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Fall 2013 Applicants?


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Finished my interview with Penn. It was just a couple faculty members. I think it went well, though I felt pretty rattled afterwards because I sort of blanked on the question, "Do you have any questions for us?" I asked a few things about the graduate cohort and how committees work.

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Hello all! I'm a newbie and have been agonizing over upcoming decisions as well! Anyone know who posted the South Asia PhD interviewed for NYU? I applied as well and am fretting that I have not heard anything...

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For those of you waiting on Princeton, I just wanted to give you a heads up that the final meeting takes place today. The central bureaucracy confirmed the list. Accepted students should be hearing very soon! Good luck! 


That's terrifying and exciting -- thanks for the tip!  I wonder if this means that we might hear tomorrow, then?  (Today seems unlikely...)


Also, we discussed this a few pages back, but I just thought I'd throw it out there again: does anyone have any more information about Yale and interviews this year?  It does seem suspicious that there hasn't been a wave of interviews posted, and last year they happened in mid- to late-January.  I wonder if they've nixed the interviews, if they're behind schedule, or if people with interviews just haven't been posting?

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Goodness. Every day I check into the results page and check out the UW-Madison information. My SO keeps asking if news has been posted yet, regarding my application, ever since I mentioned the results were rolling out. He's probably my biggest cheerleader.


I think there is five now accepted to Madison. No rejections posted, so I thought to look at last year's information. I think Madison likes to mail out its acceptances first, and then a few days later the rejections are posted. Is that the general strategy for the program? Or am I trying to read tea leaves here? 


So yeah, how are the rest of the UW-Madison applicants feeling? 

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I need to vent - three UK schools have had issues with my references that I know for a fact were emailed, mailed, and/or resent multiple times. I keep getting emails (sometimes weeks after I've inquired, another pet peeve) that claim one department has one or two or none of them and if I could email a different department to find out and then have the references emailed to another department, etc. I'm afraid my referees will never want to write me a recommendation letter again!  :angry:


There has got to be an easier way to prevent all this confusion concerning international applicants!!!


OK, I'm done and tired.

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I didn't have any problems applying to UK schools (Maryland however...) but I completely feel your frustration at the international student application process. St Andrews didn't care and Aber made a huge deal of it.

The emailing bit- I don't know why, but with the exception of one or two people, nobody in the UK seems to be fast at emailing back at universities.

I give you a massive hug and a cuppa!

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Goodness. Every day I check into the results page and check out the UW-Madison information. My SO keeps asking if news has been posted yet, regarding my application, ever since I mentioned the results were rolling out. He's probably my biggest cheerleader.


I think there is five now accepted to Madison. No rejections posted, so I thought to look at last year's information. I think Madison likes to mail out its acceptances first, and then a few days later the rejections are posted. Is that the general strategy for the program? Or am I trying to read tea leaves here? 


So yeah, how are the rest of the UW-Madison applicants feeling? 

Heh - I'm thinking that if we don't receive an acceptance or rejection in the mail this week, we're probably second-round draft picks and are on the unofficial waiting list.  Beginning to think I might not be as good a fit for that department as I had initially thought, since I haven't heard a peep. :P I'm checking religiously just like you, though!



I need to vent - three UK schools have had issues with my references that I know for a fact were emailed, mailed, and/or resent multiple times. I keep getting emails (sometimes weeks after I've inquired, another pet peeve) that claim one department has one or two or none of them and if I could email a different department to find out and then have the references emailed to another department, etc. I'm afraid my referees will never want to write me a recommendation letter again!  :angry:


There has got to be an easier way to prevent all this confusion concerning international applicants!!!


OK, I'm done and tired.

I'm sorry the recommendation process is giving you so much trouble!  That was the most stressful part of my applications...and I wasn't even applying overseas!  Try to hang in there! :)

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Heh - I'm thinking that if we don't receive an acceptance or rejection in the mail this week, we're probably second-round draft picks and are on the unofficial waiting list.  Beginning to think I might not be as good a fit for that department as I had initially thought, since I haven't heard a peep. :P I'm checking religiously just like you, though!


I'm glad I'm not alone! I just keep seeing these people getting responses, and I'm just checking and checking. /: I don't know if I dare to hope that I'm in the "second-round draft picks." I think my lack of fluency in Japanese is a major deciding factor in my application for the program. Most programs discouraged me from applying because I had only studied Japanese for three years, and my POI at Madison was actually pretty happy with my three years of study.  


Plus, I got really annoyed at myself when I realized my SOP for the UW-Madison app had an annoying spelling mistake... in the first paragraph.  Of course, it's only a tiny error, but hey, hopefully the next week or so is more revealing regarding our status.  



I feel your frustration. I hope it gets settled soon.


I had to apply to two programs that were international. Both did mail applications (thus mail in letters of rec), though one had the strangest requirements/rules for the letters of recommendation that I have ever seen. I felt so bad giving my LORs a paragraph explaining the exact formatting the program wanted.

Edited by aec09g
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Delurking again to ask if those of you who've gotten funded acceptances would mind giving me a bit of advice. >.< This is going to sound really stupid, but how can I tell if the offer I've gotten is competitive or not? Slash, how negotiable, if at all, are they?

Heh - well, anything beginning with "fully funded" is pretty competitive in my book! ;) It might also depend on the cost of living in the areas each school is in and how livable your fundable would be.


