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The Silence is Killing Me!


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Self care is so very important under stressful conditions. Sometimes it is important to take a step back from the situation and gain some important perspective. You may get in, you may not. You may have to make some tough decisions in the next few weeks or you may not. But no matter what, there will not be a scenario that you CANT handle.

In the larger scheme of things, this is just one hurdle in your life and believe it or not, it will not be your biggest. It just feels like it because you are in the 'here and now'. If you look back at your life, consider all of your accomplishments. I'm willing to bet that you can think of several examples where you had to do something at least twice to get it right--whether it was learning to ride a bike or perfecting an academic achievement, it took time and patience to get it right.

You still have plenty of time to hear back from your schools. If you get in, that is wonderful. If you dont, it is not the end of the world.

If it helps, think about your plan 'B'. Although it sucks to get rejected, knowing that you can do something about it is empowering and motivating.

Most importantly, remember that getting into the perfect grad school does not define you as a person nor should it measure your sense of self worth. It is just one aspect of 'you'. If you get in, be proud because you have every right to be. If you dont get in, be persistent and know that you can and should reapply. And, be proud. This process is not for the faint of heart and getting this far says a lot about you as a person, regardless of the result.

Good luck! Please eat something and get a good night's sleep!

Wow that was really inspiring! I feel so much better about this process after reading this. You're right...life will go on, it's not the end of the world if we don't get accepted. Thanks for writing this...I think it will help a lot us...especially Datatape (please hang in there)

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Self care is so very important under stressful conditions. Sometimes it is important to take a step back from the situation and gain some important perspective. You may get in, you may not. You may have to make some tough decisions in the next few weeks or you may not. But no matter what, there will not be a scenario that you CANT handle.

In the larger scheme of things, this is just one hurdle in your life and believe it or not, it will not be your biggest. It just feels like it because you are in the 'here and now'. If you look back at your life, consider all of your accomplishments. I'm willing to bet that you can think of several examples where you had to do something at least twice to get it right--whether it was learning to ride a bike or perfecting an academic achievement, it took time and patience to get it right.

You still have plenty of time to hear back from your schools. If you get in, that is wonderful. If you dont, it is not the end of the world.

If it helps, think about your plan 'B'. Although it sucks to get rejected, knowing that you can do something about it is empowering and motivating.

Most importantly, remember that getting into the perfect grad school does not define you as a person nor should it measure your sense of self worth. It is just one aspect of 'you'. If you get in, be proud because you have every right to be. If you dont get in, be persistent and know that you can and should reapply. And, be proud. This process is not for the faint of heart and getting this far says a lot about you as a person, regardless of the result.

Good luck! Please eat something and get a good night's sleep!

You're going to make a fantastic social worker :D

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Self care is so very important under stressful conditions. Sometimes it is important to take a step back from the situation and gain some important perspective. You may get in, you may not. You may have to make some tough decisions in the next few weeks or you may not. But no matter what, there will not be a scenario that you CANT handle.

In the larger scheme of things, this is just one hurdle in your life and believe it or not, it will not be your biggest. It just feels like it because you are in the 'here and now'. If you look back at your life, consider all of your accomplishments. I'm willing to bet that you can think of several examples where you had to do something at least twice to get it right--whether it was learning to ride a bike or perfecting an academic achievement, it took time and patience to get it right.

You still have plenty of time to hear back from your schools. If you get in, that is wonderful. If you dont, it is not the end of the world.

If it helps, think about your plan 'B'. Although it sucks to get rejected, knowing that you can do something about it is empowering and motivating.

Most importantly, remember that getting into the perfect grad school does not define you as a person nor should it measure your sense of self worth. It is just one aspect of 'you'. If you get in, be proud because you have every right to be. If you dont get in, be persistent and know that you can and should reapply. And, be proud. This process is not for the faint of heart and getting this far says a lot about you as a person, regardless of the result.

Good luck! Please eat something and get a good night's sleep!

I have read this 3 times today ... I wish I could vote it up more ... WOW

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Self care is so very important under stressful conditions. Sometimes it is important to take a step back from the situation and gain some important perspective. You may get in, you may not. You may have to make some tough decisions in the next few weeks or you may not. But no matter what, there will not be a scenario that you CANT handle.

In the larger scheme of things, this is just one hurdle in your life and believe it or not, it will not be your biggest. It just feels like it because you are in the 'here and now'. If you look back at your life, consider all of your accomplishments. I'm willing to bet that you can think of several examples where you had to do something at least twice to get it right--whether it was learning to ride a bike or perfecting an academic achievement, it took time and patience to get it right.

