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I'm not sure what's up with Austin's rejections/waitlists, but I've gotten in (along with like 8 other people, it seems), and the visit for prospective graduate students is tomorrow-Thursday. I can see if I can find out more information while I'm there.

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Oh, sorry -- misread your post. I didn't realize you were talking about your own status check. Sorry! :(

No worries on the misread, it's the thought that counts. And thanks.

One thing I've realized during this process is that, for me, getting the rejection out of the way is better than the waiting around. I am an obsessive/compulsive planner. Which, I have recently discovered, is really just code for "Seriously woman? You're a control freak!" Sitting around waiting on other people's decisions ... not really something I'm good at. The last month or so (well, really, the 3.5 weeks between rejection #1 and #2 *ahem*) have been cripplingly terrible. And I've realized that it's not, in fact, the fear of rejection. At least, not primarily that. No. It's the complete inability to make anything resembling a plan. Am I moving? I don't know. Am I going to grad school? I don't know. Do I need to look for a job? I don't know. Oh dear gods, give me something to go on already!!!

Clearly, If I can't make plans, I absolutely cannot cope with life.

Back in the days before the interwebs, it may not have been so cruel to send out interviews/acceptances before (or, seriously, LONG before) the rejections. I mean, it's not like high school where you've got dozens and dozens of people all applying to colleges, often overlapping, and hearing all their results at the same time. Most of the time, in my experience anyway, even if there ARE several people applying to graduate programs, they're usually applying to different ones. So without the internet, if you get skipped on the invite/accept party, it's not like you'd know.

But we DO have the net. We DO have places like GradCafe, and the results survey. So we absolutely DO hear about the invites/acceptances that are going on. We know when shit is going on with a program and we're not hearing from them. So what's the point behind hoarding the rejections? It's not like they're doing anybody any damn favors. :angry:

Anyone else feeling this, or is it just me?

We now return you to your regularly scheduled insanity ....

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Well, a rejection just showed up on the status check for UT Austin. They don't appear to have actually answered my email, but I guess it's an answer. Bleh.

Saw your post on the results page and just looked at my denial. The one thing that gets to me (other than getting denied of course) is them saying I would receive an email and my that my decision would be posted. If you're not going to email me, at least don't say you are.


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Saw your post on the results page and just looked at my denial. The one thing that gets to me (other than getting denied of course) is them saying I would receive an email and my that my decision would be posted. If you're not going to email me, at least don't say you are.


I know! What the hell is with the misinformation on that front? Seriously, if you say you're going to email, then damn well email! Bastards! ;)

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Hey everyone!

i've been lurking on this thread for a while now without participating, but I thought it was maybe time to jump in! (Instead of frantically refreshing my email every 30 seconds...)

I haven't heard from NYU (classics), Brown (Joukowsky) and Penn (AAMW) but I am assuming that they are all rejections. It's my first time around applying, and I wasn't aware how competitive the entire thing was in the US. I thought people generally applied straight from an undergrad degree and took the combined MA-PhD route, but it seems that everyone here is massively more prepared than I thought! Do they ever offer places to people with only an undergrad???

I am thinking that I will go get an MA in the UK to strengthen my skills and try again next year...

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Hey everyone!

i've been lurking on this thread for a while now without participating, but I thought it was maybe time to jump in! (Instead of frantically refreshing my email every 30 seconds...)

I haven't heard from NYU (classics), Brown (Joukowsky) and Penn (AAMW) but I am assuming that they are all rejections. It's my first time around applying, and I wasn't aware how competitive the entire thing was in the US. I thought people generally applied straight from an undergrad degree and took the combined MA-PhD route, but it seems that everyone here is massively more prepared than I thought! Do they ever offer places to people with only an undergrad???

I am thinking that I will go get an MA in the UK to strengthen my skills and try again next year...

When I did the post-bac at UPenn I remember the profs all saying that roughly 60-80% of those students that they offer admission to for the PhD already have a MA--even though UPenn does not take any MA credit from another institution, which likewise most will not do anyway.

I think that generally, and this might sound jaded, the students who are offered admission to the PhD straight out of an undergrad come from top, top schools. The rest of us are required to "prove ourselves" a bit more. Just my perspective so don't take it as an absolute, but I think that if one were to actually examine all Classics PhD programs and scan the bios of their current PhD students I would be proven right more than not. I wish it wasn't the case, but I'm afraid it is.

