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Post-Acceptance Stress & Misc. Banter

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my mentors would consider it a stupid move to pick IU over Texas, though...

Really? Because of the ranking? I'm surprised. My two admits are from schools separated by a larger margin, but I'm having a tough time choosing because of factors like resources by specialization. And no one has suggested I'd be making a stupid move going with the "lower ranked" program--at least not to my face. Or is it the funding issue that they're looking out for?

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Really? Because of the ranking? I'm surprised. My two admits are from schools separated by a larger margin, but I'm having a tough time choosing because of factors like resources by specialization. And no one has suggested I'd be making a stupid move going with the "lower ranked" program--at least not to my face. Or is it the funding issue that they're looking out for?

Well they are concerned about funding, (because IU has me wait-listed for a first-year fellowship and then fully funded after that, whereas Texas funds all 6 years) but they also said they would hire someone from Texas over someone from IU. Maybe "stupid move" was a little strong, and I'm obviously hypersensitive because I'm so invested and I tend to ask their opinions on everything. They weren't offensive about it or anything; I think they were just so geeked over Texas that IU didn't make as good an impression? I don't know...I'm so confused. I'm hoping to visit, but I also need to ask other people. I've heard from all kinds of people that I should apply to IU since I'm in Victorianism. I can't decide how much weight to put on what factors.


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I might also note that a school's placement on those rankings is sometimes spot on. I have heard dreadful things about some of the ones outside the top 100, and had a particularly bad experience at a conference hosted by one of those schools.

TripWillis, can I be nosy and ask if this conference was the same you referenced in an earlier thread? I'm thinking of attending this school and I'm curious as to whether this should be a red flag...

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TripWillis, can I be nosy and ask if this conference was the same you referenced in an earlier thread? I'm thinking of attending this school and I'm curious as to whether this should be a red flag...

It is, but don't let one person's negative experience stop you. Many people there seemed pretty happy.

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Okay, kind of going along with how to choose, what if one is in the USNWR top 50 and the other is in the bottom 50, but the one in the bottom 50 has a better placement record?

Don't put too much value in the placement record unless the school lists/is willing to give you specific numbers (ie- how many recent grads had TT jobs and where those jobs are). From what I've seen/heard, placement records are notoriously doctored (graduate gets an adjunct job? Goes off to teach at a private HS? Gets a job outside of academia? They are on the "full-time employed" list!).

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Well, that's what I mean. I have seen detailed lists from the last 10 years. The lower ranked school has placed more people in TT jobs at universities than the higher ranked. Should that matter?

The best answer we could offer would be "possibly." The best thing to do, in my opinion, would be to contact the two departments. For example, send an e-mail to the lower ranked school saying something along the lines of "One of the things that really impressed me about your program is your record for placing graduates in tenure track positions. Could you possibly give me some information on how you've achieved that success? Is there a particularly effective job market program at X University, or is it something else?"

Their response can give you plenty of information--if they blow you off or give you a curt/pat response, then that tells you something about the way they might interact with you as a student. If they have a slamming professionalization program, that's something to add to the "Pro" column for that school.

I was just saying to be careful because I've seen schools that included non-tenure track positions in the "employed" percentages and (more often) schools who just list the names of the universities that have hired its graduates (when some of those graduates were hired 10, 15, sometimes even 20 years ago). IMO, even 10 years is going a bit too far back. The last 3 to 5 years will be the most telling as far as how well this program will help you to get a TT job in this market.

Edited by Tybalt
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Also keep in mind that some programs really invest in preparing their graduates for the market, so that's something to look at as well. I happen to know of one program in particular (an east coast program) that had crappy-ass placement until a new guy stepped into the role, worked his ass off for the students, and in that same year managed to bump their placement up to 100%.

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Their response can give you plenty of information--if they blow you off or give you a curt/pat response, then that tells you something about the way they might interact with you as a student. If they have a slamming professionalization program, that's something to add to the "Pro" column for that school.