You've probably already thought of these basics, though!  Sorry I don't have any better advice! :)

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Heh - I'm thinking that if we don't receive an acceptance or rejection in the mail this week, we're probably second-round draft picks and are on the unofficial waiting list.  Beginning to think I might not be as good a fit for that department as I had initially thought, since I haven't heard a peep. :P I'm checking religiously just like you, though!


This is another concern I've had, although I guess it's not really one I'll really have the luxury to be concerned with until I have some sort of acceptance in hand. But still - is it even a good idea to go to a school that's clearly playing that waiting game to your application, and only maybe begrudgingly admitted you when others dropped off the radar screen?

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Delurking again to ask if those of you who've gotten funded acceptances would mind giving me a bit of advice. >.< This is going to sound really stupid, but how can I tell if the offer I've gotten is competitive or not? Slash, how negotiable, if at all, are they?

You need to be able to (modestly) live off of it, which depends on where it is. You should also consider if there are student fees (ask about this) that are not covered and that you would be paying out of pocket, as that reduces your stipend. How many years did they offer? (I'm not willing to go anywhere that doesn't give me 5 guaranteed). Consider also how much theyre going to make you work too, as in, what's the required teaching load. You can PM me if you want some sort of comparison, as I have a funded offer.

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Goodness. Every day I check into the results page and check out the UW-Madison information. My SO keeps asking if news has been posted yet, regarding my application, ever since I mentioned the results were rolling out. He's probably my biggest cheerleader.


I think there is five now accepted to Madison. No rejections posted, so I thought to look at last year's information. I think Madison likes to mail out its acceptances first, and then a few days later the rejections are posted. Is that the general strategy for the program? Or am I trying to read tea leaves here? 


So yeah, how are the rest of the UW-Madison applicants feeling? 


I'm feeling.....nervous. Especially so because I live within a day or two's post from Madison and have not heard anything from them. I think some of you guys and gals have a better chance since you're nearly done (or are done) with your M.A. and I applied straight out of undergraduate. One of my professors that recommended me told me straight up I would not get in there, but I'd love to be able to prove him wrong  :P

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People wondering about NYU:


In the past, NYU has held an interview weekend fairly late (sometime in March, IIRC). It is a strange beast, as interviews go. Not everyone who gets invited to interview, ultimately gets in. On the flip side, not everyone who is ultimately admitted gets an interview! It doesn't seem to break down evenly by subfield, either.


So, no news from NYU when other people are hearing back about interviews is not necessarily time to give up.

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I'm feeling.....nervous. Especially so because I live within a day or two's post from Madison and have not heard anything from them. I think some of you guys and gals have a better chance since you're nearly done (or are done) with your M.A. and I applied straight out of undergraduate. One of my professors that recommended me told me straight up I would not get in there, but I'd love to be able to prove him wrong  :P


Nope. Not alone. I'm applying straight out an undergraduate program, and I was really intimidated by the program. I talked to a lot of PhD track programs. Most said I needed to become fluent in Japanese to become really competitive or do an MA. So I am applying to MA programs as well. However, the POI at Madison talked to me for a near hour about the program, her research, my research, and basically said I should go ahead and apply, despite my lack of fluency. So it ended up being the only PhD program I applied to. 


I feel completely inadequate in comparison to the program, but I love the faculty there. >.< 

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Don't worry about the "competitiveness" of your funding packages UNTIL you have ANOTHER funded offer.  Without that, you just have a choice of whether to take that particular offer or just not go to the PhD program this fall.  It's very hard to ask for more or know how *competitive* it is when you have nothing to compare/bargain with.  it's like job offers- companies aren't going to increase your salary package unless you have another one and they want you to work for them.


Here's a dirty secret about PhD programs: Money is a very sensitive topic for graduate students, even at well-funded programs.  Pay close attention to what students have to say when you ask about stipends being livable and department support for research and summer funding.  Pay very close attention- their responses will give you an indication of two things 1) Department's financial health and 2) Attitude towards the current (hierarchical) system.  Tread lightly, even on these boards.

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Are Wednesdays off-limits for some reason?


Because I don't think they'll do it on Friday for various reasons about the way classes work, and professors will want to email people to woe them as soon as the acceptances go out.  They've sent it out thursdays the last few cycles.

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Any unfunded offer is a rejection.  There is no reason, no matter how good the program, to pay anything for a History PhD.  Between 3 and 5 years are reasonable offers, any school that offers three years of funding, ask how their disertation students fund themselves.  When the offers come in weigh them against each other with pros and cons, but know that you will be poor. 


Don't think you can bargin for more money.  There are people on this board who have, but it's a very tricky thing and a massive mine field.

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This is another concern I've had, although I guess it's not really one I'll really have the luxury to be concerned with until I have some sort of acceptance in hand. But still - is it even a good idea to go to a school that's clearly playing that waiting game to your application, and only maybe begrudgingly admitted you when others dropped off the radar screen?

Good point!  I'd obviously much rather attend a program where I was clearly a first choice...but I also figure that beggars can't be choosers, and we poor PhD applicants need all the acceptances we can get...however/whenever they arrive! :)

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It looks like it already (sort of) broke one person's heart, at least if he/she was intent on the History Dept. (the app that was transferred to East Asian Studies).


I'm too afraid to check the website to see if they've done anything to mine. Just going to wait on the mass email...

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A relatively quiet Monday.... any idea when Columbia will break people's hearts?


Yes, much too quiet! I'm getting Carpal Tunnel Syndrome from hitting "refresh" so often.


Here's to a "louder" Tuesday (from celebration noises! I hope!)

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