You still have plenty of time to hear back from your schools. If you get in, that is wonderful. If you dont, it is not the end of the world.

If it helps, think about your plan 'B'. Although it sucks to get rejected, knowing that you can do something about it is empowering and motivating.

Most importantly, remember that getting into the perfect grad school does not define you as a person nor should it measure your sense of self worth. It is just one aspect of 'you'. If you get in, be proud because you have every right to be. If you dont get in, be persistent and know that you can and should reapply. And, be proud. This process is not for the faint of heart and getting this far says a lot about you as a person, regardless of the result.

Good luck! Please eat something and get a good night's sleep!

Love it- as soothing as

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Wow that was really inspiring! I feel so much better about this process after reading this. You're right...life will go on, it's not the end of the world if we don't get accepted. Thanks for writing this...I think it will help a lot us...especially Datatape (please hang in there)

Thank you! :)

You're going to make a fantastic social worker :D

That is one of the best compliments I could receive. Thank you! :)

I have read this 3 times today ... I wish I could vote it up more ... WOW

Thank you! ...Now you know how I feel when I read YOUR posts! :D

Love it- as soothing as

Thank you! And thanks for posting this, I love it!

Guys, thank you so much for your kind comments. Reading them made my day, really. Sometimes your written 'voice' doesn't always convey the message you want to send. I am so glad that what I wrote came across the way I was hoping.

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Last year, when I was rejected by every MFA program I applied to (!!!), this was the week I was notified. I remember because I was in Texas for SXSW...not a great way to spend such a hectic week. Keep your eyes out everyone!

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It's MONDAY!!! Anybody hear back yet?

Still haven't heard from 4/5 of my schools! Maybe this week? First offers for one of the schools I applied to are supposed to respond by this Thursday.....

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Still haven't heard from 4/5 of my schools!

We're having one hell of an application season, eh? Still waiting on 3/4 here. You could hear a pin drop right now.

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We're having one hell of an application season, eh? Still waiting on 3/4 here. You could hear a pin drop right now.

it's not even just waiting back ... it's the obfuscation and mixed messages that seem to be just hair-pulling, teeth-gnashingly makes you want to punch your grandmother in the face

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Not a peep from the last hold outs but it is to expected ... this thing is going to the wire

Would that be in April? That seems like a really long time to wait to hear back about decision and/or funding.

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it's not even just waiting back ... it's the obfuscation and mixed messages that seem to be just hair-pulling, teeth-gnashingly makes you want to punch your grandmother in the face

HAHA! Oh, poor Granny!

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Still haven't heard from 4/5 of my schools! Maybe this week? First offers for one of the schools I applied to are supposed to respond by this Thursday.....

Thursday....it's good that you have a date. It seems like most people are just waiting..waiting...waiting..with no end in sight. This process is so ugly :(

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it's not even just waiting back ... it's the obfuscation and mixed messages [...]

Haven't had much of that, mercifully. No account updates, emails, letters, just waiting. Even the results page has been astoundingly silent for my programs. It's weird, if I didn't have the accounts and credit card statements, I would be wondering if my apps ever made it to review.

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Would that be in April? That seems like a really long time to wait to hear back about decision and/or funding.

well probably around end of this month beginning of April. I have gotten into all the schools that will accept me ... now is the time for them to show me love ... which, like a stripper, I equate with money

HAHA! Oh, poor Granny!

don't worry she has a strong jaw ... there are no Glass Joes in my family!

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well probably around end of this month beginning of April. I have gotten into all the schools that will accept me ... now is the time for them to show me love ... which, like a stripper, I equate with money

Well, at least we know how you'll pay your way if they don't fund you. ;)

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Well, at least we know how you'll pay your way if they don't fund you. ;)

don't worry I won't subject humanity to the site of doughy abs ... but I do have a ski mask and I am NOT afraid of visiting department heads late at night!

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don't worry I won't subject humanity to the site of doughy abs ... but I do have a ski mask and I am NOT afraid of visiting department heads late at night!

In "just" the ski mask? That could work... :P

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In "just" the ski mask? That could work... :P

oh no ... I am taking some "tools" which will hopefully "enhance" my message ... but I'll be suitably dressed in all black ... don't worry they'll get the "point"

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It sounds like I might not hear anything from the two programs I applied to until about mid-April. What will I do until then?

Well I believe Dieter from Sprockets has something for you to do

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