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Give our department a little more credit... people factor in for the idea that not everyone is going to accept and I'd imagine that a lot of the pending acceptances are from profs that haven't really figured out who they want to admit yet.

Take your time, figure it out, UCSD waitlists a bunch of people each year and we haven't even gotten to that point. When people are actually officially on a waitlist then you might want to go ahead and begin the process of feeling guilty. No need to do it now, feeling guilty this early is just overachieving. :)

Any insider info? Maybe ask them when they are going to send out all the decision?

Any insider info? Maybe ask them when they are going to send out all the decision?

Before April 15th. :) (Actually looking at the results page if you get waitlisted you have the fun distinction of hearing back after sometimes...)

Yeah, the department's a bit weird, if you look through the history on the results search you'll see that UCSD's sends notifications all over the place. Generally the way the process works from what people have told me about it is that professors look at the list of students and say "hey I want X and I'll fund them!" I don't think masters works this way, no idea.

I wish i had more information that I could share with you, but I really don't know much. I know the first round list has been completed though, so generally no news is worse news as time goes on. So... just... wait and hope? :) I haven't heard back either, it's a bit of a bummer.

Well, isnt the visit day on March 12-13th? then what about the students who get accepted afterwards?

Well... first I'm not sure how many students will get accepted after that point, I wouldn't expect a huge wave. That said, the people the department really wants to court are more or less likely to get a response before the visit day so they can show up. (Or at least, the professors who are at all on the ball already have put the students they really want to court on the list by then... maybe you are awesome but the professor you want to work with doesn't pay attention to admissions... who knows.)

I think it's probably best I issue the following as a disclaimer so none of you get the impression I actually know what I'm talking about: I have spoken with zero people on this year's adcom about how the actual adcom part works. My information is all second or third hand and tells me only a little about how the process is structured, that's it. I do not read the minds of the admissions committee. I will be as surprised as anyone else on this board when they get around to releasing more admits, waitlists and rejections.


I was accepted in the ms-computer science and engineering program.

I am an international student with GPA that is 9.5 /10.

I have one published article, been to many international robotic competition, and have worked on many research projects involving AI.

My GRE was low, 630 in Qua. 570 in verbal.

My country only funds for PhD, is it possible to chance my application still???..:(


I don't think it is possible to change your application now - you may re-apply for PhD next year.


Hi everybody,

I need heelp.

I was accepted in the PhD program of ucsb and in the Ms program of UCSD. :mrgreen:

My main focus is research but I applied to Ms in UCSD because my GRE was very low and I thought it would be easier to get in.

I like the research that is done in UCSD soooOOoo much more as what the UCSB computer science department has.

What do you guys think is best to do?


The PhD is what I want to do. But the courses, and professors of UCSD look so much more cautivating.


matze -

It would be much easier to get into any given phd program if you have a solid contact at the school..

If you have the opportunity to make an impression on a professor, it's very possible to extend your stay for a PhD. I'd say it's especially true if you can show them that you are genuinely interested in their particular research projects. If UCSD is where you want to go, I would do it.

congrats, btw

Good news, bad news?

If you haven't already got an acceptance, that's bad news. If you got a rejection today, that's bad news. Everything else is just news. It's extremely unclear how they decided who to reject today. I suppose if we knew the profiles of everyone who got rejected we might be able to find a little more, but my GPA is low and my last name and first name start near the beginning of the alphabet and I haven't heard anything... so... there's a few possible things they could have been going by and aren't.

Nothing yet for me either. Good news, bad news?

Not sure, but I'm in the same boat with UIUC as well. I have a feeling if we do get admits, it'll be without funding so I'm not holding my breath.

also they might not be done for the day (it isn't even 5 yet in san diego). i just got my rejection a few moments ago.

Also got my rejection. Oh well.


Oh well. At least I got my first acceptance from Rutgers today, so it balances out a bit.

BTW, I got a rejection from UCSB as well, that copied the UCSD one verbattim :P

That was a bit cruel...seems like the California education system doesn't want me there...


I'm still waiting to hear back from UCSD. I only applied to the masters program though. I only see a couple master students being accepted on the results search, has anyone else been accepted?


I haven't heard back too.. but they had sent out this mail when notifying that my application was complete which said:

"The Admissions Committee will be reviewing files throughout January and will start sending notices on a rolling basis to applicants beginning in February. However, decisions on admission and rejection will continue to be made until mid-April. Every applicant will receive an email notification of either admission or rejection by the end of this period."

So, you can only wait and hope for the best till mid-April!

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