Tybalt, I was wondering if you would mind elaborating on this. I've been trying to deal with one school regarding funding and their answers have been curt or evasive. One email was time sensitive, and I received my response after a deadline (also, from a different person). I've been trying not to read too much into it, but it's hard not to feel like they'll only communicate with me begrudgingly... Is this the kind of thing that is really indicative of the atmosphere in a program?

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Tybalt, I was wondering if you would mind elaborating on this. I've been trying to deal with one school regarding funding and their answers have been curt or evasive. One email was time sensitive, and I received my response after a deadline (also, from a different person). I've been trying not to read too much into it, but it's hard not to feel like they'll only communicate with me begrudgingly... Is this the kind of thing that is really indicative of the atmosphere in a program?

I would recommend more of a middle ground. The program accepted you, so you have no reason to think that they don't want you/only communicate grudgingly. If they had any misgivings about you personally, they wouldn't have made you an offer. While there are many things that could be going on in your situation, two flags go up immediately to me (and these are general flags--I know nothing of your schools):

1st- I'd be concerned if anyone wasn't forthcoming with the funding information. I had an offer from a school last year and they were just the same. Nobody seemed to know the funding information. One contact told me one number, and another gave me different numbers. There were a lot of e-mails that were not returned. At the time, that was my only offer and the shady funding info had me thinking about just declining and reapplying to schools next year (Thankfully, I got in off of the wait-list for the program I'm currently attending). It could be nothing, but I always question any program that isn't forthcoming with its funding info.

2nd- It could just be a personality thing. Some people are just curt by nature, and don't do the whole warm fuzzy thing. If that's the case, then you need to question whether or not you can work with someone like that (if that person is the one you want to work with. If it isn't, contact your POIs and see how they come across).

Rankings are important, but the work that you do in your program is crucial. If you think that personality conflicts or funding issues will interfere in your ability to do the best work possible, then you need to factor that into your decision making process. I lucked out. I ended up with two choices and, by the time the 2nd option presented itself, I wanted nothing to do with the first option.

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If I looked just at the last 5 years, the lower ranked school has a much better track record for placement......I'm just wondering how much stake to put into that....

It should factor into the equation, but it shouldn't trump everything else. If the two schools are even in your eyes, then such a stellar placement record could be enough to put that school over the top. I would probably include it at the same level as something like climate, city/rural campus, etc. Fit is key, funding is just below that and everything else tends to work itself out. If the higher ranked program is a better fit with better funding, then it doesn't make sense to decline it for the school with the better placement record. At the end of the day, professionalization is something you can ultimately figure out on your own if you absolutely have to (Greg Semenza's book is a great starting point if you haven't already read it).

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ahh, i'm dying to know where you ended up! you had such great options to choose from :)

I ended up choosing Columbia. :) I had an absolutely wonderful visit (and its nefarious reputation for departmental conflict is an old rumor that continues to stick). It seems to be a very supportive, democratic environment--if one that requires a fair share of self-initiative and independence from students, which I have no problem with!

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So I'm currently negotiating a funding package, but I'm really out of my element here. I was hoping that someone more experienced in these matters might offer some advice.

Is there anything in particular that I should be petitioning for in terms of stipend, TAships, or summer funds? I have (what I think is) a good offer, but it seems there's room to make it better. At the same time, I don't want to overplay my hand.

Any help would be so greatly appreciated!

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  • 10 months later...

I thought I'd revive this thread because it's a good idea. I'm curious how those with acceptances are going about making their decisions, researching the program(s) they've gotten into, etc.


It is still very early and most of us are waiting on a lot of schools. We have upcoming visits to campuses and all of that coming up. I think this thread would be a good place to discuss that sort of stuff.

Edited by asleepawake
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Ah great idea to revive this thread (I was actually reading it a few days ago - I think I've lurking a bit too much for my own good) but if we post too much we're going to give TripWillis further reason to have a big head haha! Maybe he won't notice we're bringing back another of his threads...or maybe he'll just consider himself the Justin Timberlake of GC!

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