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Wow! I stay away for a few days and miss so much. Congrats to all the acceptees! I'm guessing we haven't had rejections in yet? At least, I haven't heard anything...

I've heard nothing as well, which I understand to mean I'm hearing nothing good...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is it weird that I want my Harvard rejection just so I can see something with Harvard letterhead that's addressed to me?

That is 100% the reason that I still check my mailbox eagerly every afternoon, even though I know I got rejected.

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Still waiting. I know it's coming, but don't officially have it yet. Or maybe it isn't coming. Maybe they can't be bothered to send out the rejection letters and they expect us to realize we're not worthy.

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I got my rejection letter in the mail today. It assured me that my application got the "full consideration" of faculty members in my field. I wonder if this is a coded way of saying that I made it to the final rounds, or if it's just a formal nicety they say to everyone?

Alas, I just accepted the offer of another Ivy League school yesterday, and everyone--even faculty from the other schools that accepted me, it seems--believes that it's the best place for me.

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Got mine last week! (Been away from the boards in honor of finals). It was exciting for about 30 seconds, then heart-breaking for another 30. Then I stopped caring and resumed going about my life. Who needs you, Harvard? :P

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