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Post-Acceptance Stress & Misc. Banter

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Okay, here's a question: why isn't there a single good pizza joint in Williamsburg? Fornino is good, but too "artisanal" for my taste; Grandma Rose's is fine for greasy cheesy shiz; Best Pizza is pretty good, but wayyyyy overpriced. Where do I turn? Where is that magic NYC pizza slice I have always heard so much about?

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Besides, I'm not worried about getting murdered; I'm worried about getting accosted by a stupid subway performer. WHY IS IT NECESSARY TO PLAY A FULL DRUMSET IN THE STATION? In fact, I wish the NYTimes would make a map like this for subway performers so I could try to move far away from the most densely populated stations.

Sometimes when that is happening, I think I'd like to be murdered.

:D This is a great idea....my current commute includes a guy who serenades passengers with jaunty accordian music. Another route features a lady who awkwardly sings opera between stops. It was amusing the first day....two years ago.

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:D This is a great idea....my current commute includes a guy who serenades passengers with jaunty accordian music.

I consistently see two accordion acts. One is a pair with both guys having really sleepy looking eyes. The other is a solo guy that looks kind of like a stocky Italian; he's pretty good. Are either of them the one you see?

I like the subway musicians. :unsure:

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I just want to say that reading this thread makes me so thankful that I only have one acceptance. Sure, each rejection stings a little, but at least I don't have to make any hard decisions. I told myself from the beginning I only needed one, and I'm as indecisive as a mofo, so getting into just one, especially one of my top choices, has cut my stress level in half!

From day one I always thought I'd only get into 1 school (IF THAT) and not have to make any hard choices. I never ever envisioned getting into more than one being a problem.

Not to mention... UCR... awesome. :)

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I consistently see two accordion acts. One is a pair with both guys having really sleepy looking eyes. The other is a solo guy that looks kind of like a stocky Italian; he's pretty good. Are either of them the one you see?

I like the subway musicians. :unsure:

I'd like them more if they'd vary their repetoire a bit. My accordian guy plays the same song from the Godfather every time.

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Trip- (sorry I'm not quoting- on an iPhone) supposedy Totonno's and Grimaldi's are the best but they're not in BillyB. Only place I've eaten in Williamsburg is Peter Luger, though I've been meaning to try Sea, the Thai place.

I've also heard that Di Fara's is good, though it's failed a number of health inspections. Since my current campus is on the Midwood line I should just go over there after school someday.

Whenever there are super-hyped places such as Grimaldi's, et. al., I always get too high of expectations and then hate it. But, I'll go before I leave Brooklyn if it kills me. I love pizza. LOVE it.

Sea is overrated. Khao Sarn on Bedford is better. Sea is super loaded with sugar and salt, which is good when I want to eat junk thai food, but that isn't all the time. My favorite restaurants in this area are El Almacen and Five Leaves. Pies 'n' Thighs is also freaking amazing. I want to eat at all three of those places on endless loop.

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The best pizza I've had in the last 5 years is at John & Joe's in the Bronx on Lydig Avenue, off of White Plains Rd. Also the best garlic knots. And a good eggplant parmigiana. According to that homocides map, you're only likely to die on the way there, but not while you're eating at the restaurant.

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The best pizza I've had in the last 5 years is at John & Joe's in the Bronx on Lydig Avenue, off of White Plains Rd. Also the best garlic knots. And a good eggplant parmigiana. According to that homocides map, you're only likely to die on the way there, but not while you're eating at the restaurant.

:lol: Their tagline: "Our pizza is to DIE FOR."

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Any good Ethiopian in Brooklyn / anywhere in NYC? I am a little bit obsessed. And now hungry. Damn you all. <_<

A couple of good spots in west Harlem. Also, an expensive place I've never been to down by NYU.

I was recently at a Senegalese place called Keur Sokhna on Adam Clayton Powell. That was some delicious stuff. Went with a friend who lived there for two years and she was having nostalgia-flavor-orgasms, figuratively speaking.

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:lol: Their tagline: "Our pizza is to DIE FOR."

:lol: :lol:

Seriously though, after a set of 10 deliciously greasy garlic knots for $1, you are indeed taking your life into your own hands

edit: Oh oh! And the stromboli! Holy sh*t.

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A couple of good spots in west Harlem. Also, an expensive place I've never been to down by NYU.

I was recently at a Senegalese place called Keur Sokhna on Adam Clayton Powell. That was some delicious stuff. Went with a friend who lived there for two years and she was having nostalgia-flavor-orgasms, figuratively speaking.

Thanks! I also checked out The Queen of Sheba (quick google search), seems good. I neeed ethiopian when I visit next month haha!

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I just want to say that reading this thread makes me so thankful that I only have one acceptance. Sure, each rejection stings a little, but at least I don't have to make any hard decisions. I told myself from the beginning I only needed one, and I'm as indecisive as a mofo, so getting into just one, especially one of my top choices, has cut my stress level in half!

ME TOO. Every (implicit) rejection makes me think, "yesssss, March is going to be SO CAREFREE!" I only applied to the programs where I would LOVE to spend 5-6 years, so the "only needed one" thing has been particularly true for me.

I'm so grateful :) (though if I'm 1 for 8 I might get a few of those impostor feelings)

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I only applied to the programs where I would LOVE to spend 5-6 years, so the "only needed one" thing has been particularly true for me.

I did this. Now I can't focus on anything because all I want to do every minute of everyday is research about the programs. The rejections I've gotten since then have been marginally difficult, but then I just keep reminding myself that the decision's going to be that much harder if I have more than three to choose from.

And hazelbite, I still have impostor feelings. I feel like someone didn't read my SOP right or something. Or was deluded into thinking that my research is actually important in some way.

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I feel like someone didn't read my SOP right or something. Or was deluded into thinking that my research is actually important in some way.

To be fair, our research doesn't have to be important to get in somewhere, we just had to demonstrate that eventually we'll be making important work.

Furthermore, the scholarship that I love reading is hardly ever "important"... I like the quirky stuff.

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