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Web Still Reporting Missing Documents


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All of the schools that I applied to that had deadlines in December are still reporting that I am missing parts of my application. I know that I sent everything, but if it actually got there is still not know (i.e. transcripts and GRES). I called the schools on January 5th and asked them if they has received everything and they all reported that they were still going through the mail. It has now been two weeks since then, and over a six week since I submitted my application. Should I call again?

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I know one of my schools still hasn't matched up my transcripts w/my application and both were at their offices in December. I was notified that it wasn't holding up my application though and the committee would review it anyway. Hopefully that is the case w/yours.

I would probably wait until next week before I called them again...

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I don't see any issue with calling them again...

It is responsible to call an be sure all your materials are available to the department for their review. You are the only one that will make sure all that stuff is accounted for before the deadline.

I kept a little list with deadline dates, transcript send dates, and other relevant stuff, like the department and college numbers so I could call each and mark off what they had received.

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I have US Postal Service confirmation that a couple of forms were signed for at Some University on January 12th. As of today, the 16th, they still don't show in the online status. Of course, they do have a message on that page to the effect of, "We'll take a few weeks to update this if we want to. Don't email or call us about it." So I guess it isn't unusual.

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I kept a color coordinated excel spreadsheet with pages for each of the schools I applied to and an additional page for my letters of recommendation (total of 10 pages).

On each school page, I broke down the pros and cons of attending, listed all of the application materials needed, noted where things needed to get sent to, and made various other notes. On the letters of rec. page, I listed each of my profs and had a check list for each schools paperwork (and whether they had a specific cover sheet they wanted sent).

I guess the job I've had for the past 3+ years has made me a bit anal about organization, but it really helped me keep track of what I was missing at which schools.

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I'm still waiting on a 12/15 deadline app. to "receive" my transcript and 1 paper LOR. Apparently I was supposed to mail these things directly to the department and not the main graduate admissions office. :roll: Sooo they're in interdepartmental mail limbo somewhere. I finally asked the LOR writer to send a new copy directly to the department.

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I kept my important files on a flash drive as well as the hard drive. Flash drives are so large and inexpensive now.

I have a networked hard drive ($99) and a script to copy the contents of my "school" directory to it every 24 hours if I'm home. Everybody needs something...if I lost all my data, I'd be devastated.

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I have schools with a Dec. 2nd deadline still showing that they're missing GRE scores. However, I have received an email from the department saying my application is complete and under review. I think many schools simply don't have the time to update the online system. This makes me wonder why they bother with it, since the lack of updates is just going to worry people and produce a flood of inquiries which also take up time.

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I had missing documents for two of my schools. I called them up and they found the information.

If you really feel the need to, I'd call them up. Otherwise, just trust they have the info and don't worry about it.

Also, you can call the GRE folks and ask them if they sent your info.

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I understand that mailed documents can take a while to get onto status pages. But what about electronically submitted LsoR? My UMich application shows in Embark (I really don't like Embark) that all three letters were submitted; but on their status check page in Wolverine-watchamacallit, it only lists two of my letter writers and says that nothing has been received. Deadline was only 15 Jan - too early to worry yet, right? It's just that for the letters I would have thought they would update automatically...

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I understand that mailed documents can take a while to get onto status pages. But what about electronically submitted LsoR? My UMich application shows in Embark (I really don't like Embark) that all three letters were submitted; but on their status check page in Wolverine-watchamacallit, it only lists two of my letter writers and says that nothing has been received. Deadline was only 15 Jan - too early to worry yet, right? It's just that for the letters I would have thought they would update automatically...

I don't even see an area on that program that lists which letters they have received.

But UMich sends out e-mails when they receive a letter from a recommender. If you have all 3 of those, then you are solid.

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I don't even see an area on that program that lists which letters they have received.

But UMich sends out e-mails when they receive a letter from a recommender. If you have all 3 of those, then you are solid.

I'd forgotten that, thanks. I know i definitely got email confirmation fromall three. I guess it's just general processing a bajillion applications, rather than mine is screwed up.

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FWIW, my UM application is the same. I've kept all the 'LoR received' emails so I know they're definitely all in, but not a single one of them shows up on the Wolverine site.

MisterPat, you can see what the grad office has received by logging in to Wolverine Access, clicking on 'New and Prospective Student Business', then 'Application Status', then 'View Credentials'.

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There were two schools that I applied to which used embark, all of them showed I was missing either a LOR, a transcript or my GRE scores.

I emailed someone in the department, and they assured me my application was complete.

Embark is usually wrong, so don't panick, but do double check.

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One of my schools just updated their status page today, showing most, but not all, of the forms I've sent them. Some of the forms they just now acknowledged are ones that I know they signed for on the 12th. I suspect they're in the process of sorting through the mountain of papers and building individual files.

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One of my schools must have recently updated their admissions process...

After I submitted my app, the confirmation text made a big deal of me having to wait 3 weeks for them to send my login information by postal mail before I could check my status online. THEN a few minutes later, I got an email with my login info.

It hasn't been 3 weeks and I haven't received a letter in the post yet, but my online status shows that they've only received one of my LORs. No transcripts, no GRE scores, nothing.

May I assume that they used to wait 3 weeks to send login info because that's how long it takes to update the status website? What do you guys think?

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FWIW, my UM application is the same. I've kept all the 'LoR received' emails so I know they're definitely all in, but not a single one of them shows up on the Wolverine site.

What is a little odd in my case is that the Wolverine site is only listing two of my recommenders, and only the same two made it to the print-out of the application in Embark. I know that I entered all three - otherwise the third wouldn't have been able to upload his rec. Weird, weird, weird.

They also have my transcript showing as "not received", but I'm attributing that to the ridiculous amount lor work that must be going on in grad school offices at the moment. I figure since they have the uploaded one, it's not a biggie even if it has gone astray.

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One of my schools must have recently updated their admissions process...

After I submitted my app, the confirmation text made a big deal of me having to wait 3 weeks for them to send my login information by postal mail before I could check my status online. THEN a few minutes later, I got an email with my login info.

It hasn't been 3 weeks and I haven't received a letter in the post yet, but my online status shows that they've only received one of my LORs. No transcripts, no GRE scores, nothing.

May I assume that they used to wait 3 weeks to send login info because that's how long it takes to update the status website? What do you guys think?

Yeah, at least. Especially if you submitted on or close to the deadline. They're still showing you the "three weeks" message, even if they emailed instead of posting you access.

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Update: just this morning they added this text...

Note: Due to the volume of materials we are processing at this time, all of the materials in our office may not be updated on your status. Please allow 2 weeks time for materials that you have sent to us to be processed prior to contacting our office or the academic department to which you applied.

I'm glad I didn't bug them. Sounds like a lot of other people did :D

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