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Post-Acceptance Stress & Misc. Banter

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Rawwww, I'ma give it to ya! --With no trivia!

Raw like cocaine straight from Bolivia

My HipHop will rock and shock the nation

like the Emancipation Proclamation

Weak emcees approach with slang that's dead

You might as well run into the wall and bang your head

I'm pushin force; my force your doubtin

I'm makin' devils cower to the Caucus Mountains...

Edited by koolherc
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Has anyone else started freaking out about the logistics of moving? Apparently now that the anxiety due to waiting is over I must now suffer from the stress of finding housing and planning the move without having the time or the funds to really make it happen.

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Has anyone else started freaking out about the logistics of moving? Apparently now that the anxiety due to waiting is over I must now suffer from the stress of finding housing and planning the move without having the time or the funds to really make it happen.

Last night I had trouble sleeping, and, according to my partner, at one point in the wee hours I sat up straight in bed and yelled, "And how are we going to move???" None of the programs I'm considering would be quite as epic as Timshel's 2500 miles (good luck!!) or (edited to add) athousandlemmings' 3151 miles (major league good luck!!), but yes, feeling y'all on this. Of course, this is not even the least of my problems, because I'm freakishly attached to all three programs I'm considering and generally have no idea what to do and am completely overwhelmed by a good fortune I neither expected nor remotely planned for. (How many pro/con lists can one sane person possibly make before she is no longer considered a sane person?) And on that rambling note ...

Edited by pinkrobot
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I'm looking at 4,388 miles for my farthest potential move. Hopefully one or more of my parents will agree to holding on to a few boxes of things for me so I don't have to sell/donate half of my things. I guess it's one way to combat any latent hoarder tendencies, eh?

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looking at some of the posts about loans in "the bank" has made me realize how lucky all of us are who have gotten into fully-funded, stipend-granting programs... at first i guess i just saw it as affirmation that my work wasn't shit, but now it truly does seem like winning a lottery.

Edited by vordhosbntwin
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looking at some of the posts about loans in "the bank" has made me realize how lucky all of us are who have gotten into fully-funded, stipend-granting programs... at first i guess i just saw it as affirmation that my work wasn't shit, but now it truly does seem like winning a lottery.

This. I promise I will never think ill-favored thoughts of anyone again. (Okay, that's taking it far - amendment: I will never voice mean thoughts of anyone every again to any but my five best friends.)

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Oh wow, the MOVES. My potential moves right now are only about 2000 miles (ha, ONLY), so I guess I can't complain (lucky I live in the middle of the country, I guess).

Still, um. I am in the boat of: how the hell do I MOVE?

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I would just like to say that today I found out that I went 1 for 6. Got a rejection from my undergraduate institution. If I hadn't already accepted an offer, I'm fairly confident I would be having a meltdown right about now. Man, this process is brutal...

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Oh wow, the MOVES. My potential moves right now are only about 2000 miles (ha, ONLY), so I guess I can't complain (lucky I live in the middle of the country, I guess).

Still, um. I am in the boat of: how the hell do I MOVE?

This! A small part of me wants to take my offer with the most funding just to offset moving (or leaving/trying to sell everything and buying all new furniture) costs. Plus visa costs, airfare, damage deposits, blah, blah, blah.

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This! A small part of me wants to take my offer with the most funding just to offset moving (or leaving/trying to sell everything and buying all new furniture) costs. Plus visa costs, airfare, damage deposits, blah, blah, blah.

I'm pretty happy that my top choice among acceptances is offering the most money ... but I'm still in the "leaving/trying to sell everything and buying all new furniture" boat. I'm pretty okay with getting rid of all my furniture--though I'm going to miss the queen-sized bed I got for free--but my main conundrum is what to do with my books. When I moved from my undergrad to my MA program, I loaded all the books I had (half as many as now) into my brothers car, and the car tilted all the way back on the back wheels. Now, how the hell am I going to transport my library four times as far away?

Has anybody dealt with this? I'm thinking of doing a bunch of those UPS flat-rate boxes ... I can't imagine going through a PhD without all the books that got me to this point (and that many that I bought with a PhD in mind).

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3151 miles according to Google Maps (CA to Boston). If I wanted to drive over there, it'd cost $800 in gas alone. Yikes

I did this last year (although the move was actually from London, UK) and it was really very fun... but, yeah, expensive as hell.

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I wish I had less stuff, but that just isn't realistic for me. My husband and I have 10 years worth of stuff we've accumulated together, and there is no way I can get rid of all that, so I'm going to have to pay for the UHaul and the gas for said UHaul to take my stuff 2500 miles. FML

If I were you I would seriously consider getting a quote from an actual and reputable cross-country/international moving company before committing to U-Haul. I've looked into how much U-Haul would cost for about that distance, and with gas (and not even including the motel/hotel/B&Bs you'll have to stay in along the way or the food/other expenses you'll incur), it came to a good $3000 for the mid-size U-Haul truck. Maybe that's just what the Canadian site quotes, though, and maybe if you're in the States it's cheaper, but I can tell you definitively a moving company would weirdly be less for an equivalent amount of stuff (if you don't add on the packing service). I also shied away from the U-Haul option because of security--when I go through my stuff to see what I want to keep, undoubtedly I'll want to keep my books and more expensive items (or wedding/other photo albums, knick-knacks we've picked up on trips, and assorted other sentimental items), which I do not really want to leave in a not very secure truck at night when I'm staying goodness knows where.

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I've been looking at the pod moving where you rent a pod and fill it yourself with your stuff, they haul it across country on a commercial truck, and then you unload it when you get there. For me, I'm more concerned about how I can afford to get anything across country and still pay first, last, and a security deposit.

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