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The Silence is Killing Me!


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So I have a sort of similar situation to We regret to inform you's: I sent thank you notes post-interview to all the faculty members I met with, one (who is a high-up on the adcom) sent me a thank you for the thank you email yesterday. Decisions were supposed to be out last Friday and I've heard nothing. Normally, I would leave them alone, but should I pester and thank him for his thank you to my note??? I don't want to harass anyone. When is an appropriate time to ask? Or is it too late already (24hrs).

OMG. Waiting anxiously is the biggest mind game EVER. I feel like a nervous teenager in love.

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So I have a sort of similar situation to We regret to inform you's: I sent thank you notes post-interview to all the faculty members I met with, one (who is a high-up on the adcom) sent me a thank you for the thank you email yesterday. Decisions were supposed to be out last Friday and I've heard nothing. Normally, I would leave them alone, but should I pester and thank him for his thank you to my note??? I don't want to harass anyone. When is an appropriate time to ask? Or is it too late already (24hrs).

OMG. Waiting anxiously is the biggest mind game EVER. I feel like a nervous teenager in love.

How about calling the dept secretary?

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How about calling the dept secretary?

Normally, that would probably be the most rational thing to do (instead of having this wild debate in my head and now online) but in my interview another prof (again, with a lot of potential weight) basically said it was really annoying when students asked. I guess I'll just sit here, pulling my hair out :) It can't be tooooo much longer now... hopefully. :)

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Normally, that would probably be the most rational thing to do (instead of having this wild debate in my head and now online) but in my interview another prof (again, with a lot of potential weight) basically said it was really annoying when students asked. I guess I'll just sit here, pulling my hair out :) It can't be tooooo much longer now... hopefully. :)

Are you good doing fake accents/voices?

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Are you good doing fake accents/voices?

HAHAHAHA! You know, I actually contemplated this for a while, but when I realized the best impression I can do is Anna Nicole Smith (RIP) I decided to put on my big boy pants and email a thank you to the thanks for the thank you note. Now we wait (some more) and see. **Fingers crossed**

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HAHAHAHA! You know, I actually contemplated this for a while, but when I realized the best impression I can do is Anna Nicole Smith (RIP) I decided to put on my big boy pants and email a thank you to the thanks for the thank you note. Now we wait (some more) and see. **Fingers crossed**

The failed actor in me would've gone the method route, inhabited the role of some deranged acaeemic, anxiously awaiting news ... wait ... that's too close to reality

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I just caught myself checking my email's spam folder in case a message got sent over there. Extra ridiculous because I know I have received email correspondence from each of my wannabe schools already.

Ah well, who knows? Maybe gmail's spam filter would figure "we want you" is one of those computerized dating service/mail order bride things.

I think that most people who are still waiting have done this to some degree, but just don't always want to admit to it. I have found myself doing it previously, even though I know that previous emails from the schools have gotten through to me. :P

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I think that most people who are still waiting have done this to some degree, but just don't always want to admit to it. I have found myself doing it previously, even though I know that previous emails from the schools have gotten through to me. :P

I definitely do! Even worse, because email from my personal email account gets forwarded to my school account, I check 1) my school account 2) my school spam folder 3) my personal account (in case gmail somehow failed to forward an email) and 4) my personal email spam folder.

yep, that's right, even though all my schools have successfully emailed me in the past, I still check all four when I'm feeling particularly neurotic.

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I check 1) my school account 2) my school spam folder 3) my personal account (in case gmail somehow failed to forward an email) and 4) my personal email spam folder.

And you would not be alone in this.

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The silence is no longer killing me. It is the deafening sound of rejection that is resonating strongest now. Well, luckily there is always next year :D Best of luck to you all!

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The silence is no longer killing me. It is the deafening sound of rejection that is resonating strongest now. Well, luckily there is always next year :D Best of luck to you all!

Rejection usually comes in so quickly and silently that I think that is a worse killer ... then again we're splitting hairs about murder here ... the murder of youthful exuberance, dreams, hopes and aspirations

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I would say, if you haven't heard anything by now, positive or negative - things aren't looking too good. Obviously every school is different (and hell within each school programs vary wildly on turnaround time) but a good number of schools usually use this time for recruitment or open houses in advance of an April 15th deadline.

