offer".

Gotcha. Negotiation is a phase of this process I know nothing about (I struck out last year). I don't know anything about Berkeley's endowment and state funding, but I do know that schools across the country are getting pounded, and I doubt they're immune. So I don't know much they'd have to spring, even if they wanted to. And a school as well-regarded as Berkeley might feel safe telling you to take it or leave it, since there are probably a few people who would take the opportunity, even at the smaller stipend.

I guess what I would do is approach the issue non-confrontational-like. Email your contact and tell them you know someone who got a higher stipend; say you're very interested in the program, but are wondering why your award was smaller. The answer will probably be some boilerplate response, but at least you'll get the conversation started.

But again, I have no idea whether talking about award packages with the school is a common or even occasional thing. Other folks on the board probably know better than I do. Or maybe you could ask a professor at your university what the etiquette is, if you're still in school.

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