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How much money has grad school admissions sucked out of your account? (in US dollars)  

192 members have voted

  1. 1. How much money has grad school admissions sucked out of your account? (in US dollars)

    • >1000
    • 800-999
    • 600-799
    • 400-599
    • 200-399
    • <199

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I'm sitting at ~$600 for 3 schools. Biggest money drain by far comes from ETS (I missed my first test, so I ended up paying twice). Transcripts aren't too far behind, since I have three undergrad institutions and my schools required two official transcripts each. comes out to about a month's worth of rent.

First acceptance made it worth it though!

Oh, gadhelyn, what a cruel, cruel poll. I had not realized until five minutes ago that this has cost me $1,064. Sigh.

Mea culpa

I just went through out of morbid curiousity and totalled it up.


I clicked the wrong one...should be 1000+. Didn't realize it was that much until I calculated it. My main costs were ETS (two tests + four extra reports) and the application fee of each school. If I have to do this again next year, I will be SO ANGRY!!


$770, for 7 schools. Main costs were also ETS and application fees, with two different study abroad transcripts coming in third and postage coming in last. Seems a little excessive, doesn't it?


oh! I clicked the wrong one too! I was just under 1K but I hadn't counted the cost of the GRE test (just the score reports). So count me among the 1000+ crowd


After 12 applications, flying across the country to California, Chicago, and Boston, retaking the GREs (and sending 12 transcripts), and driving to several closer programs, I don't want to even think about the cost. I do know that the poll should have had more categories above $1,000!


Mine were more towards $2,000. I applied to 10 schools, GRE scores were insane, but the biggest killer was transcripts. My transcripts from undergrad, M.A., and then a summer intensive language course at another school were about $15 each, and most of my schools wanted 2-3 original copies... Insane..


I'd put it between $450 and $500 for me--that would be 2 schools with completed applications, and one aborted application because I realized partway through the process that it wasn't right for me.

ETS and applications fees (oh holy moly application fees!) are by far the biggest drain of the bunch. I'm suuuuuper glad that my tiny teeny little undergrad institution lets alums have as many transcripts as they want for one low price of $0.00. Especially since I had to order two sets after the first set mysteriously vanished.

I may rack up more cost as I (*crosses fingers*) potentially get invited for interviews/recruitment weekends, but if I even make it that far, it'll be worth it.


Like many others, I forgot to add my GRE sitting fee, which probably puts me in the $1,000+ category, one higher than I clicked. Ouch.

It would be even higher if my undergrad institution charged for transcripts (which they don't). Like most, ETS got the bulk of my money.


I'm going to guess that I spent close to $2000, but that is in Canadian dollars - the exchange rate just killed me on my applications to US schools. The other really big expense was ordering transcripts from my old school - they have one rate for transcripts, but varying rates for couriering depending on where you're sending them (within Ontario, elsewhere in Canada, or international), so that was almost $300 just on its own. Ouch.


I was surpired to not be ticking the $1000 box. But, my currency has lost a bout 1/3 of its value against the US$ in the last few months, so I still feel very broke!


How did everyone organize their applications? I used Google Notebook just to make sure I could access it anywhere, anytime. I had one notebook for listing places i was interested in with all the good & bad aspects of each, plus links to crime stats and weather history for each town. I had another notebook where I wrote down what I had completed for each application and how much money it had cost me.


I had a text document where I kept lists of what documents were required for every program, mailing addresses, contacts, due dates, etc. I didn't bother with crime stats because I live in an extremely crime-filled metropolitan area right now, so anything is going to be an improvement, and I didn't apply to anywhere with weather that I won't enjoy.

How did everyone organize their applications? I used Google Notebook just to make sure I could access it anywhere, anytime. I had one notebook for listing places i was interested in with all the good & bad aspects of each, plus links to crime stats and weather history for each town. I had another notebook where I wrote down what I had completed for each application and how much money it had cost me.

Hm. I used a google doc--the spreadsheet--although the notebook is a good idea. i might have to use that for my (potential) visits...


I'm definitely over a thousand... and haven't gotten an acceptance yet :-/ all this money better be worth something.. i just need one acceptance!

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