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Post-Acceptance Stress & Misc. Banter

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What really squashed my mind grapes was when ...

I'm going to apply to Purdue next time around so we can hang out and you can say rad stuff like that all day!

...is that creepy?

Creepiness aside, I worked at my undergrad's writing centre and we used the Purdue OWL all the freaking time. Best all around writing resource available, hands down. Do you get a chance with work with/at the writing lab if you're a PhD at Purdue?

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I'm going to apply to Purdue next time around so we can hang out and you can say rad stuff like that all day!

...is that creepy?

Creepiness aside, I worked at my undergrad's writing centre and we used the Purdue OWL all the freaking time. Best all around writing resource available, hands down. Do you get a chance with work with/at the writing lab if you're a PhD at Purdue?

Yup, you can apply for a couple positions with the OWL. As you can imagine, those spots are insanely competitive. I'm not much of a digital guy, so I probably won't bother to apply.

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You're in at NYU! It's one of the best universities in the world! 6 months from now, any stress or heartbreak over rejections will be a distant memory.

Seriously. I would give my lower intestine to attend NYU... and die shortly thereafter.

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Can we please rip the band-aid off, Columbia/Texas/Rutgers? PLEASE? The waiting/incessant email checking is making me crazy.

I'm still operating with radio silence from 9 programs! This is my life right now: Check Email. Check Grad Cafe Results. Check Grad Cafe Forums. Gnash Teeth. Immediately Repeat.

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I'm still operating with radio silence from 9 programs! This is my life right now: Check Email. Check Grad Cafe Results. Check Grad Cafe Forums. Gnash Teeth. Immediately Repeat.

I read this post and thought, "I don't remember writing that." Then I realized I didn't write this.

Edit: I'm posting this from my phone because I can't wait 20 minutes until I get back to my computer, so I checked my email, results, and forum via 3G. :/

Edited by Stately Plump
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I had a dream last night that Texas rescinded their offer to me, "because of my lack of enthusiasm at my admission." I'm serious.

On another note, I've only heard back from 5 programs (out of 17). Wait-listed at Pitt and accepted at Texas (during waking hours, anyway). I feel so guilty because while I really am OVERJOYED about Texas's program, I really don't want to live in the heat. Almost all my programs were in the north. Is it horrible of me to be less excited because of where it's located? (Also, my SO and I both applied this year and he didn't apply anywhere in Texas...)

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aeplo, that was exactly my reaction last year with Austin. I'm happy to be in Minnesota where it is not hot right now. It is in fact lightly snowing big, fluffy snowflakes :) I think location matters a lot. Good luck with your decision!

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I had a dream last night that Texas rescinded their offer to me, "because of my lack of enthusiasm at my admission." I'm serious.

On another note, I've only heard back from 5 programs (out of 17). Wait-listed at Pitt and accepted at Texas (during waking hours, anyway). I feel so guilty because while I really am OVERJOYED about Texas's program, I really don't want to live in the heat. Almost all my programs were in the north. Is it horrible of me to be less excited because of where it's located? (Also, my SO and I both applied this year and he didn't apply anywhere in Texas...)

The fact that it doesn't get freezing cold was such a draw for me. Then again I grew up in the desert...

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I had a dream last night that Texas rescinded their offer to me, "because of my lack of enthusiasm at my admission." I'm serious.

On another note, I've only heard back from 5 programs (out of 17). Wait-listed at Pitt and accepted at Texas (during waking hours, anyway). I feel so guilty because while I really am OVERJOYED about Texas's program, I really don't want to live in the heat. Almost all my programs were in the north. Is it horrible of me to be less excited because of where it's located? (Also, my SO and I both applied this year and he didn't apply anywhere in Texas...)

17 schools?! That sounds exhausting!

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Sometimes I feel concerned that even though I got accepted I won't be able to write quality papers anymore, somehow this whole "take a year off" thing is messing with my head. Okay, so I got in... now what? What if I suck in graduate school? That would be a nightmare!!!

