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0% Confidence of Acceptance

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yeah today (this past week, really) has not been a good day for me confidence-wise. It feels as if my brain is running on a hamster wheel. Or the Sizzler at the carnival. Someone accept me somewhere! I need to get off this ride!

I do actually think going on a really loopy crazy backwards free falling roller coaster would be good fun right now. I think the adrenaline rush would kill some of this soul-crushing career-related stress I've been carrying lately.

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Another day of silence = another night to wear away at my feeble hopes of getting in anywhere...

same here.. will read a book tonight to forget about my applications.

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This is my first round applying to PhD programs after a couple of years thinking I'd be out of the academic game - already have an MA. I want to be cautiously optimistic, but it's difficult when you don't have a stellar pedigree. Most of the time I have very little hope of acceptance anywhere, although I'm confident in my abilities if I do in fact get accepted.

Most of my thoughts tend toward wondering what I'll do if(when) I am left with 12 embarrassing rejections. Try again next year? Friends/family can't begin to understand how this feels... I wonder what the first rejection will feel like. I pass the time reading the '100 reasons not to get a PhD in the Humanities' blog.

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Friends/family can't begin to understand how this feels... I wonder what the first rejection will feel like. I pass the time reading the '100 reasons not to get a PhD in the Humanities' blog.

the biggest problem with this fact is they all assume you are going to get in to schools. they do this partially to try to make you feel better, but all it really does is make you feel worse, because now you are in some way letting down people that are not you. we're the only ones that actually understand that when 500 people apply for 10 slots, odds are pretty good you are going to be in the 490 rather than the 10 regardless of your qualifications, abilities, devotion, or potential. failure is a theoretical until you click those submit buttons, at which point the reality of the situation begins to dawn.

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Friends/family can't begin to understand how this feels... I wonder what the first rejection will feel like.

Most friends and family have no idea what it is like unless they are doing it. I have two friends that applied last year along with me and none of us got into any program. We all retook the GRE, gutted our writing samples, fancified (yes I said fancified) our CVs, and completely regeared our SOPs. I am lucky to have two friends doing this along with me because they 100% understand everything. Family/other friends...not so much. I remember last year begging my dad not to tell his friends and others that I applied to PhD programs, he couldn't help bragging because he knew I would get in everywhere I applied, but I was scared that I wouldn't get in. And I didn't. And no one could believe it. I really couldn't imagine going through this without a fellow applicant. Stick to the board. We understand.

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Most friends and family have no idea what it is like unless they are doing it.

"Oh, I'm sure you'll get in everywhere! You just love it so much!"

It's hard not to feel like, when friends/family do this innocent encouragement thing, that they're really saying "how hard can it be?" and "it's not like other people are actually interested in this shit, too." Anyway, I keep assuring everyone that I'm not going to get in anywhere because (and I hope you did this last year a little, lolo) then, even though I'm broken-hearted, I can still be right. Take that, people who love me!

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On another note, does anyone else feel like poring through the "City Guide" for all the schools you've applied to is the surest way to jinx yourself?

And then do you do it anyway? Because I can't stop.

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On another note, does anyone else feel like poring through the "City Guide" for all the schools you've applied to is the surest way to jinx yourself?

And then do you do it anyway? Because I can't stop.

I definitely did a lot of looking around at stuff for Lawrence, and then I got my KU rejection, so I'm not doing that again. It got my hopes up too much.

Edited by Timshel
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On another note, does anyone else feel like poring through the "City Guide" for all the schools you've applied to is the surest way to jinx yourself?

And then do you do it anyway? Because I can't stop.

Yes, I also like to compare apartment costs to where I'm living now (NYC). I've discovered that in most places I can get a FULL one bedroom, not even a crappy alcove, for less than I'm paying to live in a three shared with two roommates. This concept of space and cheap rent is so foreign to me.

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Total silence so far. Seems as though none of my schools have reported, so I'm basically in total limbo at this point. I'm about to lose it.

WORD. The growing suspense is killing me, minute by minute. (I'm looking at you, USC American Studies & Ethnicity!)

TripWills, I've been meaning to ask you if you considered applying to USC. Your interests sound like they might be a good fit for the ASE program.

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0% confidence I can get into the schools I want. 100% confidence I could get into 1000000 other schools I'm not applying to.

The fit is right, but good programs are so competitive. I've bitten off all my nails freaking out about this.

This is EXACTLY how I'm feeling right now.

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