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Wait listing is NOT the end!

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As everyone knows already, this is my 2nd year applying. Last year I was straight rejected across the board from 10 schools. I feel like I have at least improved my applications from last year because I have made it to the waitlist this year. I just really hope it works. It is kinda sad that the best news I have had in 2 years regarding the application process is a waitlist from LSU. I presume I am on the waitlist at Purdue because I have not heard anything yet and they have sent out several rounds of acceptances and several rounds of rejections. They don't have an official waitlist, so I can just hope they are still considering me and didn't forget about me. I've emailed both schools to see where I am in the consideration/waitlist process, but I have not heard back. It is hard for me to call the schools because I don't have much time at work during the day and my employer has no idea I am applying to programs. I just got a promotion at work, so I don't want to let people know what I am doing. Going to a PhD program is my dream and I have worked really hard for it, but after the rejections last year, I started working really hard at my job so I could have a realistic back-up plan. I don't want my back-up plan to be my life, and I am trying to come to terms with the fact that it might happen. At least I am making a decent salary now. Probably what I would be making as a 1st year professor. It is just really hard sometimes to know that your dreams may not become a reality, no matter how hard you work for them.

The anxiety of waitlisting is worse for me than the rejections. I feel like they are telling me I am good enough, but they like someone else better than me. Which really is what they are saying. All I can do is hope that the "hot girl" turns down the dream boat and I get my shot at showing them that, although I am the 2nd choice, I am the right choice. It is just depressing to know that I may not be able to do what I have spent so much time, money, and tears on. I really don't know if I can put myself through this a third time.

Do not give up. I know what it is like. This is my third year applying and I finally got an acceptance and am on two waitlists.

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Gahhhh. Being wait listed is torture. I have been accepted one place and wait listed at two others. I think I will still end up taking the acceptance I got, but I'm not 100 percent. I am assuming that wait list spots are usually given on like the 15. Does anyone know of anecdotal evidence of people getting accepted off the wait list in March?

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Anecdotes would totally sustain me for the time being! Do share! We have had a few posters let us know that they turned down offers - meaning it CAN happen early, even if most don't.

Other topics of discussion to keep ourselves sane: What are your coping mechanisms for the time being - at least the most constructive ones? (Hopefully avoiding self destructive behavior...)

I wish we weren't all disembodied internet personalities scattered all over the country. It would be a relief to grab a drink with a bunch of people bearing my particular brand of insanity.

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I really, really wish we could all grab some drinks together too! I feel like such a crazy person these days, and my friends are all sick of hearing me talk about my waitlist, because nothing has changed for WEEKS. But you all get it.

Timshel--I've heard of people being made offers in early April before, but not so much March. Though Imogene gives me cause to wonder...

Aside from being unconscious, I deal with the stress by watching Angel and drinking. Usually both at the same time. I never said I was a good example.

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My waitlist got turned into an acceptance during the first week of March. I'm guessing someone declined really, really early. There's hope! Also I think someone got in early off the waitlist at Berkeley that same week.

Edited by Germaine123
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I got into Indiana off the wait-list before I knew I was on it. Early March. Pretty sure it all depends on when people decline, at least at most schools. And a lot of people have to wait to decline to visit. For example, now I'm between IU and UT, and UT's visit weekend isn't until April 5-6. So, unless Indiana just blows my mind (and offers me a huge stipend), I can't decline at either until then. Keep hope, though, guys. I was wait-listed at Pitt, and the DGS told me in not so many words that if I could just hang on until April 15, there would probably be a spot. Pulling for you!

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Just met with my superintendent about taking leave. He (jokingly / not jokingly) said, "As long as you're coming back the next year." If this wait-list thing works out, then I'm about to make a very intimidating man very angry.

I hate time and waiting and planning for eventualities that may / may not ever be necessary to plan for...I feel like there is no way everyone will be happy at the end here.

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Aeplo-- wow, you heard before you knew you were on it? That's pretty awesome! Best of luck with your decision making! And I still can't believe UTA's visiting weekend is so late... The stress is killing me. Even if they do offer me a spot, I'll probably be too far gone in my crazy place to accept by then, and my last words on TGC will be "I liek books."

