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MFA 2012 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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I'm trying to start early too. Not sure where I'm applying yet this time. I've got a really long list, but the top contenders are: (for painting/drawing, and in no particular order)

UC Davis

San Jose State

UT Austin

U. North Texas

University of Oregon

U. Colorado-Boulder

I'll place a link to my website when I get it finished.

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i just took a tour of SFAI, david some ex grad gave me a tour he was very helpful the campus is slightly small but they have most of the resources, seems pretty good to me although its a damn expensive college so its a great choice. people were very friendly and helpful and it quite personalized.

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How about posting to the new 2013 Freak Out thread ...if you are freaking out.

Then people don't have to wade through 171 pages to find information.

Also if you have specific topics it would be good to create a specific thread for each one and then people can find information that is of interest to them.

Best of luck to everyone.

shut up

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Haven't been on here in a while, but good luck to everyone starting new programs or applications. I ended up getting into NYU off the wait list in July! Was very surprising but goes to show you if you haven't heard back don't ever count them out.

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i just took a tour of SFAI, david some ex grad gave me a tour he was very helpful the campus is slightly small but they have most of the resources, seems pretty good to me although its a damn expensive college so its a great choice. people were very friendly and helpful and it quite personalized.

I loved my SFAI undergrad experience. Although I was in New Genres which was sort of treated like the red-headed step child....needless to say we got away with a lot and it was seriously a magical experience.

I will however say this with warning. They JUST received a new President, (they've had a few in the past 10 years) they are vigorously expanding their program to include more students, and they have been trying "new things" with the graduate program. (like, lets have vernasage more like an art fair than a graduate show) I shouldn't name names, but the person who is in charge of the graduate program is a huge misogynist who really doesnt put in much time for the students like the other professors. I'm friends with a few graduate faculty, and my studio is on the same floor in a warehouse as the sfai studios...so I just want to point out that I personally think you could have a better experience at a different grad school. And I say that with all the love in my heart for my school, but seriously the art scene here is nothing but 'bro art' and I personally think SFAI undergrad is better than the grad school. (and better funded)

I'm glad you like the campus and the people, they're both great!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I loved my SFAI undergrad experience. Although I was in New Genres which was sort of treated like the red-headed step child....needless to say we got away with a lot and it was seriously a magical experience.

I will however say this with warning. They JUST received a new President, (they've had a few in the past 10 years) they are vigorously expanding their program to include more students, and they have been trying "new things" with the graduate program. (like, lets have vernasage more like an art fair than a graduate show) I shouldn't name names, but the person who is in charge of the graduate program is a huge misogynist who really doesnt put in much time for the students like the other professors. I'm friends with a few graduate faculty, and my studio is on the same floor in a warehouse as the sfai studios...so I just want to point out that I personally think you could have a better experience at a different grad school. And I say that with all the love in my heart for my school, but seriously the art scene here is nothing but 'bro art' and I personally think SFAI undergrad is better than the grad school. (and better funded)

I'm glad you like the campus and the people, they're both great!

I'll jump in on this to agree only because a (highly regarded professional) friend of mine that helps SFAI out with (undisclosed things I will not mention) would agree with a lot of what aethiryn says...that is, it's a mess at the grad level and they have fried their own development/growth with some really shoddy management over the last decade. I'd avoid the grad school (though, the undergrad prog seems to be excellent), at least for the next 5+ years (kids of the future, check the program out again at that time!)

It's too bad, because, back in the day, that was a stellar art school. Now, places like CCA simply smoke it (and, CCA used to be the bastard child!). I hope that prog. gets its act together because it has such a storied history...

Best of luck to you 2013 peeps.

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Josholas -- We're looking at a lot of the same schools! I had no acceptances last year and am really re-thinking this whole process. UOregon and UT at Austin are two of my top choices. Good luck to all of us!!!!

Edited by sguid
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Josholas -- We're looking at a lot of the same schools! I had no acceptances last year and am really re-thinking this whole process. UOregon and UT at Austin are two of my top choices. Good luck to all of us!!!!

Sguid - Looks like we're in the same boat, as I also applied last year. I'm trying to do more research this time around. I already have a HUGE spreadsheet that I'm slowly entering data into. And just a heads up...http://www.petersons.com has some great resources on program acceptance rates. Apparently, acceptance rates aren't necessarily correlated with the ranking or "prestige" of the program. I think that was part of my problem last year...I applied to several mid-lower ranked programs that seemed like they would have better acceptance rates, when in reality...they were the same (or worse) than many of the top-ranked schools.

Do you have a website? I'd love to see your work.

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  • 6 months later...

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