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I figured it would be nice to have a thread where people could post results since they are starting to roll in. So far I have my KU rejection. :(

I see someone got a UCR acceptance. It prompted me to check my application, but it says it's still processing. :(

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I figured it would be nice to have a thread where people could post results since they are starting to roll in. So far I have my KU rejection. :(

I see someone got a UCR acceptance. It prompted me to check my application, but it says it's still processing. :(

What would be great is if people would post their area of specialization in the notes...just to give the rest of us more info to obsessively pour over :)

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Considering that UCR has never posted an acceptance before March 20th (historically,) that seems rather odd. UCR is my reach school, so I may as well post my rejection now. That school is a snowball’s chance for the academic elite, and my conferences are a joke—I’ve never been published. But that’s why people buy lottery tickets. UCR is the dream. KU accepted nobody, which you see happen in yearly cycles on this board. One year everybody on the board gets in, next year nobody. Last year everybody got in… And I’m becoming addicted to the results board. You think after eight rejections last year I’d be used to it. I don’t think I like the word NO anymore this year than I did last year. I have to wait another five weeks for my UCR rejection, and then all the other decisions come rolling in.

And YES Grunty, I completely agree. FYI-ME-Romantics (Specifically female authors from birth of novel to mid Victorian)

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It's so much easier to just create a thread once an acceptance/rejection is started. That way we don't have to scroll through pages of N/A info. My opinion. I, as well, have only received my rejection from KU. And yes, looking at the results board, last year it seems everyone got in and the year before no one. Even though we are a small portion of the applicants, I find it very odd that everyone on the board was rejected. Ugh. Oh well. On to the next one.

I have a bit of a wait left before anyone else starts reporting for me, according to the results from last year:

Miami (Florida) - mid to late February

Purdue - late February to mid March

Mississippi - early March

LSu - late March

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In the notes of one of the Northwestern rejections:

"Kinda sad. Was kinda hoping to get in--it's hard to write a strong essay in 500 words. Maybe I shouldn't have stuck to the word limit. Oh well, got into Illinois seven mins after being rejected. Congrats to everyone who got in."

But there are no Illinois results on the board. Anyone want to claim this? I am interested in Illinois results.

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I got an acceptance at Edinburgh, but it's for an unfunded one year Masters. It's nice to have gotten in somewhere, but it's my least feasible option financially, even if I do manage to wrangle a scholarship or two.

My specialization is English Language - particularly the social manifestations of grammatical authority (more generally: sociolinguistics, grammar of English, diachronic syntax...). I kind of have one foot in the English department, one foot in the Linguistics department.

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I was going to apply to Edinburgh as a temporary fall back plan on account of the way the british system works (rolling admissions, focused one year programs, flexibility, etc.) and the sheer and total beauty of the place. then I saw something about 12,000 pounds a semester and I remembered that dreams only exist to be crushed.

Edited by thestage
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I pretty much know I will be rejected from UCR because I found out after I submitted the application that the person I was most interested in working with, and the person I discussed the most in my SOP, just recently left. Awesome.

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So far, nothing. My patience is wearing very, very thin.

Yes, this. :(

I'm trying to work on my MA thesis (partial draft due Tuesday), but it seems that my mind just wants to wander over the What Ifs instead. Ready to start getting some results and maybe move beyond limbo land! ARGH.

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It's so much easier to just create a thread once an acceptance/rejection is started. That way we don't have to scroll through pages of N/A info. My opinion. I, as well, have only received my rejection from KU. And yes, looking at the results board, last year it seems everyone got in and the year before no one. Even though we are a small portion of the applicants, I find it very odd that everyone on the board was rejected.

Forgive me if I'm just misreading your post, but rejections and admissions are often released in different waves; it's common for schools to release an initial wave of rejections long before they admit anybody.

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Forgive me if I'm just misreading your post, but rejections and admissions are often released in different waves; it's common for schools to release an initial wave of rejections long before they admit anybody.

Sometimes. But if you look at the results board for the past two years for KU, they were going up on the same day. I'm just basing it on historical data, and many times the acceptances come before rejections. Although, I also know this is not always the case.

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so, trends thus far: kansas and northwestern tricked people into applying for laughs, but didn't admit anyone; NYU only asked for an application as a formality, otherwise if you applied you were admitted

wonder how the coin flips will work out at other schools as this process continues to light us fools the way to dusty death

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So, I just saw an admit to Penn State. Is that right? Their application wasn't even due until Jan.15th.

Yes; it was me. I'm shocked, humbled, and thrilled. I applied to approximately twenty programs because I know the odds are low and the competition is stiff, and was in fact already planning another round of applications (in part to keep my mind off of the impending dread!).

I did make one error in the post, though; I applied for the MA with the intent to continue to the PhD, not the PhD (I don't have an MA, which is required to apply direct-to-PhD at Penn State). I was going to post a follow-up and correct this, but didn't want to clutter the board.

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so, trends thus far: kansas and northwestern tricked people into applying for laughs, but didn't admit anyone; NYU only asked for an application as a formality, otherwise if you applied you were admitted

wonder how the coin flips will work out at other schools as this process continues to light us fools the way to dusty death

Should've quashed those nagging inklings of certain denial and applied to NYU :wacko:

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Congrats, Pinkrobot. Penn is an awesome program.

Penn = University of Pennsylvania, and Penn State = The Pennsylvania State University.

Just figured I'd clarify before anyone sees that and doesn't notice that it is in reference to Penn *State* and freaks out about Penn notices going out (which does not appear to have happened yet). I'm not trying to sound like a jerk! I just understand that tension runs high around this time of year, and want to help minimize freakoutitude.

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