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Decisions, Decisions


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Thanks - and sorry about your Seminoles, oseirus.

I remain slightly concerned about the awkwardness of not being admitted but still wanting to look around - but I sent a very polite, tentative feeler out to the DGS, so we'll see

I bet they welcome you to do so. They seem keen on asking you, perhaps you make a good impression and jump up the list? On another note, if they won't make time for you to pop in and look at the quality of their facilities, then maybe they won't make time for you to do your research? My POI at my current top choice met with me before the application cycle even began and to me, that says he is someone who is always going to make time for me- something that is incredibly important to all of this.

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Thanks - and sorry about your Seminoles, oseirus.

I remain slightly concerned about the awkwardness of not being admitted but still wanting to look around - but I sent a very polite, tentative feeler out to the DGS, so we'll see

Normally I wouldn't read much in a response from the DGS in this case ... b/c a negative response doesn't mean they don't want you per se, it just could be a weirdly busy week or they aren't sure if enough people will drop off the wait-list so they don't want you to get the wrong impression etc ... as for the Seminoles, well what did I expect? Them to live up to expectations? No, all my sports teams are evil entities, looking for the moments I let my guard down and then they pounce, like the natural predators that they are, to rip to shreds my heart

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry folks by no decision yet! My visits to Wisconsin and OSU made the decision making process more complicated than I expected. Now I understand why my professors and colleagues say the this is tough!! I'm fairly confident that I will wait until April 14th or 15th to decide.

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Sorry folks by no decision yet! My visits to Wisconsin and OSU made the decision making process more complicated than I expected. Now I understand why my professors and colleagues say the this is tough!! I'm fairly confident that I will wait until April 14th or 15th to decide.

Take your time TMP!

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Sorry folks by no decision yet! My visits to Wisconsin and OSU made the decision making process more complicated than I expected. Now I understand why my professors and colleagues say the this is tough!! I'm fairly confident that I will wait until April 14th or 15th to decide.

I wonder why someone would ding a comment offered in this thread without taking the time to say why.

In an earlier post, TMP suggested that those who are sure of their decision should make it as soon as possible so that others could get off of wait lists. In this post, TMP is disclosing that her decision making process took a turn for the complicated. Why is this disclosure at all controversial?

What is the member of this BB who dinged attempting to say? That a graduate student in history should not do one's due diligence? Or maybe that one should not recognize complexity? If either is the case, then what is the point of being a historian in the first place?

ETA: Another member of this BB has since balanced out the down vote for post #153.

Edited by Sigaba
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Well after a very good discussion with an associate prof in my field at Rutgers, I'm 100% confident to go with NYU and forget my Rutgers WL. I'm done! wahoo! good luck all.

Congrats ... thought you were done w/this site yesterday? ;)

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I'll disclose that my funding packages are mine and non-transferable. So both programs aren't pressuring me. Thanks, Sigaba for the support!

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I said this in the Chit Chat forum, but I'll repeat it again here since this is the correct place!

I decided on Binghamton University! Congrats to everyone else making decisions (and to those still deciding, you definitely deserve a congrats for the tough choices you've been given!).

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I wonder why someone would ding a comment offered in this thread without taking the time to say why.

In an earlier post, TMP suggested that those who are sure of their decision should make it as soon as possible so that others could get off of wait lists. In this post, TMP is disclosing that her decision making process took a turn for the complicated. Why is this disclosure at all controversial?

What is the member of this BB who dinged attempting to say? That a graduate student in history should not do one's due diligence? Or maybe that one should not recognize complexity? If either is the case, then what is the point of being a historian in the first place?

ETA: Another member of this BB has since balanced out the down vote for post #153.

That is the ONE feature on this site I do not like: the anonymity for folks to ding a comment you make. I have dinged maybe once (?) but I fessed up to it. I feel if you disagree w/something then say so, don't just vote it down. I now await the inevitable vote down :)

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I said this in the Chit Chat forum, but I'll repeat it again here since this is the correct place!

I decided on Binghamton University! Congrats to everyone else making decisions (and to those still deciding, you definitely deserve a congrats for the tough choices you've been given!).