Anxious--that is super stressful. But in the end, I think your boss would understand if you left. While it might be awkward to tell him, I think it would pass. And I really wish we lived in the same place so we could grab that drink! You seem like you need it more than me today. B)

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Congrats Transcendental, and welcome to our dubious corner of TGC! I'll be pulling for you now too. ^_^

On a totally unrelated note... I bought some nail polish the other day and realized it's called "Exceptionally Gifted." This has to be an omen that my waitlist school feels the same way about me, right? My offer's just a day or two away?

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Congrats Transcendental, and welcome to our dubious corner of TGC! I'll be pulling for you now too. ^_^

On a totally unrelated note... I bought some nail polish the other day and realized it's called "Exceptionally Gifted." This has to be an omen that my waitlist school feels the same way about me, right? My offer's just a day or two away?

Oh god, I hope our most recent nail polish purchase doesn't reflect how we are perceived. I bought a new bottle last week called "lubu heels" lol. I don't know if that will make a great impression - except for the fact that I am CLASSY!

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I've been waitlisted for The New School for Social Research (PhD in Social Psychology) Is anyone in the same boat? Being an international student could be a plus or not? Heeeeeeeelp!

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On a totally unrelated note... I bought some nail polish the other day and realized it's called "Exceptionally Gifted." This has to be an omen that my waitlist school feels the same way about me, right? My offer's just a day or two away?

Fiona - I am actually going to visit UT-A on April 4th (only for 4 or 5 hours though) and will be meeting with Lesser and hopefully some of the other professors. I am so excited and nervous! I wonder if I can put in a good word for both of us while I'm there... they'll probably know who I'm talking about if I bust out "Fiona Thunderpaws in Women, Gender, and Lit" right? :lol:

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Greg--we are all on the same boat of soaring hope and crushing uncertainty here. Though technically, I guess we're in the Lit/Comp/Rhet boat, but we're still sailing the same sea... I have no idea if being international or not helps, but good luck!

GuateAmfeminist--Thunderpaws is my pen name, in fact, so they'll know EXACTLY who you're talking about. B) That's super exciting and somewhat terrifying you're visiting though! I think I'm going to shoot Lesser an email later that week to remind me that I'm in love with UTA and will do anything to live out my epic academic romance for real (however I might word it differently)!

Edited by Fiona Thunderpaws
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Congrats Transcendental, and welcome to our dubious corner of TGC! I'll be pulling for you now too. ^_^

On a totally unrelated note... I bought some nail polish the other day and realized it's called "Exceptionally Gifted." This has to be an omen that my waitlist school feels the same way about me, right? My offer's just a day or two away?

Thanks! :) My most recent nail polish name was lame -- turquoise wave, but it was one of the magnetic ones that allegedly makes cool designs in the polish... it didn't work too well. But I'm going to go by one of my other recent purchases, which was called Hidden Treasure. Clearly that means Iowa.

Oh god, I hope our most recent nail polish purchase doesn't reflect how we are perceived. I bought a new bottle last week called "lubu heels" lol. I don't know if that will make a great impression - except for the fact that I am CLASSY!

Ha! The amount of nail polish I have purchased over the admissions process (let's just say December through today) is disturbing.

Got waitlisted at Iowa as well. Let's commiserate! :)

Yay! I emailed the Director of Grad Finances who signed the letter about chances of getting in and timeframe, and I haven't gotten a response back yet :unsure: The Iowa thread seems a little dead, too. Kinda weird that only one acceptee has claimed getting one, and no one made comments in the acceptance posts. Maybe these other people aren't excited about the offers and WEWILLGETIN! :lol:

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UGH, are there really 3 potential weeks of this left? I'm hoping it's more like 1, 2 at the most. Really tired of this.

Gah, tell me about it. Most of the places I'm waitlisted outright said that I wouldn't hear until the 2nd week of April, if I'll be accepted at all. There's only one I would consider over my acceptances, but at this point, I'm starting to think about giving up on waiting since I wouldn't have an opportunity to visit or anything like that anyway... :unsure:

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