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Law and Lit. I call it Law and Lit, but really that's just a way for me to be ecclectic and touch on most of your areas of interest, while pretending that I'm really focused. I nearly applied to UC Davis too, but I couldn't bear to go west again.

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I nearly applied to UC Davis too, but I couldn't bear to go west again.

Ha, this is the opposite of my not applying to any schools in the southeast because I couldn't bear to go back to humidity. One of these days I'll get the cajones to post my list of schools, once I think I won't be laughed off the board or condemned to rejection by virtue of posting them. : )

Things I needed to accomplish today:

- revise SOP, cut down to less than 900 words, send to LORs/reviewers

- rework my main writing sample (seeing what others have been posting about adding textual citations, YEP)

- grade 19 papers

- skim book by my thesis committee member in prep for my proposal defense on Wednesday

Things I've actually accomplished today:

- revising my SOP by ADDING length (what.)

So who knows a physics or engineering brainiac who's working on a time machine?? I'll tithe 10% of any future stipend money...

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p.s., TripWIllis, this is my favorite. CLEAN ALL THE THINGS. WRITE ALL THE THINGS. READ ALL THE THINGS. Watch Friday Night Lights marathon on Netflix?

I permanently have CLEAN ALL THE THINGS written on my little whiteboard, much good it does me!

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This is the most humbling process I've ever engaged in. Getting feedback and criticism from seasoned scholars and professors on every aspect of this consistently forces you to realize "No, you are not the shit." Every word matters, every sentence must fit into the well-thought out and structured whole, much to my continuous frustration I feel like 'm never clear, concise or concrete enough. Guess that means I'm doing it right...

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I'm going through and adding textual evidence to my sample right now. Been working on that for a while now. It isn't additional research per se, but it is extremely time consuming going through a 300 page novel and trying to remember where in the book the quote I'm looking for is. I wish my hard copy novel had the control F function!

can you preview it on amazon? that's what i did for the 1000 page book i was using. even though, more often than not, it wouldn't let me read the text, it still gave me the page number whatever i typed in was on.

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can you preview it on amazon? that's what i did for the 1000 page book i was using. even though, more often than not, it wouldn't let me read the text, it still gave me the page number whatever i typed in was on.

I was going to suggest this, too! Even though Google Books sucks and never gives you whole chapters in their previews, it's saved me good chunks of time going through hard copies of books by knowing where certain things are in the text. I've come to adore Google Books, really.

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Timshel, my SOP is killing me too. I dunno wtf is my problem, I just can't write mine! Sadly, I just wrote one for my friend for a program he's applying to, and he was so happy with it. Now for me, I just stare at a screen... it's like shell shock or something...

Seriously? :blink:

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yes. i want to cry. sometimes I hate myself too. it was just so easy to write about his future plans, his fit, his focus. but the words won't come for me! and i know me better than i know him... i seriously don't know why i can't write it and just be done with it!

HaruNoKaze, while it boggles my mind that you wrote your friend's SOP for him (and he didn't want to write it himself), you are not alone in struggling with the SOP. It's a piece of difficult writing on its own, but what tripped me up in the beginning was just what it symbolized: It's your LIFE. In 1000 words. This is you putting your cards on the table, and we're all here because we know just what the odds are for us right now. Scary stuff.

I don't know what you've tried so far, but to help me get started I used this "template" from the UC Berkeley website: http://grad.berkeley.edu/admissions/state_purpose.shtml

Basically, I pasted this template and the verbatim SOP instructions on my first deadline's and top choice's application instructions into a word document so I had somewhere to start. Then I started by just answering the questions and filling it in. Then I removed the training wheels (the questions and instructions themselves) to see what I had left. I edited that, then rewrote it from scratch. Twice. Now I'm on revision #7 and it ain't getting any easier...

Take some of the pressure off yourself and just answer the questions. That might help you conquer the white blank page situation!

Good luck. We ALL need it right now, I think. : )

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i'll def check out that page.

yea I think part of it is laying yourself out there, being sincere about it, and knowing there is still a really good chance you'll get rejected in the end. it's like a asking someone to date you for the next 4-6 years of your life... kinda...

and in my friends defense, he did write an SOP, but it was so terrible, i actually laughed out loud at parts and had to stop reading. friends don't let friends submit bad SOPs.

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I was naming what I hope was a subtle comment intended to provoke a reaction from other applicants, because I refuse to believe that anyone could be so oblivious to their unethical behaviour that they would broadcast it on a forum like this. So I'll ask again -- seriously?

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Unethical? I don't think it's unethical to help out a good friend. He wasn't applying to an English program, and I didn't write anything in his SOP that he didn't try to say already in the horrid two page draft he sent me.

It would have been unethical if I asked him for a hundred bucks afterwards, like i've heard of some people doing. I help people all the time with resumes and papers, but i'm not running a business.

PS - I double majored as an undergrad in philosophy. I've got my own set of ethics.

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I think I just had a break through with my SOP. I am still working on it, and it's still slow-going, but I am liking the most recent changes I have made. I'm feeling MUCH better about it.

Timshel, are you applying to UF's PhD or MA program?

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PhD, I already have an MA.

Ah, okay. I'm applying to their MA program because, as much as I love, love, love the faculty, Gainseville, well...isn't exactly my thing. I'd have no problem spending two years there, but any longer and I might go a little nutty.

Anyway, just wondering!

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Ah, okay. I'm applying to their MA program because, as much as I love, love, love the faculty, Gainseville, well...isn't exactly my thing. I'd have no problem spending two years there, but any longer and I might go a little nutty.

Anyway, just wondering!

I am trying very hard to not let location hinder me, although I will admit I am not excited about the idea of living in Florida period. I made my list based on the program, and I am willing to go wherever will accept me. :)

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