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Rejection usually comes in so quickly and silently that I think that is a worse killer ... then again we're splitting hairs about murder here ... the murder of youthful exuberance, dreams, hopes and aspirations

haha, well said! Have you heard back from any of your schools yet? Regardless of the outcome, you come across as a witty, articulate, intelligent person. If admissions were based on these characteristics, you'd be a shoe-in anywhere :)

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I would say, if you haven't heard anything by now, positive or negative - things aren't looking too good. Obviously every school is different (and hell within each school programs vary wildly on turnaround time) but a good number of schools usually use this time for recruitment or open houses in advance of an April 15th deadline.

It seems that many schools send out rejections last. This is beyond cruel and I really dont get it. I mean, it isn't like they need to hold back because they would reconsider any negative decision. However, having said that, there have been enough examples of delays in the process forcing schools to send out decisions weeks later than anticipated. Hang in there, it ain't over till it's over..

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haha, well said! Have you heard back from any of your schools yet? Regardless of the outcome, you come across as a witty, articulate, intelligent person. If admissions were based on these characteristics, you'd be a shoe-in anywhere :)

Well thank you! I wish you had sat on the ADCOM for the schools that sent those touching and endearing rejection letters. I have gotten acceptances but it's now just waiting out the money game. That kind of silence is worse and I do still have a couple of wild card schools left so here's to hoping!

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I would say, if you haven't heard anything by now, positive or negative - things aren't looking too good. Obviously every school is different (and hell within each school programs vary wildly on turnaround time) but a good number of schools usually use this time for recruitment or open houses in advance of an April 15th deadline.

1. This doesn't apply to canadian schools, since the april 15th deadline is an american deadline.

2. There's definitely still some acceptance slots out there at this point since people who have multiple offers will be making decisions very soon and freeing up all of their other acceptances for other people to have.

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1. This doesn't apply to canadian schools, since the april 15th deadline is an american deadline.

2. There's definitely still some acceptance slots out there at this point since people who have multiple offers will be making decisions very soon and freeing up all of their other acceptances for other people to have.

3. It's also very dependent on the department (e.g. the three remaining schools I've applied to are still in assessment, at least according to DGS).

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3. It's also very dependent on the department (e.g. the three remaining schools I've applied to are still in assessment, at least according to DGS).

Yeahhh, unfortuntely, MPP programs seem to go with mid-March, so we're just stuck waiting in general! Next week! (I hope)

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1. This doesn't apply to canadian schools, since the april 15th deadline is an american deadline.

2. There's definitely still some acceptance slots out there at this point since people who have multiple offers will be making decisions very soon and freeing up all of their other acceptances for other people to have.

Yep, Canadian person/school applier here, just got my first acceptance on Friday. Waitlisted somewhere else, so there's hope of item #2 working out for me since other Canadians accepted to that program may not have even heard anything from their other choices. I'm still waiting on two schools, and according to all resources I can find, no one else has heard anything, either.

We like to drag things out up here, apparently.

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Regarding Master's applicants, having applied previously to grad school(and currently waiting for this year's version of events), I can attest that just because you haven't heard anything yet, doesn't mean you have been rejected.

The first go-round, I didn't hear back from all but one of my schools until early/mid-March. I didn't hear about funding from one until the end of April(that pissed me off like you would not believe).

So...I would say to you Master's applicants--chill. Or try to. If you haven't heard by the 16th, then start to panic. Otherwise, chill.

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Regarding Master's applicants, having applied previously to grad school(and currently waiting for this year's version of events), I can attest that just because you haven't heard anything yet, doesn't mean you have been rejected.

The first go-round, I didn't hear back from all but one of my schools until early/mid-March. I didn't hear about funding from one until the end of April(that pissed me off like you would not believe).

So...I would say to you Master's applicants--chill. Or try to. If you haven't heard by the 16th, then start to panic. Otherwise, chill.

but the SILENCE IS EAR -PIERCING ..... gaaaaaar!

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Ear-piercing and a complete annihilation of focus. I'm hoping my midterm this week distracts me enough to relax a little (a differential equations midterm is relaxing - I never thought I'd feel that way). Of course, an acceptance would allow me to focus on everything else with a renewed energy...

/waits desperately

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What's the sound crickets make agian? It seems like they make the perfect representation of the kind of silence that grates on ones nerves. *insert annoying silence filling sound here*

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