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Sometimes I feel concerned that even though I got accepted I won't be able to write quality papers anymore, somehow this whole "take a year off" thing is messing with my head. Okay, so I got in... now what? What if I suck in graduate school? That would be a nightmare!!!

YUP, Same here.

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Hey, look at it this way: you spend the whole application process telling schools "This is what I'm going to study! Here's this incredibly specific and totally impressive project, which is totally what I will end up writing my dissertation on and researching about for the rest of my career!" And then you get there and they're like, "Ha, you have no idea who you are now. Your focus will be totally different in two years. Fill your mind up with knowledge and don't step on the rug."

I get that the point is to show that you know what a scholarly focus is, and that the real job is to signal that you're an academic, but the whole process seems kind of disingenuous.

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I get that the point is to show that you know what a scholarly focus is, and that the real job is to signal that you're an academic, but the whole process seems kind of disingenuous.

I agree, and it really pisses me off. It's like a test - look, you can formulate a research interest! Isn't that cute?

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Sometimes I feel concerned that even though I got accepted I won't be able to write quality papers anymore, somehow this whole "take a year off" thing is messing with my head. Okay, so I got in... now what? What if I suck in graduate school? That would be a nightmare!!!


Yeah, 17. Exhausting and expensive. Really it was only 16 and a mistake. And it was only that many because I'm applying with a partner. We applied to more schools than normal in hopes of getting within a few hours. Doesn't look like that's going to happen, so far.

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antecedent: I'm glad to know that others feel the same way. I think getting rejected from some universities and accepted at others sometimes can make you feel like your skills are somehow diminished with each rejection. That is what rejection inherently is isn't it?... Even though I've gotten in somewhere, I feel so far away from academia-- as I'm currently working two jobs, 1 as a (thankfully) well paid tutor of primarily elementary age students, and 2 as an office assistant -- that getting back into the swing of things seems nearly impossible. I'm not, nor do I think anyone is a perfect writer, but I there is an endless amount of room for improvement regardless of how many "A" papers I wrote while obtaining my Bachelors degree... Then there is thinking about moving miles away with my boyfriend who I have never lived with while simultaneously being anxious about writing amazing papers and making a great impression on my new professors. It is SO MUCH to think about. Life is changing people! And it is a scary/exciting thing!

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antecedent: I'm glad to know that others feel the same way. I think getting rejected from some universities and accepted at others sometimes can make you feel like your skills are somehow diminished with each rejection. That is what rejection inherently is isn't it?... Even though I've gotten in somewhere, I feel so far away from academia-- as I'm currently working two jobs, 1 as a (thankfully) well paid tutor of primarily elementary age students, and 2 as an office assistant -- that getting back into the swing of things seems nearly impossible. I'm not, nor do I think anyone is a perfect writer, but I there is an endless amount of room for improvement regardless of how many "A" papers I wrote while obtaining my Bachelors degree... Then there is thinking about moving miles away with my boyfriend who I have never lived with while simultaneously being anxious about writing amazing papers and making a great impression on my new professors. It is SO MUCH to think about. Life is changing people! And it is a scary/exciting thing!

Yeah man, for my job I basically write perfunctory emails all day long to barely literate hobbyists and irate parents, and it has made me reconsider my ability to string more that a paragraph together at a time. I'm glad that no matter the program I end up in I will have a few years of coursework to kick my ass into shape! Though I've been thinking maybe I should take a summer course as a bit of a warm up...

I agree, applying to grad school would be easy if it was just about book learnin', but it isn't that simple! Figuring out how I'm going to afford it, and how I'm going to maintain a long distance relationship, and how I'm going to afford to maintain a long distance relationship, has all been gnawing away at me too! Not to mention the occasional bout of imposter syndrome (only really present when I think about PhD programs but still).

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