Once again, congrats Kel! Don't leave us!

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That is the ONE feature on this site I do not like: the anonymity for folks to ding a comment you make. I have dinged maybe once (?) but I fessed up to it. I feel if you disagree w/something then say so, don't just vote it down. I now await the inevitable vote down :)

If I see a comment dinged and I either don't understand why (because it wasn't offensive, rude, off topic, etc.) OR if I really disagree with the ding for other reasons...I vote it up. I know others have done so, too. So sometimes when you see a 0 - more has gone on behind the scenes.

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If I see a comment dinged and I either don't understand why (because it wasn't offensive, rude, off topic, etc.) OR if I really disagree with the ding for other reasons...I vote it up. I know others have done so, too. So sometimes when you see a 0 - more has gone on behind the scenes.

Who figured there would be drama on an academic message board?

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Whenever people are involved..there is drama.

But usually it's funny drama, i.e., an inane argument going back & forth (like one I saw @ my conference this week) not this secretive passive-aggressive stuff. In the words of the greatest Decepticon, "this is bas comedy!"

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That is the ONE feature on this site I do not like: the anonymity for folks to ding a comment you make.

I'm ambivalent about the feature in question. When I get voted up, I think the feature is the greatest thing ever. :rolleyes: When I get voted down, I'm not so sure. :huh:

I do think that some aspiring graduate students in history--if not also other fields--may be passing up good opportunities to develop useful skills that will serve them well down the line. Eventually, everyone gets called out for a comment or a POV. When it happens, there will be no +1/-1 buttons. (Or as a professor said to me when I called him out during a seminar and wanted to know why I asked a particular question: "You've got to give booty to get booty.")

My $0.02.

Edited by Sigaba
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I'm ambivalent about the feature in question. When I get voted up, I think the feature is the greatest thing ever. :rolleyes: When I get voted down, I'm not so sure. :huh:

I do think that some aspiring graduate students in history--if not also other fields--may be passing up good opportunities to develop useful skills that will serve them well down the line. Eventually, everyone gets called out for a comment or a POV. When it happens, there will be no +1/-1 buttons. (Or as a professor said to me when I called him out during a seminar and wanted to know why I asked a particular question: "You've got to give booty to get booty.")

My $0.02.

You doraise a good point ... plus the vote down is countered by the vote up

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I am going to SUNY Binghamton, where I am offered full funding and have the best fit in terms of research interests. This also enables me to live closer to my sister (in the same state) after living apart in two different continents for eight years. I am truly excited!!!

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I am going to SUNY Binghamton, where I am offered full funding and have the best fit in terms of research interests. This also enables me to live closer to my sister (in the same state) after living apart in two different continents for eight years. I am truly excited!!!

YAY!!! So you and Kel are going to be cohort mates? How many other Bearcats are there on here I wonder?

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YAY!!! So you and Kel are going to be cohort mates? How many other Bearcats are there on here I wonder?

Yeah we are! Apart from Kelkel, I don't know any other Bearcat on here, Oseirus. I guess we will find out on orientation day. It'd be fun to meet posters/lurkers of the history board in person.

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Yeah we are! Apart from Kelkel, I don't know any other Bearcat on here, Oseirus. I guess we will find out on orientation day. It'd be fun to meet posters/lurkers of the history board in person.

I hope those lurkers come out :)

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Yes, my visit did make things very complicated and I knew i needed to understand why. My friends and peers gave me their time of the day for the last 2 nights to talk it all out. I truly cannot go wrong with either choice. My subfield doesn't care as my work matters more than the program name. My packages are exceptional at both places as I've learned how they came to my hands so it doesn't make the decision any easier for sure.

The resolution seems to be that I am torn between following my heart to one place or my mind/logic to the other. I will be speaking with my POI at one of the places today and if s/he cannot give me the confidence that I need within 3 days to sign on with the department, then it's to the other place. I'll also speak with my MA adviser tonight as well.

I truly did not see this coming. :wacko: At least I can try to make peace with the fact that that I cannot truly regret my decision. If it weren't for these conversations, then I would've felt real regret.

Academia stinks.

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