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When I did the post-bac at UPenn I remember the profs all saying that roughly 60-80% of those students that they offer admission to for the PhD already have a MA--even though UPenn does not take any MA credit from another institution, which likewise most will not do anyway.

I think that generally, and this might sound jaded, the students who are offered admission to the PhD straight out of an undergrad come from top, top schools. The rest of us are required to "prove ourselves" a bit more. Just my perspective so don't take it as an absolute, but I think that if one were to actually examine all Classics PhD programs and scan the bios of their current PhD students I would be proven right more than not. I wish it wasn't the case, but I'm afraid it is.

This is probably very thick of me, but I have never heard of a Post-Bac. Is it between an undergrad and an MA?

I am from on of the two top Canadian unis and even if we like to compare ourselves with Ivies, I'm afraid we're just not in the same league.

When I talked to a Faculty member at the Joukowsky Institute, he also told me that he didn't remember them ever taking anyone just out of undergrad... Oh well!

Anyone else applied to the UK for next year?

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Is it safe to say that at this point all that remains is rejection? I have 5 Ivies, Michigan, and Rutgers still yet to hear from.

I got rejected from Michigan in early Feb., so you might have a better show at the waitlist. Haven't heard back form Rutgers and a few other Ivies, but I'm not hoping for much. Just glad I got into any program with a stipend, considering I'm just out of undergrad.

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This is probably very thick of me, but I have never heard of a Post-Bac. Is it between an undergrad and an MA?

I am from on of the two top Canadian unis and even if we like to compare ourselves with Ivies, I'm afraid we're just not in the same league.

When I talked to a Faculty member at the Joukowsky Institute, he also told me that he didn't remember them ever taking anyone just out of undergrad... Oh well!

Anyone else applied to the UK for next year?

It's simply undergraduate-level courses that you take to fulfill the requirements of most graduate institutions, in a non-degree-earning capacity after you've completed a degree already, hence the term post-baccalaureate. Not always that simple, though; could also be extension courses, or auditing classes, or what have you. I'm earning my 2nd BA, and the second is my "post-bacc" but I'm just going ahead and getting my second degree while I'm at it.

I think I'm going to strike out everywhere :(

Edited by vehemens iter ad necem
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If it helps, I too have heard absolutely nothing from or about Johns Hopkins. I think that they delay the rejections just in case those who are admitted decline immediately, and they need to add more people to a wait-list or to an accepted-list.

I have friends who were accepted to Hopkins in previous years and did not get interviews until Mid-April...so yeah, they hold out for awhile. On the upside, they were eventually accepted.

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Popping in here even though I'm not personally applying til later on in the year... but a friend of mine has heard back from both York and Alberta (for MA Ancient History and MA Classical Archaeology respectively), if anyone is waiting on news from either school, although from what I heard from him, Alberta is lagging with their offers right now.

Edited by ciistai
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Hi All,

Just to provide some info for anyone waiting on UT-Austin, a friend of mine was just offered a spot with a 5 year fellowship package. He is on the archaeology end of things.

Regarding IPGRH at UMichigan, I met someone yesterday who was offered the spot and he has already turned it down and is deciding between two other schools so there might be movement on the IPGRH front soon enough for waitlistees.

For the person who was thinking about MA's, I strongly consider contacting schools that you might want to do your PhD at and asking them what they think the top MA programs would be for you. I think many professors have personal biases about certain Post-Baccs and MA programs (often because they admitted students to the PhD program from those institutions who turned out to be less than amazing). Unfortunately, your predecessors can influence your outcome. UChicago's classics students this year mainly came straight from undergrad institutions but almost all had 4 or more years of Greek and Latin (even for PAMW). The people they took from Post Bacc programs were coming out of UCLA and UC-Davis.

Hope all this helps!

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Got a reply from the Joukowsky Institute. Not entirely unexpected. "While no formal acceptance or rejection letters have been issued yet, I do know that the Search Committee has been in touch with a short list of candidates at this point. Unfortunately, if you have not heard from them you are not on that list of finalists at the moment."

So, still not officially putting us out of our misery, but there it is.

Bleh. This whole thing sucks.

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Hey guys!

I just heard from the AAMW - standard rejection letter, on the website.

I really hope some of you got in, because the program truly sounds amazing!

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So I received my rejection for Boston University today, and University of Missouri a couple days ago, which just leaves UArizona. I also haven't heard anything more from Florida State concerning funding...what's the latest that schools usually send out info about funding?

Edited by Pius Aeneas
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